
The anomaly in the Kamen Rider Universe

A new competitor appears in the Desire Grand Prix! Who is he? What is his objectives? Ah, who am I kidding, he's probably going to be roublesome, isn't he? A/N none of the character belong to me, the only character I own are the OCS, this is just a fanfiction.

ThePpp_Pppp · Movies
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186 Chs

The massacre (75)

"This is going to be a massacre, and I will make sure your face kisses the floor a lot," Aaron declared with a confident grin.

As Aaron spoke those words to the world, Suel barely had time to blink before Aaron was right in front of him. In the next second, Suel found himself on the floor, then in the sky, and the next moment, he was being flung through five buildings.

His body took a while to register the damage before it all loaded in at the same time. The devastating force of Aaron's assault left Suel reeling, struggling to comprehend the speed and precision of the anomaly's attacks.

Suel's mind raced as confusion and frustration clouded his thoughts. How could this anomaly overwhelm him so easily? The Regad Omega form, supposedly the pinnacle of his power, seemed inadequate against the onslaught unleashed by Aaron and his mysterious armor. He couldn't fathom how the tables had turned so swiftly, and the cameras integrated into his form frantically tried to process the chaotic situation.

Aaron's fists blurred with incredible speed as he launched a barrage of punches at Suel. Each impact left visible cracks on the once-imposing Regad Omega form. The metallic suit that encased Suel struggled to withstand the relentless assault, and the cameras within him whirred desperately to analyze and counter the onslaught.

The cacophony of blows echoed through the abandoned city, and it became increasingly apparent that Suel, for all his technological prowess, was struggling against the sheer force and speed of Aaron's attacks. The Regad Omega, once a symbol of power, now appeared more like a fragile shell being chipped away with every punch.

As Suel was sent hurtling through the air, Aaron's taunting voice echoed through the battlefield. "Fight back... aren't you the strongest? Then stand up and fight back!"

The creator of the game, now reduced to a battered and weakened state, struggled to regain his footing. The Regad Omega form, once a symbol of invincibility, now looked like a mere husk, barely holding together under the relentless assault. Suel's attempts to stand were feeble, and his movements were sluggish compared to the lightning-fast strikes that Aaron continued to unleash.

As Suel found himself overwhelmed and beaten to a pulp by Aaron, a storm of frustration and confusion brewed within his mind. 'How am I losing, how?' he thought to himself. The once mighty creator, now reduced to a mere shell of his former self, grappled with the reality that he was being defeated by the very anomaly he had sought to eliminate. To add insult to injury, he found himself incapable of using any of his abilities against this relentless onslaught.

The realization hit Suel like a brick as he fully understood that he could no longer use any of his abilities. Even the built-in capabilities of his suit seemed incapacitated, rendering him defenseless against the unrelenting assault by Aaron.

"Oh, you've realized it, haven't you?" Aaron said, smiling a bit, much to Suel's confusion. Aaron's smile widened before he said, "Oh...my suit isn't just for looks; it has an ability, and I'm sure you know what it is."

"You negate abilities," Suel said, realizing why he couldn't use his own abilities. "Bingo...guess you're not that stupid," Aaron said with a grin on his face.

"You b..." Suel began, but Aaron cut him off, saying, "Shush...you are in no position to say anything here, now be a good boy and let me break you."

Aaron vanished from Suel's sight, leaving the spectators bewildered. Suddenly, Suel's body bounced off the concrete, only to find itself back in front of Aaron, who shoved him once more, sending him bouncing across the hard surface. The relentless assault continued, leaving the onlookers stunned and unable to comprehend the sheer speed and ferocity of Aaron's attacks.

"Look at you, bouncing around like a ragdoll. Is this the mighty Suel, the creator of this grand game? Seems like you're just a plaything now," Aaron taunted, his tone dripping with disrespect as he continued to unleash a relentless barrage of blows.

Suel, battered and beaten, managed to wheeze out a reply, "You... you can't win against me. I am the creator, the master of this world. You are just a glitch, an anomaly that I will erase." Despite his defiant words, Suel's voice was feeble, and the reality of his situation was sinking in.

