
Chapter 3 New life

We walk through the city seeing nature integrated along with buildings standing without total integration. We arrive at the Palace a ornate stone structure made of local golden rose marble with accent details of Pietra grey marble with gold impregnation into some of the seams of black marble.

We arrive inside the massive entrance once you cross the threshold it cools like air-conditioning and a very gentle breeze that moves the air around. A fragrance of fresh flowers fills and calms the mind. The foyer with two staircases mirrored on either side of the room. The ground was slightly warm under foot and was a beautiful pink granite the stairs had a soft carpet flowing down in a light gray.

Another person entered the foyer "Everything Ok Mother "he addressed first from a distance due to her being the first to enter. I was to her right and the voice came from the left of her and I was more interested in the area and its intrinsic luster. "oh, Galion everything is fine just a surprise is all though we do have a guest." She stepped back to show me off but I was engrossed in the artist's relief on the ceiling of the dome of the foyer which captured my attention for quite some time. Frewen noticed and chuckled and nudged me and guided me in front of her to see the voice who was a eleven male of about 2 meters well-built was more muscle then the king and Calidan. A darker skin tone and balance posture and stance detailed a dedicated warrior and combat artist. "Hello your grace "I bow quickly.

The rough elf seems surprised to see the show of respect given. "A human who knows respect is quite a surprise, but what is he doing here mother?" "He is the magical emanation we felt earlier and Calidan tracked down up the river he is a guest due to having no family and before you make a fuss Galion, I have verified myself."

Galion sighs " I just wish to protect our home from human aggression but that doesn't explain why he is in the palace and not the orphanage or give to a noble house?" "Ušumgallu is staying with us and will be trained by us. His magical connection at the age of 5 is already greater than your father."

Galion looks utterly horrified to find out that a 5-year-old human has a greater magical connection than the king who has the greatest connection to magic in over a millennium. Looking at this small boy and back to his mother wondering what to do but arriving at nothing. 'This is a disgrace to the eleven race as a whole and needs to be remedied but with mother acting the way she is that means he has become family in all but blood…' "how long will he stay with us?" "I'm hoping for a long time but once he comes of age then it will be his choice."

A woman in a long sleeveless dress arrives this does not have the same opulence that the royal family wore but was a very nice look and a man in a sleeveless shirt and shorts arrives as well " Your majesty would you like me to prepare a bunk for the boy?" the queen turns " No actually prepare a suite for him and assign an attendant to him he is now a ward of the royal family" " Of course my Queen it will be completed immediately.

Will he be joining the dinner party?" "Usum would you like to join us for dinner tonight?" " I would be honored but I feel but attire and current appearance would disgrace the table and the attendance who serve you" Galion start laughing out " Well then it seems that I might actually come to enjoy your company that with this attitude" A spiteful gaze and a warning tone " Galion " he shies only marginally and schools his outward expression " yes mother?" acting coy of the situation at hand. The king steps in now "Please bring some refreshments to the lounge along with some sacks if you would?" "Absolutely your majesty we will have them ready in a moment please go and retire I will return shortly when the suite is prepared as requested." A swift bow and the both were off to do their tasks. Retiring to a room with what I can only call a Victorian day bed but with silk and was gilded with gold on the legs and a few large chairs around and a desk to work from with a luxurious chair to sit from.

I hold back to see where everyone will place themselves so as to not offend or take anyone's place. After the group settled in I saw a small couch to sit at near the central table that everyone was surrounding. Not a moment after I sat the male attendant arrived again with a platter of fruits and some gourds of drinks and glasses yes glass. I'm entirely confused. I should be the latest 4100 B.C. but not earlier that 1750 ish B.C. which should mean some of this stuff shouldn't exist. The advanced architecture of the elves and working of materials is astonishing. The one above all did say that the Sumerian Gods where different could it be, they worshiped these elves and the Kingdom of Thilmtalos was the per-verbal Eden from the many creation myths in this universe at least? A question for later it seems.

