
Tears: as the world burns T-T

  δάκρυα a girl living in a world just like hell a place that fears the unknown as she struggles to make decisions, one that would take her head as the choices became harder, blood flowed like an endless river as lies, betrayal, blood, death, hatred and love slips into the life of δάκρυα betrayed by the ones she holds dear as the lose of her family members breaks her come along with her to the land of losses, pain, destruction and monster as she fight against her true nightmare. herself. 마음: after all she did for you   마음:(smirked) you stepped away,   마음: no empathy (as he turned to look up at their faces, with disgust)   마음:truly disgusting (then he walked away)   δάκρυα narrating: disaster befell the land    (the scene unfolded like a nightmare. Fire spread, buildings collapsed, earth quake been stronger than ever, the ground began to open. δάκρυα running faster than ever)   δάκρυα narrating: hell truly came to earth (the ground opening up like a chasm. δákryα stopped and gazed up at the sky, her eyes fixed on the horror unfolding above.)   **   The χάος clan members looked up with fear, their eyes widened with terror. The Elders whispered   χάος Elders: η κόλαση ανέβηκε(   (pronunciation: i kólasi anévike)    (meaning hell has risen) ( (   **   Two other clans, different from mere mortals, yet similar to χάος, gazed upon the sky with equal terror.   **   δάκρυα's voice was barely audible    :What is happening?    The sky shattered like glass, red cracks spreading across the horizon. The cracks converged, revealing a massive eye closed shot as though it slept facing down on the world   The world darkened as though the sun was covered only the cracks in the sky illuminated the world **   A figure emerged from the shadows, lips curled into a sinister smile: Chaos has begun, and people will tremble at the mention of our name.   A ghastly symbol on the wall, an eyeball ripped from its socket, its cables hanging like festering tendrils. The iris was split into two halves, red and blue, like a twisted fusion of realities, as if two demonic entities had merged into a single, unblinking gaze. sitting in a puddle of congealed blood.     A black, skeletal hand materialized in the fleeting flashes of the lamp post's light, as a horrific creature emerged from the crack in the land. Its grotesque face contorted into a twisted grin, revealing razor-sharp teeth and a long, slimy tongue. The creature's eyes gleamed with malevolence, as if hell itself had unleashed its horrors upon the world.  

chisom_eze · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 4 bitter sweet

δάκρυα raced towards her mother, χαρούμενο τέλος , at the bus stop, throwing her arms around her in a tight hug


δάκρυα : ma!!!!


χαρούμενο τέλος: teardrop (as she embraced her), so where do you want to go today


δάκρυα: the amusement park


χαρούμενο τέλος: (chuckle) the amusement park, hmm okay


 (She watched as δákryα's excitement grew, her eyes sparkling with anticipation., then the bus approached the bus stop then came to a halt)


δάκρυα: the bus is here (As the bus arrived, δάκρυα grabbed her mother's hand, pulling her towards the doors.)


δάκρυα: let go, let go ,let go (as she moved further approaching the bus with much excitement on her face).


δάκρυα: ma, hurry up


χαρούμενο τέλος laughed, following her daughter onto the bus. They sat side by side, enjoying the view and breeze as they headed to the amusement park.


A montage is shows χαρούμενο τέλος and her daughter having the time of their life at the amusement park.


The scene shifted into a montage, showing δάκρυα and χαρούμενο τέλος having the time of their lives - laughing, screaming with delight, and making memories together.




Sebastian in his study


Sebastian's voice was firm, his expression unreadable


Sebastian: where is my daughter?


The five men standing before him seemed hesitant, their heads lowered.


The δákryα driver finally spoke up, his voice neutral


δάκρυα driver: she requested solitude


Sebastian's eyes narrowed slightly


Sebastian: on what ground


 The room fell silent, the men seemingly unsure how to respond. Sebastian's tone remained steady, but a hint of tension crept into his voice


Sebastian: answer me, on. What. Ground


The δákryα driver's response was equally neutral


δάκρυα driver: on the ground she has no one.


Sebastian's gaze lingered on the driver, his expression unreadable. He knew the feeling of being alone, but his emotions were masked behind a stoic facade


Sebastian: get out


Sebastian right hand man: sir…..


Sebastian: I said get out. 


(As the men left, δάκρυα driver look back to gaze at Sebastian one last time as though he new what was going through Sebastian mind his parting glance hinted at a deeper understanding of Sebastian's hidden emotions.)




As δákryα entered the parlor, Sebastian sat on the couch, his eyes fixed on her.


Sebastian: where have you been?(his tone firm but controlled.)


δákryα remained silent, her gaze locked on his.


Sebastian gestured to a book on the nearby table.


Sebastian: pick up the book , read it


δákryα hesitated, then walked over to retrieve the book. As she flipped through its pages, her expression turned from indifference to loathing. She glared at Sebastian, her voice laced with venom.


δάκρυα: you can't do this


Sebastian: I sure can


δάκρυα: this is my life,


δάκρυα: (yelling in pain) you have no right to do this


Sebastian rose from the couch, his eyes blazing with determination.


Sebastian: I can and I will, I am your father I have ever right over you


δάκρυα : (laughter was bitter) an undeserving title, you bared a child not a daughter,You never showed me love or care. You are no father Sebastian


Sebastian: (his voice thundering) am saving humanity, from you


δάκρυα: (scoffed) what a noble hero


Sebastian: you are a danger to mankind (as he walked closer to her)


Sebastian: (raises his voice) and you know it Goddamn well


δάκρυα:( scoffed, her eyes flashing with defiance) I pose no threat. You know that as well as I do.


(Sebastian's eyes narrowed, his voice dripping with menace.)


Sebastian:Not yet, and we must ensure it stays that way.