Aaron, with a smirk on his face, responded mockingly, "Oh, erase me? You can't even stand on your own two feet. It's amusing how the mighty creator has fallen so low. But don't worry, I'll make it quick. No need to drag out the suffering for someone as pitiful as you."

The relentless assault continued, with each punch and strike tearing through Suel's defenses. The suit that once boasted superiority now crumbled under the sheer force of Aaron's attacks. Piece by piece, it disintegrated, unable to regenerate or repair itself. The onlookers could only watch in awe as the supposed invincible creator faced the reality of his defeat.

As Suel was brimming with rage over being embarrassed like this, Aaron did something so disrespectful that he .... he was being tea bag.

Aaron was tea bagging his body on the floor, this was pure in utter disrespect that enrage Suel, how dare he.

"What you Finna do about it, you can yap all you want but we both know you are not beating me "Aaron said with a grin on his face.

Suel, infuriated beyond measure, seethed with anger. His pride, once towering, now lay shattered on the ground along with his defeated form. The destroyed city echoed with the resounding laughter of Aaron, a stark contrast to the desolation that had befallen the supposedly invincible creator.

"You think this is over?" Suel's voice carried a venomous edge, his rage barely contained.

Aaron's laughter echoed through the broken down city as he continued to mock Suel, reveling in his apparent victory. "Oh, it's over, old man. Your reign of arrogance and superiority just came crashing down faster than your outdated tech. What's the matter, creator? Can't handle a little disrespect?"

With each word, Aaron's tone dripped with insolence, a stark contrast to the once authoritative Suel, now reduced to a broken figure.

"You wouldn't have won without your negation ability" Suel said as he looked at Aaron with rage.

Aaron smirked, relishing in the victory. "Well, I hate to break it to you, but power doesn't make the man. Looks like you've got some soul-searching to do, old man. Maybe figure out who you are without all those fancy gadgets and abilities."

Suel's face contorted with a mix of anger and frustration, realizing that Aaron's words held a bitter truth.

Aaron's words echoed in the virtual space, emphasizing the essence of their confrontation. "My suit only levels the playing field; it just negates your abilities. Now, we're fighting on an even ground, relying solely on our skills." He maintained a confident smile, standing as the anomaly that outsmarted the mighty creator.

In his distinctive fighting stance, Aaron taunted Suel with a challenging grin. "Try it, old man," he beckoned, daring Suel to make a move without relying on his usual arsenal of powers.

Suel, seething with anger and frustration, retorted, "You may have negated my abilities, but you're still just an insignificant anomaly. Don't get too cocky." Despite the limitations imposed by Aaron's suit, Suel was determined to find a way to turn the tide in his favor.

Aaron's movements were a whirlwind of precision and power as he engaged Suel in hand-to-hand combat. Each strike was calculated, a testament to Aaron's combat prowess. The blows landed with precision, sending shockwaves through Suel's body. Despite Suel's attempts to counter, he found himself outmatched by Aaron's skill and agility.

Suel, once the proud creator of worlds and wielder of immense power, now struggled to keep up with the relentless onslaught. His frustration grew as Aaron effortlessly dodged and countered every move. The watching spectators were witnessing a battle that transcended the clash of physical forms.

As Aaron continued to dominate the fight, a realization dawned upon Suel – his reign of power and control was crumbling before an anomaly. It wasn't just about negating abilities; Aaron was showcasing an unparalleled mastery of combat that left Suel questioning his own limitations.

Aaron's taunting words cut through the air, adding insult to injury. The once-mighty game master now found himself at the mercy of the anomaly he had underestimated. Aaron's grin widened, relishing the irony of the situation.

"Isn't it fun," he mocked, his voice laced with amusement.

"I will give you one hit and you better give it your all, not half your strength but all of it." Aaron said exposing his face.

As Aaron was about to speak again, he got punched in the face, his face only moved an inch as he slowly turn his face back to look at Suel saying, "Is that the best you can do...that disappointing."

As Aaron punched Suel away with powerful punch to his mask that cracked it upon impact a red energy was seen being emanated from his suit.

Aaron eyes widen a bit as he saw the lightning leaving the suit and not a second before he saw it...it happened...

He rushed at Suel at full speed and the one sided beatdown continue but this time with Aaron being more aggressive.