
Tears: as the world burns T-T

  δάκρυα a girl living in a world just like hell a place that fears the unknown as she struggles to make decisions, one that would take her head as the choices became harder, blood flowed like an endless river as lies, betrayal, blood, death, hatred and love slips into the life of δάκρυα betrayed by the ones she holds dear as the lose of her family members breaks her come along with her to the land of losses, pain, destruction and monster as she fight against her true nightmare. herself. 마음: after all she did for you   마음:(smirked) you stepped away,   마음: no empathy (as he turned to look up at their faces, with disgust)   마음:truly disgusting (then he walked away)   δάκρυα narrating: disaster befell the land    (the scene unfolded like a nightmare. Fire spread, buildings collapsed, earth quake been stronger than ever, the ground began to open. δάκρυα running faster than ever)   δάκρυα narrating: hell truly came to earth (the ground opening up like a chasm. δákryα stopped and gazed up at the sky, her eyes fixed on the horror unfolding above.)   **   The χάος clan members looked up with fear, their eyes widened with terror. The Elders whispered   χάος Elders: η κόλαση ανέβηκε(   (pronunciation: i kólasi anévike)    (meaning hell has risen) ( (   **   Two other clans, different from mere mortals, yet similar to χάος, gazed upon the sky with equal terror.   **   δάκρυα's voice was barely audible    :What is happening?    The sky shattered like glass, red cracks spreading across the horizon. The cracks converged, revealing a massive eye closed shot as though it slept facing down on the world   The world darkened as though the sun was covered only the cracks in the sky illuminated the world **   A figure emerged from the shadows, lips curled into a sinister smile: Chaos has begun, and people will tremble at the mention of our name.   A ghastly symbol on the wall, an eyeball ripped from its socket, its cables hanging like festering tendrils. The iris was split into two halves, red and blue, like a twisted fusion of realities, as if two demonic entities had merged into a single, unblinking gaze. sitting in a puddle of congealed blood.     A black, skeletal hand materialized in the fleeting flashes of the lamp post's light, as a horrific creature emerged from the crack in the land. Its grotesque face contorted into a twisted grin, revealing razor-sharp teeth and a long, slimy tongue. The creature's eyes gleamed with malevolence, as if hell itself had unleashed its horrors upon the world.  

chisom_eze · Fantasy
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22 Chs

CHAPTER 6 χαρούμενο τέλος pov

CHAPTER 6 χαρούμενο τέλος pov



χαρούμενο τέλος narrating: στην αρχή ο κόσμος χωρίστηκε στα τέσσερα: η φυλή του χάους, η χαρούμενη φυλή, οι απλοί θνητοί και η άλλη πλευρά η φυλή της κατάρας


(pronounciation: stin archí o kósmos chorístike sta téssera: i fylí tou cháous, i charoúmeni fylí, oi aploí thnitoí kai i álli plevrá i fylí tis katáras,)


 (meaning in the beginning the world was divided in four: the chaos clan, the joyous clan, the mere mortal, and the other side the curse clan)


χαρούμενο τέλος narrating:ohh; και ο παρίας  (pronounciation) kai o parías(Meaning and the outcast)


χαρούμενο τέλος narrating: an organization forbidden to be spoken off where rebels and outlaw of each clan assemble, they are like forgotten soul like shadows, they hold no importance so we see them as never existing entities 




A woman (χαρούμενο τέλος) hanged vertically with her hand parallel to one another shouting and crying as people sit in a place just like an auditorium, while the woman was on the stage publicly humiliated and laughed upon as they tutored her.

They all wore black and white (which is the color of outlaws) with their face covered 

As they whooped χαρούμενο τέλος several time with weapons unfathomable to the human eye as she screamed in pain as tears wet her face.


A person (male) which seemed like the leader came forward his face covered living only his lower face bare (from his mouth to his chin),

The person which seemed like the leader spoke saying; you loved a man foolishly


as χαρούμενο τέλος responded in a soft, weak voice saying; stop it


He then spoke again taunting her; Abandoned by those you call family

 as χαρούμενο τέλος responded still in a soft voice wiht no strength left in her saying; stop it.


