
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · 电影同人
186 Chs

Reactions [74]

Earlier that day

Pov Change

Inside the Kamen Rider headquarters, there were a bunch of people grouped up next to each other and they seemed to be all be watching one thing.

On the screen what was being played was a live video of the beginning of a fight between a Kamen rider and this game creator.

"I knew he was nuts but  to actually challenge the game creator...."Keiwa said upon looking at the screen he was left stunned and didn't know what else to say.

Aaron may have been on the crazy side but he thought that maybe he had some good sense on him but after witnessing what was currently happening on the screen he dismissed his thoughts immediatly.

Although it would be nice to just say he was just insane,Keiwa felt like someting was off,Aaron was never confident without a reason no matter who he fought,his ingenuity always made him come up on top.

The question now was...what was he thinking...

"He probably has game plan"Ace added in the background as he look at the way that Aaron fought something in him told him that this man was hiding something he wonder what it could be and if it could lead him to finding his mother.

"what do you mean Ace-san"Neon said upon hearing Ace words.

"For all the fights he is been on and even when he first came here,what did you notice"Ace asked looking at Neon.

"He has been doing random things that dont make sense most of the time,he pranked alot and seem to never take anything seriously"Neon added to which said.

"Were they really random actions,i wonder"Ace said in a contemplenting tone.

"heh"Keiwa said confused not getting where Ace was trying to get at.

"I would plead otherwise,"Ace said much to every confusion.

"His action do seem random before you put into effect the name the people from the future gave him..."Ace added.

"His name as the anomaly..what does that have to do with anything"Keiwa added to which Ace reply

"Everything really,his status as the anomaly meant that if he were to appear as threat whatever he came here to do would have been much more difficult"Ace added to which Keiwa confusion seem to clear up alot more.

"Are you saying that he acted like this"Keiwa added to which Ace just said "No,i do think that Aaron truth personality,"

"He however did use it to do some that he just say he did out of dumb luck and everyone must have believed it because his perceive image was that of an idiot that made jokes."

"Keiwa you should have realize it by now he used on you during the lion game didnt he"Ace said looking at Keiwa who pondered on it for a bit,before a light of recognition appeared on his face.

"You wouldnt have fallen for his tricks if he had acted any other ways,in other words he used the prebuilt image you had of him over only knowing for a short while to trick you into thinking he did what he said"Ace added.

Ace decided to not say anything after that as he already had said what he wanted to say,he left everyone to their own thought before after a few second of letting them ponder their thought he opened his mouth and said "And i dont think someone that was smart enough into tricking the whole dgp into thinking he was just an idiot with great luck would go into that fight without a plan"

"So what if he has a plan,Suel sama would crush him like the bug he is"Chirami said sounding pissed.

The glare he got from everyone in the room made him wish that he had shut his mouth and dint say anything at all.

"What its the truth,Suel-sama has complete control over the goddess of creation so even if he was about to lose he could use her"Chirami added as his eyes landed on his face.

He was not pleased to see the anomaly landing hits on Suel-sama and the way he fought,it was so random so unpredictable...

Meanwhile somewhere else.

Michinaga all bandaged up look at the screen of Aaron fighting Suel,his wounds hadnt fully heal from their earlier encounter and for some weird reason he felt as if he had nearly dodged death yet again.

He would like to kill Aaron himself but if the game creator do it,he may hate it as he is prideful but that atleast his biggest threat dealth with although he did wish those two idiots kill each other.

That would help his plan greatly.

Beroba on the other hand was having a field day with this ,she wanted to see him suffer for all he did,although she did feel a bit empty as she wanted to be the one making him suffer but that what matter now,as long as he was dead.

She watched the screen before she saw Suel summoned the goddess of creation,she had a wide grin on her face as she saw a card appeared on his hands.

A few second later a melodic sound of a bell resonated throughout the the abadonned city, she could hear it and it seem like it was accompanied by subtle shrinking noises that seemed to envelop Aaron from all directions.

"What's happening to me?" Aaron questioned, his voice revealing a hint of vulnerability as he dropped to his knees. Upon seing Aaron dropping to his knees,she smile and started to laugh,yes finally he was going to be erased.

But that soon enough stopped upon seing him laugh a few second later,her laughter soon turn to confusion as she and the people looking at the screen realized that the goddess of creation statue was nothing more than just a mere statue.

As Aaron hinted at him having stolen the status of creation,she was confused before Suel words echo in her ears.

"You stole it after fighting Beroba didnt you"

Upon hearing those words she felt confuse before feeling a huge amount of hatred in unadulered fury for this anomaly....How dare he use her.The fucking gall.

Pov shift

Contrary to Beroba reaction to Aaron being weakened by the goddess of creation being used on him,mostly everyone excluding Chirami and ace was being scared for Aaron safety.

"Guess he didnt plan for that"Chirami said to which Ace reply"He did"

and upon those words leaving his mouth everyone in the room had a confused expression.

And at this instant they all heard Aaron laughter and upon the revealed that Aaron was acting once again and the fact that the goddess of creation seem to have been stolen some confusion set in before they all realize who stole it as Suel revealed it.

Keiwa and Neon stood shock at the realization while Tsumuri couldnt really believe it at first...Was everything he did here a lie,was the same person teasing him the same person on the screen.

She didnt know how to feel





Meanwhile in the producer area.

Niram was seen being accompagnied by a lady holding a tablet and as everything was revealed he just laugh a bit upon looking at the screen,his intrusion were right after all,Aaron was more then he let on.

Everyone pov

Upon seeing Suel answer though he did think it was over along with every viewer as Aaron seem unable to keep up with him,

Although Niram found something weird.... Aaron was laughing which meant he probably had a plan.Chirami was about to go on his d rider Suel streak before everyone else heard Aaron say it as soon as Suel transformed.

"Gotchu bitch"

As those words left the anomaly, he started...transform???

"Your fate has been sealed."