(as only an inch was separating the both of them as they stared into each-others eyes) 



2 years later and some month


δάκρυα narrating: as a years went by, every day became like hell


Flash back


δάκρυα was trapped in the Lachrymator, a tub-like machine surrounded by wires injected into her veins all over her body. As the machine roared to life, she screamed in agony..


The masked figure turned to Sebastian;


Mask guy: we need more energy


Mr. Charles (δάκρυα driver): she's already in enough pain


Sebastian: (Sebastian's voice was cold) raise the lever high


(δάκρυα cries intensified, her body convulsing in pain)


 Mr. Charles: (he turned to Sebastian,)show some humanity, 


(as he turned to walk away then looked back)


Mr. Charles: she's your daughter, after all. You're all she has left.


 (As he walked away from the torture that took place in front of his eye, e added;)


Mr. Charles: she would be disappointed.


(Sebastian looked in his direction,The words struck a chord, and though Sebastian's expression remained stoic, his heart was heavy with the weight of Mr. Charles' words. )


Flash back over


δάκρυα narrating:I formed a strong bond with my mother over the years. The more time we spent together, the less pain I carried. But a vast ocean separated me from Sebastian, a distance so immense that no one could bridge it. Neither of us could cross it, lest the waves sweep us away and take us further apart. Only Zane knew about my sudden reunion with my mother. Years passed, and Zane eagerly awaited the day he would meet the one who brought me into the world."d.




Zane: are we there yet


δάκρυα: Patience, but you promise you won't tell anyone. (She paused, her eyes locked on his, ensuring his silence.)


Zane: Definitely


As they approached a massive tree, δákρυα's heart raced. She had been here before, but never with Zane.


As they approached a massive tree,as the bench were δάκρυα and her mother once sat.


δάκρυα: were here, ma…


Before anything could happen, a voice echoed from behind her.


δάκρυα driver: δάκρυα


She turned to face the voice, her eyes narrowing. Mr. Charles, her driver, stood before her, his expression stern.


δάκρυα: Mr. Charles what are you doing here


δάκρυα driver: your dad request for your presence this instant, lady δάκρυα 


δάκρυα's eyes widened, her mind racing. How did he find me?


δάκρυα : but?.. How did you.....


δάκρυα driver: forgive my intrusion, but I have been following you for quite some time


δάκρυα: (her face darkened, her voice firm)could you not do this again, I like my privacy


δάκρυα driver: understood, sir Zane (He nodded at Zane.)


Zane: Mr. Charles


δάκρυα driver: shall we


δάκρυα hesitated, her eyes darting to Zane, then back to Mr. Charles.


δάκρυα: very well


( As they walked away from the tree, Mr. Charles paused, his gaze lingering on the tree for a few seconds before continuing on).




δákryα burst into Sebastian's office, her eyes blazing with defiance.


Sebastian: where were you?


δάκρυα: you said I didn't have to do it today


Sebastian: change of plans


 (δákρυα's voice dripped with sulking resentment. )


δάκρυα: it hurt


Sebastian's gaze never wavered.


Sebastian: only humans feel pain, you are no human (searching for something on his desk)


δákρυα's eyes flashed with anger


δάκρυα: it hurt, I can't take it any more


Sebastian :(Sebastian slammed his hand on the table, his voice thundering.) pain build monsters such as you self



(δάκρυα's stare pierced through him, her pain and desperation palpable)


δάκρυα: I thought you had even an ounce of humanity left in you, but I was wrongly mistaking



Sebastian's voice dropped to a menacing whisper

Sebastian:. Demons don't feel fear, pain, or need compassion. They are fear. They are pain. And they lack compassion.


The air was heavy with tension as they locked eyes,δάκρυα's pain and Sebastian's darkness hanging like a challenge.


δάκρυα in her mind: no compassion, just pure darkness


Sebastian: get ready (as left the room)


δάκρυα narrating: those words


 (Sebastian's words echoed in δάκρυα 's mind, becoming a cruel mantra. Demons don't feel fear, pain, or need compassion...)


δάκρυα narrating: became the stepping stone I had, to lose hope in that world called humanity.


The scene shifted to δákryα hooked up to a machine, her body trembling with each scream, her eyes pleading for mercy.


δάκρυα's narration was a barely audible whisper 

δάκρυα's narration: Plugged... they constantly sucked the life out of me... they all watch me scream in dying pain... but did nothing... I don't know why his doing this but I can't take this anymore, the pain is over bearing, even for a monster.


(Her screams echoed through the room, a haunting testament to her unbearable pain.)




As night fell, Zane sat on δákryα's bed, his eyes locked on hers.


Zane: where would you go?


δákρυα's voice was barely above a whisper


δάκρυα: some were far, some where he would never find me


Zane's face scrunched in concern


Zane: Are going to stay with your mom


δάκρυα: yes


Zane's face scrunched in concern


Zane: would I see you again


δάκρυα's face set in determination.


δάκρυα: I'll come back for you, I don't want to live you


δάκρυα's arms opened, and they shared a tight hug.


Zane: it hurt, doesn't it, you do what you have to do, am always her to support you..


δákρυα leaned in, her lips brushing against Zane's forehead in a soft, gentle kiss. The touch was tender, a silent promise of her love and support. Zane's eyes fluttered closed, his heart swelling with emotion as he savored the warmth of her lips. The kiss was a whisper of comfort, a reminder that they would always be together, always


As they parted, Zane's eyes shone with tears


Zane: I love you, am always gonna be here waiting, I'll never leave you

δάκρυα smiled,


δάκρυα: I'll come back, I promise


(with a final glance,δάκρυα disappeared into a secret passage, leaving Zane waving goodbye, tears streaming down his cheeks. The clock on the wall read 21:56, the ticking seconds echoing through the silence.)