A glass was place in front of me and a lightly colored drink was poured into it and a plate of assorted fruits as well. Just staring at the food reminds me of my hunger and thirst. I dig into the food though only after filling my mouth with food do I realize that I never thanked the attendant who brought and served it to me. Finishing what I had already stuffed into my mouth I look for the attendant who was standing off to the side and walked over to thank him. I bow to the attendant who seemed to be shocked at the action and the respect levied towards him.

The attendant responds saying its was his duty but I redirect stating that his duty is to the royal family not to me and I thank him for his attention. Before he can counter, I return to my seat to finish my food and drink the queen is watching while Calidan and Galion along with the king Garavan are conversing about current events and issues.

The female attendant arrives and advised that the suite has been prepared. I bow and thank them for the food and will follow her to the suite to give them time to themselves turning and following the attendant out from the ground floor lounge to the 4 floors overlooking the Royal gardens.

When you enter there is a large office like space with a desk chairs and a small lounge. Further in a doorway to the right leads further in to the bedroom with a large 4 poster bed with what looked like silk sheets and gilded with silver and the Crest of what I can describe as a large white tree with red leaves set in a diamond shape. To the left was the window and glass door to the balcony overlooking the royal gardens. Continuing Straight though was the bathroom a large what looked to be again the Pietra grey marble made to be a soaking tub along with a floor to ceiling window out on the gardens along with a what I would see as a toilet (thank god!).

I return to the office space and another what seem to be young female elf walked in and greeted me bowing. "I am to be your personal attendant my name is Dolthril"

I bow as well "I am Ušumgallu please call be Usum it will be a pleasure working with you." Seeming pleased at my return of respect she continues the queen wants you measured for attire fit for a royal also you will receive an additional sent of informal clothing for your training. "Starting tomorrow I will wake you in the morning and will guide you to the courtyard below for training with Calidan Galion or even possibly the King if time and skill permit. After training you will retire for a meal and then we will go to the library for lessons of human and eleven history language culture and further sturdy of magic of the written form. After that dinner will be had with the royal family after dinner is your personal time to do other study or practice. Seems you have quite the requirement ahead of you, young master" Dolthril smiles at me as I begin to pale at the list of work she just read off 'I didn't sign up for this… when did I sign up for this.' I thought.

Dolthril look at me and then began to walk me through the workings of the bathroom which is amazing how it resembles modernity but with an older flair, done purely with runes and magic. She then put me on a platform she transfigured wordless and wandlessly like nothing and began taking my measurements a tablet etched with each measurement spoken with great accuracy. Tools of the trade I guess but the surprise is not lost on Dolthril who smiles and asks if I've seen magic being done before I tell her no.

Some small talk about how I was found and few jokes about how I became some damsel in distress only to be saved by Calidan. That was quite the damaging to pride though but nothing as bad as when she banished my clothes leaving me nude and she the carries me to the tub to be scrubbed of grime and filth. That was truly embarrassing especially when she laughed as I squirmed to cover up just for the thought of modesty.

I have never been so emasculated in either of my lives and I would deal with the shame. She put be in a long gown and the left to collect dinner form me to have in my room. After I have my decadent dinner, I was presented a scroll that had the human language of Sumerian and we began to go over it slowly it seemed that I was give the understanding to speak it but have to go through the process of learning the written part manually.

Climbing into the large bed and into the covers I feel both warm and cool a just perfect combination for sleep the bed was ultra soft. Dolthril closed the silk curtains around the bed and left me to sleep.

After she left, I was alone and it was so quiet I thought to myself about the meeting, my rebirth, and now my adoption into a eleven royal family which just has me all frazzled but joyous. I sleep at peace this night without much of a worry.

Thank you for your time hope you like it and will continue. This is a passion project and the first writing I've done. Please give your comments and reviews. If you find issues please point them out Im a new writer and will take the help.

Have a great day stay safe and be free.

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Gibby_Gibsoncreators' thoughts