
Tears: as the world burns T-T

  δάκρυα a girl living in a world just like hell a place that fears the unknown as she struggles to make decisions, one that would take her head as the choices became harder, blood flowed like an endless river as lies, betrayal, blood, death, hatred and love slips into the life of δάκρυα betrayed by the ones she holds dear as the lose of her family members breaks her come along with her to the land of losses, pain, destruction and monster as she fight against her true nightmare. herself. 마음: after all she did for you   마음:(smirked) you stepped away,   마음: no empathy (as he turned to look up at their faces, with disgust)   마음:truly disgusting (then he walked away)   δάκρυα narrating: disaster befell the land    (the scene unfolded like a nightmare. Fire spread, buildings collapsed, earth quake been stronger than ever, the ground began to open. δάκρυα running faster than ever)   δάκρυα narrating: hell truly came to earth (the ground opening up like a chasm. δákryα stopped and gazed up at the sky, her eyes fixed on the horror unfolding above.)   **   The χάος clan members looked up with fear, their eyes widened with terror. The Elders whispered   χάος Elders: η κόλαση ανέβηκε(   (pronunciation: i kólasi anévike)    (meaning hell has risen) ( (   **   Two other clans, different from mere mortals, yet similar to χάος, gazed upon the sky with equal terror.   **   δάκρυα's voice was barely audible    :What is happening?    The sky shattered like glass, red cracks spreading across the horizon. The cracks converged, revealing a massive eye closed shot as though it slept facing down on the world   The world darkened as though the sun was covered only the cracks in the sky illuminated the world **   A figure emerged from the shadows, lips curled into a sinister smile: Chaos has begun, and people will tremble at the mention of our name.   A ghastly symbol on the wall, an eyeball ripped from its socket, its cables hanging like festering tendrils. The iris was split into two halves, red and blue, like a twisted fusion of realities, as if two demonic entities had merged into a single, unblinking gaze. sitting in a puddle of congealed blood.     A black, skeletal hand materialized in the fleeting flashes of the lamp post's light, as a horrific creature emerged from the crack in the land. Its grotesque face contorted into a twisted grin, revealing razor-sharp teeth and a long, slimy tongue. The creature's eyes gleamed with malevolence, as if hell itself had unleashed its horrors upon the world.  

chisom_eze · 奇幻言情
22 Chs

Chapter 5 the rise of hell

δάκρυα sitting on the bench at her school where her and her mother once sat,the night's darkness wrapped around her like a somber embrace. The only sound was the distant hum of crickets and the occasional hoot of an owl, their melancholic calls echoing through the deserted school courtyard. The air was heavy as she awaiting her mothers arrival. Then, a friendly voice broke the silence.



마음: fancy meeting you here


δάκρυα: 마음 what are you doing here


마음: I needed a breather (as he sat down), you


δάκρυα: same (as she forced a smile)


마음: ahhh I'm guessing, family issues again


δάκρυα: hmm



δákρυα smiled, her lips parting slightly in wonder. How does he always know? She thought to herself, her eyes locking onto 마음 searching for answers


마음: what (as he slightly giggled)


δάκρυα: nothing (as she smiled secretly)


마음: mind if I pass time with you


δάκρυα: sure thing


Their conversation flowed easily, like a silent understanding between them. As they talked, the clock tower in the distance struck 22:30.




Over the years, their friendship had grown stronger, a bond that went beyond words, he became her second home. δákρυα's eyes began to droop, her head involuntarily leaning towards마음shoulder. She jolted awake, she turned on her phone revealing the time: 1:57



마음: (noticed her concern)are you waiting for someone


δákρυα nodded, her voice barely above a whisper


δάκρυα: ya, my mum


마음: (expression softened) looks like she's not coming any time soon, (looks at her) you can crash at my place, if you want to. of course


δάκρυα: I don't want to be a bother


마음: it fine


δάκρυα: I don't want to inconvenience your family


마음: it okay I live alone


(his smile was persuasive, but she didn't notice the extra warmth in his eyes. He took her hand, his touch sending a thrill through her body. δákρυα's face lit up with surprise and gratitude, but she didn't notice the hidden emotions behind 마음'S gaze.)



NEXT DAY 16:30


δάκρυα narrating: I never thought a single day could change the lives of so many forever.


(δάκρυα and 마음 walking past δάκρυα school.)


δάκρυα: (sighed)


마음: what are you thinking about?


δάκρυα: nothing just reminiscing


(Suddenly a body covered in blood, life less, is seen thrown out of the school building)


δάκρυα: (curious) is that blood


마음: (his eyes widening) is that a body


(δάκρυα stared at him with disbelieve in her eyes, like yeah it definitely a body of a person)


마음: not that look (as he pointed to the top of the school building)


(δákρυα raised her head, and her eyes fixed on a gruesome sight: a female body nailed to the top of the building, a massive nail piercing through the victim's open mouth, hands splayed out to the sides. Blood cascaded down the building like a gruesome waterfall)


(δάκρυα expression twisted in a mix of horror and resolve as she realized her friend were in that building, as she surged forward, 마음's firm grip halted her)


마음: what are you doing? (his eyes wide with alarm)


δάκρυα: (her face set in determination)people I know are in that building


마음: (his hands grasping her arms, his face inches from hers)you can't go in there, this is recklessness