 Trying to get a reaction out of her he then said; had a monster as a child.


χαρούμενο τέλος looked up at him with her eyes red out of the tears she produced due to the pain, she yells; stop it with pain in her voice.


He then demanded shouting; give her up


Then said with a calm voice; give her to us



χαρούμενο τέλος responded saying; never you hear me,


χαρούμενο τέλος refused, yelling out, 'Never! You'll never take her from me!'"





χαρούμενο τέλος body was suspended in mid-air, her head bowed in agony, her hands stretched out parallel to each other. The dimly lit room was eerily silent, except for the faint sound of her own labored breathing.Suddenly, a faint voice pierced the stillness her eyes filled with a mix of hope and desperation,


 she whispered, her voice barely audible


χαρούμενο τέλος: δάκρυο (pronounced dakryo)(meaning tear drop),


as tears mingled with the blood streaming down her face.

 drenched in her own blood



(four year old δάκρυα)


δάκρυα: mom


χαρούμενο τέλος: teardrop


δάκρυα: what happening (confused)


χαρούμενο τέλος: baby (with tears in her eyes)


δάκρυα: where are you, were is this


χαρούμενο τέλος: your subconsciousness, where only the one you love appears(She smiled through her tears)


 (She wanted to run and embrace her mother but her legs couldn't move)


δάκρυα: mum, mum why can't I come to you


(χαρούμενο τέλος smiled as tear rolled down from her eyes)


χαρούμενο τέλος: you're not strong enough baby


δάκρυα: I want to be strong enough mummy, I want to come to you (δάκρυα slowly vanishing)


χαρούμενο τέλος: (tears streamed down her face) :Don't remember this( she whispered)


 Her brown eyes turned yellow, and she smiled as her daughter disappeared completely. The only sound left was her heavy crying)


χάος clan some members are blesses with gift, those with the gift of visions and fortune telling are trained to become elders of their generation and χαρούμενο τέλος had her fair share of those gift.


δάκρυα woke up and remembered nothing of the encounter


 Leaving χαρούμενο τέλος to her sorrow and longing.



χαρούμενο τέλος narrating: δάκρυα was not strong enough to break free. It takes a tremendous amount of emotional, psychological, and physical stability to navigate the subconscious mind. Only those who have learned to control their emotions and have achieved a certain level of inner peace can do so and she was far too young inexperienced to accomplish this feat It takes years of guidance and teaching to master the skills necessary to traverse one's subconsciousness especially in the cruel world which I left her in. unprepared to face its challenges. I had hoped to be there for her, to guide her through the darkness, but fate had other plans.





Five Years later

 δάκρυα found herself in her subconscious once again, reunited with her mother, χαρούμενο τέλος.





six years old δάκρυα


 χαρούμενο τέλος: don't dwell in the past do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment tear drop.


δάκρυα concentrated and moved her hands and knee but her feet remained rooted in place



χαρούμενο τέλος: δάκρυα at seven she could walk at nine she could run she learned faster than any one, and that two with no guide from the physical world. But I never realized I was robbing her of her childhood, making her an embodiment of numbness, devoid of emotions.




Fifteen year old δάκρυα


On a bridge overlooking a crystal-clear river, fifteen-year-old δάκρυα stood alongside χαρούμενο τέλος, gazing out at the endless water.


χαρούμενο τέλος: κάθε φυλή έχει τα δώρα της κάτι που την κάνει ξεχωριστή 


(pronounced káthe fylí échei ta dóra tis káti pou tin kánei xechoristí)


 (meaning each clan has it own gift that makes it special)


δάκρυα: τι είναι δικό μας 


(pronounced ti eínai dikó mas)


(meaning what is ours)


χαρούμενο τέλος: Τα μάτια σου είναι το δώρο σου, μην το ξεχνάς ποτέ


(pronounced Ta mátia sou eínai to dóro sou, min to xechnás



(Meaning: Your eyes are your gift, never forget that)


