A demon-filled world where the last hope which was the Hero got defeated. Currently hurried synopsis. Please be patient as the story proceeds. If possible, daily updates are to be expected. 3 to 4 chapters a week being the minimum. Add to library and share to keep the author lively.
Overall I was disappointed. I turned to see what would be my father's reaction. I bet he would be as disappointed as me if not worse.
Honestly, there are so many of such materials in this world; like gold, diamonds, and such. There are also materials from different powerful creatures. That's why I couldn't be so amazed with what she got. That crystal was strangely different, I admit, But... Our weapons can't even be bought with money, let alone with that strange crystal.
When I saw Father's face, he wasn't amazed, he wasn't annoyed or disappointed either. He only reacted normally.
I'm kind of unhappy about it, to be honest. 'don't tell me he is thinking of selling everything to this girl? And that aside, will he really consider about selling it in exchange for this strange thing? If money, I could consider, after all, it could help for the circulation of the items; it could even result better due to researching newer technologies.'
It was my thoughts at the moment.
And then, I was just waiting for my father's answer. What would be his move? How will he respond in a way that this girl will understand? without her pouring out tears?
Therefore, my father started to speak.
"Fine, you can have all of it."
.....whoosh..... (sound effect for blowing wind)
"Huh?..."(customer )
"Wait, is this real? Yay! Thank you!"
The girl couldn't believe what she heard. She couldn't believe the result of the negotiation. Who would've thought that father would accept that easily? I couldn't believe it either. Now I look like the bad guy here. Thus, I said...
"Wait, father! I don't even know what is that!"
Yes, because I have no idea what kind of material that is, I have no way of speculating if it has a value that equivalent to all of our products. Of course, I will complain.
"It's alright, it's alright, (chuckles) They probably need this much of weapons so, why not? We ought to help those who are in need right?"
'Huh?' I move closer to Father and speak in a low voice where we are the only ones who can hear.
"How did you become so sure that she is in such need?"
With a gentle smile, Father replies in a calming voice.
"What? She was crying right?"
"Oh... "
Right... She was in tears just recently.
"Those who are releasing tears, are the ones who are really in need. And we are required to help them; because if not, we will become failures for being a wealthy family; and you know that. Wealthy ones are bound to assist those who are not. You should treasure that personality, Greek. (smiled gently)"
"Y... Yeah... " I answered fully amazed and convinced... But then I mumbled... "She could be acting though." Well, I trust my father's decisions about everything. No way he could be wrong.
As I was mumbling, my words probably reached him. Thus, he said...
"Does it look like it?"
"Huh?" I reacted fully aware of what he meant.
Then, father continued.
"It doesn't feel like it to me."
"Y... Yeah..."
"listen Greek. You should learn how to read people's emotions. That way, you can help those who are really in need. After all, there are some who act tough despite being in extreme suffering." Father turned his eyes to the girl who was very happy and said...
"This girl's tears... "
and with a serious gaze, he continued...
"was obviously genuine."
'Oh...' I have no way of confirming that, but, she does look troubled the very first time I saw her. And her tears recently really got me. So, she probably really needs that much.
'Sigh... I guess I have to let it go, huh?'
It is what was in my mind while I was looking around at our shop. It seems like I was feeling sad about losing these items. After all,(chuckles) these items are what I am seeing every day. Seeing them all gone in a single day is just...
While at it, I rubbed my eyes with my finger and... 'what? Tears? Why?'
I can't believe I teared up over it... But I guess it was normal. Imagine that all of your everyday companions departed in just one go.
I know they are meant to be sold one day, but... Losing everything this instant is just too sad.
While at it, I sensed an annoying aura.
"Urgh... "
It was coming from Astral. (the girl customer) I bet she is wearing a smug look right now.
"Uhm, this is my homeland's treasure. You should be grateful I used it as payment for your beloved weapons, hehemm..."
"Grateful... You said? Aargh, at least sh..."
Before I could finish my words, a commendable act of Astral struck me with awe. With her hands placed together at her back and with a slight bow, she looked at me with pure aura...
(I could tell she was purely smiling at me at the moment. Her hood was shadowing her face that's why I couldn't see her reaction. But I could feel from her aura that she was very happy.) ...and said,
"Really, thank you!"
Flashes of light from droplets of water sparkled from her face.
'what? Is she shedding tears over it? Is she that happy?'
"U... Uhm... It's nothing... " I said.
After that, I suddenly wanted to know why she was wearing a cloak.
"Would you at least show me your face? I don't have an ill impression about you, but... seeing you wearing a cloak in broad daylight couldn't get me out of the idea that you are too suspicious."
She was just giving off a pure delighted aura when she suddenly got startled. It was after she heard what I said. She, once again, pulled her hood closer to her face to cover it.
'she really is too suspicious.' I said to myself.
"Greek... Sigh, what are you doing? You're scaring her."
"Ah, no, it was just a joke! Ahahaha."
Sigh... I was just trying to see her face to be honest. I did see her face when her eyes lightened up just recently. It was a new feeling for me. It looks like a combined face of a matured yet cute countenance. I saw so many of what people would call beautiful women around this circle before but... This girl is just too beautiful and in a unique way at that.
To calm her down, I said...
"Uhm, sorry, hehe, that was just a joke... Ahahaha..."
Joke huh? What kind of joke would that be? I mean, which part of that was a joke? Ahaha what a lame excuse. But I am also seriously curious why she was wearing like that... Maybe she was hiding her beautiful face? No way right? (chuckles).
"Oh, which part of that was a joke?"
Gulp. Did she really believe it was a joke and didn't get which part it was?
"Oh, it's already 10:00 A.M. I will be going...okay? Bye bye..."
Astral then haul the items to her carriage.
After several minutes of waiting, after several minutes of looking at her going back and forth, I said to Father;
"Uhm, are we not going to help her?"
Yes! Astral was hauling the items to her carriage on her own! It seemed like she was not being troubled with it but, looking at her going back and forth as she carried five or sometimes ten heavy items to her carriage is too pitiful. Not just that, it was shameful!
"Help her out Greek. She is a customer you know?(chuckles)"
"Ah, right!"
I thought Father would say "She is a girl, you know?" though.
Therefore, I help Astral haul her items.
"Finally done! Pheww! Pant... Pant... "
I was so exhausted that I almost lost consciousness. That was my first time hauling that much. Though it seems like Astral hasn't even felt it. Pant...
"Thank you for your help, thank you very much!"
Astral then mounted on her horse then go to wherever her destination was.
"bye, bye!" she said.
'Ah, she's gone.'
To think she really hauled everything... Sigh.
"so, Father, what is with that crystal that you trade with everything of our items?"
Yes, for Father to accept such a thing as a payment, I already know that there was something to it. 'There is no way Father would accept that without knowing what its specialty, right?' it was what was in my mind the whole time. I keep believing that it has great capabilities somehow; otherwise, everything would be nonsense. (chuckles)
Therefore, with a flashing eye due to excitement of seeing a new powerful weapon, I asked.
"What kind of weapon could that new material create, father?"
"Huh? Uhm... Ahaha... I don't know, I had never seen or heard about this in the past. This might be something that isn't usable for creating weapons. Because if it does, I should have seen this from the books which record the top-tier materials."
With a gentle laugh, he said...
"That girl might really need those weapons that she used their treasure as payment."
Seeing me a little disappointed, Father talked to me happily to cheer me up.
"At least, they paid us using their beloved land's treasure, right? Ahahaha?"
I just mumbled with slight annoyance.
"Beloved, you say?"