
Chapter 2 The Arrival

After a few moments of collecting myself, I notice I'm in a vulnerable place near the river's edge and move away quickly and move inland through the brush.

Coming to a clearing about 50 yards from the edge of the river stopping and looking back I see a crocodile crawl out of the water to sun itself on the back and have a small crisis right there realizing that I was that close to a croc that could have easily dragged me down to the depth and ended me right then and there.

Pulling myself to think of other pressing matters now like where am I going to live or what am I going to eat.

I know a bit about the Ancient Middle East and the cradle of civilization.

I know it's a hostile land with many dangers big and small and nature is just as dangerous as people can be if not more.

"Well might as well follow the river. It might lead me to people" I say to calm myself down, looking around to figure out where the sun is realizing that it still is in the east meaning morning.

Thank God I have time so I start walking and taking stock of what I arrived with.

I have Sandals on as well as some long under pants and a sleeveless shirt. I start walking south because looking north all I can see is mountains.

After a few hours of waking I remember " I HAVE FUCKING MAGIC!". I exclaim shouting to the heavens since I am still unaware of my surroundings but extremely excited to have magic.

With a jump excited jump and revelry for a few moments.

Now let's see putting a finger up outstretched in front and attempt Lumos with but a whisper and . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . nothing. . . . . .. absolutely nothing, well I guess it wouldn't be that easy but let's keep walking and working on it.

After about what I could consider three to four hours of walking and working I finally got it to work so I started experimenting with other thing like grabbing a twig and seeing if I could make it float with Wingardium Leviosa.

To say it was difficult was an understatement, using magic is extremely difficult and after about another 2 hours I was both getting frustrated and angry.

It is extremely difficult but I could do Lumos fairly consistently but levitation was a different beast of its own. After what felt like the 100th try I explode letting the anger and frustration course through me and an explosion of magical power.

I did accidental magic and flatten a small part of the forest to my left with the river deeper within. This was unexpected and left me both tired and a mix of excited and horrified. "Damn, well that is accidental magic but WOW that was powerful. Need to really learn to work under stress and duress." Chuckling at my dual successful failure and sitting down on a large rock with nothing around it.

I relax for a bit, my feet are tired and I can tell I'm getting quite the sunburn and will also need to think about finding food and water soon along with shelter for the night.

After the outburst though I noticed my magic flows on command better so as I relax I bring myself to meditate.

I attempt to see if I can draw it out further or dive deeper into my mind as I do, I push out my magic to my surroundings as to feel it and hopefully sense anything getting too close for comfort.

I begin to feel my magic react with the surroundings in a moment. Then a different type of magic alerts my senses, many magical creatures are around me though I have no context to know what they are, I count it as a success for the moment, I have come so far so soon. Out of nowhere I feel what seems to be a person entering my field which means they are close to me like within 2 meters of me.

I quickly open my eyes and look around and figure out they are in the forest. What confuses me the most is that they aren't on the ground but 4 meters up which means they are in the trees. I look in the general direction of this person. After a moment the person drops down out of the trees and begins to approach.

The person is tall at least 2 meters tall and thin long like a swimmer's frame but stretched to that height. The skin color was an amber gold but a hue darker. This person walked differently. Each step was calculated and placed for perfect balance. This causes my senses to scream caution and run because this person walked as a warrior with far too much experience to have with the youthful look he sported. With his coordination skills he drew nearer. As he was within my direct line of sight I dwell in his pointed ears, wait pointed ears, is that an Elf? What are they doing here? I hope I'm not trespassing on their lands or did something to anger them.

The Elf looked into my eyes and I saw a twinkle in his and a moment later he smiled and said "Hello,so you are the source of the magic I felt earlier."

I look at him confused for a moment and realization dawns on me that he is referring to the outburst I had earlier. I nod to acknowledge that it was me.

The Elf draws closer and I realize my estimate of height was right. My measly near 1 meter in height is dwarfed by this man … or … elf at over 2 meters at least.

The Elf smiles "You're safe, do you have a home? You're quite far into the wilderness for a small child to be." I shake my head "No, I have no home currently and I was walking to try and find a settlement."

The Elf looked inquisitively "The closest human village is well over a 4 days ride on horse from here and would be even longer for you walking." He states. "Oh." I sigh not knowing what to do now. "Well thank you for the information I need to prep for the night."

The Elf shakes his head "No you can't stay out here, the land has a great deal of predators and many would be happy for an easy meal like you. How about I take you to the eleven city not far from here so you can rest and eat?" He asks. My stomach gives me away by grumbling at the given moment.

"That would be quite wonderful, I need something to eat and drink then some sleep." I say sheepishly. "Follow me then." I hop up, feeling my feet telling me off for the long journey behind and ahead of myself, and begin to follow him "What is your name?" I ask politely . He smiles "Calidan, what about you?" "I don't have a name, or at least I don't remember it, all I know is how to speak other than that I don't know much else." I said kind of sad I remember everything but no my name that's odd. "How about Ušumgallu means dragon which seems to fit with your aura and fits the human language." He says smiling genially, his smile reaches his eyes.