(She smiled broadly, but δάκρυα's gaze remained fixed on the river, her expression tinged with sadness)



χαρούμενο τέλος: Είμαι μια ανταμοιβή αλλά εσύ, πολύ περισσότερο είσαι ένα ψήφισμα, πολύτιμο δάκρυ μου


(pronounced Eímai mia antamoiví allá esý, polý perissótero eísai éna psífisma, polýtimo dákry mou)


(Meaning: am a reward but you, your far more you are a resolution, my precious tear drop)

(She smiled broadly, but δάκρυα's gaze remained fixed on the river, her expression tinged with sadness)




δάκρυα in her subconsciousness 13 years old δάκρυα 2 days before her 14 birthday


δάκρυα siting on the floor facing her mom after a while three men wearing black and white unchaining χαρούμενο τέλος and dragging her out without a care in the world. δάκρυα followed them to a big auditorium as they started another round of torturing χαρούμενο τέλος , δάκρυα saw this and she shouted;


δάκρυα: stop it that my mum


Enraged as she rush over grabbing the hand of one of the tormentors and crushing it, detaching it from his shoulder. The men were bewildered, as the man screamed in pain. Everyone confused on what just happen, as the person who seemed like the leader walked up to χαρούμενο τέλος and said; did you do this


He asked without a muscle moved on his face


χαρούμενο τέλος smiled


χαρούμενο τέλος: how could I possibly


δάκρυα realized that she couldn't be seen


A group of men charging towards χαρούμενο τέλος with weapons unimaginable, they all passed through δάκρυα before there weapons could penetrate the flesh of χαρούμενο τέλος, they all were met with Immeasurable pain. They all dropped there weapon due to the pain.


χαρούμενο τέλος looked straight ahead unfazed, all the men gazed at her (χαρούμενο τέλος ) in confusion, they turned around and were met with a cold gaze from bright bloody red eyes, with no head or a body to stand upon the eyes was as though it floated on nothing.




χαρούμενο τέλος could see her daughter in no control over her on body


The chains that held χαρούμενο τέλος shattered and dispersed like dust. The person which seemed like the leader was also unfazed with this sight and he was in astonishment.


δάκρυα pulled him to her from where he stood (which was pretty far), holding his neck, every other person feared for the worst but he smiled revealing his razor sharp teeth (like that of an alligator), . He smiled, fascinated by this. He had never seen anything like this before, he could feel a grip on his neck but couldn't see or touch any entities, it was as if she was never there.


δάκρυα was about to snap his neck in two but her mother intervened


χαρούμενο τέλος : don't do it


The person who seemed like the leader was not interested or happy and pretty disappointed about χαρούμενο τέλος intervention he wanted to see what this being could do, that was his interest, he felt ecstasy by just been strangled by such a being.


χαρούμενο τέλος gathered her strength, the person which seamed like the leader rolled his eyes. χαρούμενο τέλος walked up to her daughters as she held her hand, δάκρυα released her grip on the person which seamed like the leader and threw him aside, The leader was disappointed. χαρούμενο τέλος embraced δάκρυα, telling her to remember nothing with yellow coloured iris. δάκρυα's eyes slowly turning back to her clear glass coloured iris, and she disappeared.


δάκρυα: I love you too


δάκρυα disappeared


The person who seemed like the leader on his knees, started laughing in a sinister manner




Two days before δάκρυα fourteen birthday


A woman (χαρούμενο τέλος) shouting and crying as people sit in a place just like an auditorium, while the woman was on the stage publicly humiliated and laughed upon as they tutored her, the situation was then changed to the woman running in pain and with opened wounds as people chased after her


δάκρυα inner thought: I have been having the same dream for the past TEN YEARS but tonight own was different

(As δάκρυα slowly opened her eyes)


δάκρυα: she fled



1 day before world destruction

In a dark room


A man's voice echoed through the shadows, his face hidden by the darkness. "Found you," he said, his razor-sharp teeth glinting in the faint light. χαρούμενο τέλος was about to turn around when something moved towards her with incredible speed, and everything went black.


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