 (her eyes flashing, she shook off his grip)


δάκρυα: I can't just leave them here to perish(her voice rising)


 (her eyes flashing, she shook off his grip)


마음: (his face twisted in frustration, he threw up his hands)yes. you can, you literally can, just walk away. Mere mortals feel no compassion, and they are heartless, they would abandon you when they see no use for you,


δάκρυα: (as she stared into his eye)then let not be like them, we aren't mere mortal


마음: (his voice heavy with resignation)

do you wish, to walk into fire for mankind, don't chose to be a hero δάκρυα


δάκρυα: (her smile unwavering, her eyes sparkling with determination)I chose to have humanity 마음


 (As 마음 looked into δάκρυα eyes and new there was no changing her reckless decision, he reluctantly followed suit, they both sneaked into the school, their movements stealthy and deliberate.)


(δάκρυα and 마음crawled up to her friends, her face covered, as Maddie was about to scream in terror. Alex covered her mouth, and δάκρυα pulled down her mask, revealing her identity.)


δάκρυα: guys it me (in a whispered)



Maddie's eyes widened in relief,


Maddie: kraya how did you get past the bad guys


마음: we don't have much time


Alexander: who is that?


δάκρυα: we don't have much time, let go


 Their reunion was short-lived.


killer1: what do we have here


as 3 other men entered the room


 killer1:we found six more


(One of them pulled Maddie's hair then one of the grabbed δάκρυα neck, 마음 eyes widened in rage δάκρυα saw this and signaled him to stay put, he then retracted)


(Killer2 who noticed the interaction said ;)


Killer 2: so you want to play hero, right


Killer 3: let kill one as a demonstration to show we aren't playing


Killer1: how about her (referring to δάκρυα)


Killer 2: let save the best for last (as he looked at 마음)


(killer 1 placed a gun inside Maddie mouth his finger tightened on the trigger, but δάκρυα was a blur of motion. She closed the distance in an instant, her fist a deadly missile that struck true. Killer1's eyes widened as his body imploded, his screams silenced by the crushing force of her blow, Her friends' faces went white with shock, But before they could even gasp, another killer opened fire on δákrya. Bullets ripped into her body but she didn't flinch. With a fierce battle cry, she charged at the killer, her movements unstoppable. She grabbed his neck and twisted it with a sickening crack, severing his head from his body, The others fled in terror, their footsteps echoing through the room as they desperately sought escape)


Writer thought: very sensible indeed, run


But δάκρυα was relentless, her pursuit a merciless hunt. She was the predator, and they were her prey. And in that moment, no one doubted that she was the most dangerous creature in the room


As the dust settled δάκρυα was drenched in blood as she turned to face her friend, her eyes gleaming with an unwavering intensity. But as she took a step forward, they retreated in terror, their eyes fixed on her blood-soaked form. Tina hesitated, then stepped forward, her face pale vividly seen, but δάκρυα's gaze was already elsewhere. A commotion erupted outside, and δákrya's expression turned uneasy , she immediately broke through the window and jumped down, They crowded the window, their faces pale with fear, but δákryα was already gone, vanished into the chaos below. ( was the first to rush to the window, his face set in determination, Except 마음 )

마음was the first to reach the window. followed by Tina, Theodore, Alex, and finally Maddie, their faces pale with fear. his face set in determination, but his resolve was short-lived. He stepped away from the window, his head slightly lowered, his eyes fixed on the floor.

마음: after all she did for you


마음:(smirked) you stepped away,


마음: no empathy (as he turned to look up at their faces, with disgust)


마음:truly disgusting (then he walked away)


δάκρυα narrating: disaster befell the land


 (the scene unfolded like a nightmare. Fire spread, buildings collapsed, earth quake been stronger than ever, the ground began to open. δάκρυα running faster than ever)


δάκρυα narrating: hell truly came to earth (the ground opening up like a chasm. δákryα stopped and gazed up at the sky, her eyes fixed on the horror unfolding above.)




The χάος clan members looked up with fear, their eyes widened with terror. The Elders whispered


χάος Elders: η κόλαση ανέβηκε(


(pronunciation: i kólasi anévike) 


(meaning hell has risen) ( (




Two other clans, different from mere mortals, yet similar to χάος, gazed upon the sky with equal terror.




δάκρυα's voice was barely audible 


:What is happening?


 The sky shattered like glass, red cracks spreading across the horizon. The cracks converged, revealing a massive eye closed shot as though it slept facing down on the world


The world darkened as though the sun was covered only the cracks in the sky illuminated the world



A figure emerged from the shadows, lips curled into a sinister smile: Chaos has begun, and people will tremble at the mention of our name.


A ghastly symbol on the wall, an eyeball ripped from its socket, its cables hanging like festering tendrils. The iris was split into two halves, red and blue, like a twisted fusion of realities, as if two demonic entities had merged into a single, unblinking gaze. sitting in a puddle of congealed blood.



A black, skeletal hand materialized in the fleeting flashes of the lamp post's light, as a horrific creature emerged from the crack in the land. Its grotesque face contorted into a twisted grin, revealing razor-sharp teeth and a long, slimy tongue. The creature's eyes gleamed with malevolence, as if hell itself had unleashed its horrors upon the world.


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