"Well I am Ušumgallu now." Calidan smiled and we walked for about 3 hours south and then crossed over a river. After another hour we come across an oasis of trees but stepping into them it seems to grow deeper and larger with every step. After about 10 minutes we come across a white wood gate intricately carved. Another elf steps out and greets Calidan "So you've returned how was it?" "Good and I brought a guest."

The guard looked behind him and saw me staring at the door and looking at the intricate carving and what looked like runes glowing a glow and white alternating in a slow rotating glowing back and forth like the twinkle of thousands of fireflies in the black of night. I hear a sigh to my right and look, seeing the Guard look at me and look at Calidan and state "Is that a human?" He gasps. "Yes, I found him along about a 40-minute run north from here. Also he was that massive magic emanation we all felt earlier." He said with a smile giving me a pat on the shoulders. "Let me contact the King and the elders, they will need to be notified of this. Stay here" the Guard walks away and then seems to fade into the shadows around the gate.

Calidan spins me around he kneels down to my level "Keep quiet and leave me to do the talking." I nod understanding that this could become fairly complicated. After about 5 minutes I notice many figures approaching along with many guards. After we are flanked on both sides with guards. A male and female elf walk out in an extremely ornate white and gold dress along with a group of elderly looking people wearing nothing less than the first pair. At that moment Calidan kneels and seeing him do so I move to kneel as soon as I start to kneel the guards draw their weapons which startles me and I drop to the ground. "My king I have returned with the emanation of the magical energy we all felt earlier." A calm and respectful tone and thought goes through my mind. reminds me of Elrond and Rivendell from 'lord of the rings' but well more real of course and a regal disposition like a king should have.

He stood tall and proud. He had this terrifyingly powerful aura surrounding him. The voice that I can only assume is the king responds after what felt like an eternity. "Good but I have a hard time believing that this is a human child, and that said human child sent magic rippling through the lands." Calidan stands "I came upon the area and I thought I was in the presence of an ancient dragon, but I saw this child was doing what can only be described as meditating but as soon as I got closer he broke out and was looking at me as if he knew I was there." He hums with a sound of confusion and intrigue. I feel myself being pulled to my feet and I see the king who has similar features to Calidan just looks older in some ways, might be the wrinkles by his eyes. The king looks at me "What is your name, child." His demanding voice booms through the village. "Ušumgallu My lord." I say and bow. "Where are your parents?" He says all whilst studying me questioningly with eyes that look almost feline the right eye of electric blue and the left of deep magenta. "I don't know they are gone. I have no memory of them or of their existence." The Queen leans over to the king and they begin whispering privately amongst themselves. After what felt like a lifetime, she moves away and walks up to me, bending over in the process and looks at me in the eyes again. I see a twinkle in her eyes and relies, Legilimency, they are using Legilimency on me to see if I am stating the truth.

So the thing about the pain I suffered in the void and within a second the Queen nearly jumps back startled and looks at me with horror and empathy. She then spoke to me for the first time "He is telling the truth but something happened to him that caused such pain possibly a dark ritual." With a brief pause and a sigh she continues " A very powerful and very dark ritual." She walks up to me and she picks me up like the small child I guess I am, and hugs me and looks at the king. "Garavan let us take him in, he is an orphan and seems to have a greater connection to magic than even you do." "Farwen are you sure about this...he is human and will die long before we even grow old." She smiles "Yes now let's return to the kingdom." One of the elders steps forth "My Queen is it wise to bring a human into Thilmtalos? He could be a spy or even sell out the location of the kingdom to the Human King Hammurabi."

I look at the older woman and just say "I'm 5 years old why would I spy and with the wards on the gate and the surrounding area there is no way anyone with ill intent can find the city." Farwen looks at me confused "You can feel the wards?" She asks in shock. "Yes, we passed them near the river and it felt like it was asking me if I wanted to do harm and because the wards didn't let me pass." She was surprised at the explanation in such simple but true words. She begins to walk to the white gate, which separates almost silently the city of glistening wood gold and other natural colors. Easiest way to describe it is to mix Rivendell and Lothlorien together.

The beauty is undeniable Farwen watches me look and stare at the city and hears me mumble "Is this heaven?" she chuckles "No little one this is Thilmtalos the jewel of the Elves" I look back at her and smile "Well this is the crowning jewel of the world."

A laugh coming from behind I see Calidan laughing with Garavan the King who is also having a light chuckle as well "See he fits in already right father?" "Seems he does. Welcome Ušumgallu to our home and which will be yours as well."

Thank you for your time and sorry I got drawn away by life but, I am back with more. Please leave your comments and if your feel give stones. Thank you for reading The Ancient Wizard

Gibby_Gibsoncreators' thoughts