
Supreme Magus Ascension

Ryan, a teenager consumed by his obsession with magic, spends his days fantasizing about worlds where wizards and spells are real. One fateful night, while browsing Harry Potter fan theories, he drifts to sleep, wishing for a life full of magic and mystery. Little does he know that his wish is about to come true. When Ryan awakens, he finds himself in a completely unfamiliar world—a place filled with broomsticks, cauldrons, and enchanted creatures. Soon, he realizes that he has been reincarnated in the Harry Potter universe, but not as a typical student. To his shock, he is now the adoptive son of Severus Snape, the brooding and enigmatic Potions Master of Hogwarts. As Ryan grows up under Snape’s care, he struggles to adjust to his new life and the immense pressure of living in the shadow of such a complex figure. Snape, cold and distant at first, slowly warms to Ryan, revealing a hidden side—a man torn between duty and love, haunted by the past but determined to protect his adopted son from the dangers that lurk in the wizarding world. And then the day comes for the fated Day of his admission to Hogwarts, so the true journey begins..

sunnybieber05 · 电影同人
4 Chs

The System


As Ryan was still reveling in his private victory, a sudden chime interrupted his thoughts. He stood up abruptly, startled by the unexpected sound.

"What was that?" he muttered to himself, glancing around the small bathroom. The noise hadn't come from any obvious source. He cracked open the bathroom door and peered outside, scanning the empty hallway.

"Hello?" Ryan called out cautiously. "Who's there?"

Suddenly, a cold, mechanical voice echoed in his mind.

[Hogwarts Admission Letter Detected]

[Supreme Magus System is now online]

Ryan's eyes widened in shock as glowing notifications materialized in front of him, floating in midair like holograms from some futuristic video game. He had been waiting for this—praying for it— but after so many years he finally accepted he doesn't have it but now, it was real, it's finally here.

"Yesss!" he shouted triumphantly, unable to contain his excitement. The paintings along the corridor turned their heads toward the bathroom door, their painted faces twisted in expressions of bewilderment.

"Did the boy finally accept it?" one portrait muttered to the others.

"It seems so," another one replied, shaking his head in disbelief, he wondered whether Snape's son has a screw lose, seeing his reaction was so late.

Ryan barely noticed them. His mind was racing as he processed the system's activation. This was what he had been waiting for—his true power, the key to becoming more than just another student at Hogwarts.

Although he had confidence in himself, but now with the system, his confidence soared through the roof.

"System, quickly explain your functions," he said excitedly.



"Hmm, it seems my system is not sentient. Well, that's okay," Ryan thought. Then he mumbled to himself, "Status."

Ding ~

[ Ryan Snape ]






[ Attributes ]




[ Open Newbie Package to finalize your Status Screen ]

Ryan's eyes went to the last note as he nodded and said, "Open Newbie Package."

[ Opening... ]

[ Host received: ]

[ Bloodline Package ]

[ Talent Package ]

[ Special Pet Package ]

Ryan stared at the screen, a mix of excitement and curiosity bubbling within him. The notifications blinked before him like a beacon of potential.

"Bloodline Package? Talent Package? Special Pet Package?" he mused aloud, his mind racing with possibilities. He couldn't wait to see what each would offer.

He decided to start with the Bloodline Package. "I wonder what will I get?" he thought, feeling a surge of adrenaline as he selected it.

[Opening Bloodline Package…]

A moment later, a warm glow enveloped him, and images flooded his mind: ancient warriors, mythical creatures, and a legacy that pulsed with power.

[ Bloodline Awakening Complete: You are the Descendant of Medea of Colchis ]

With this awakening, your magical prowess reaches unprecedented heights. You now possess the following perks:

Peak Magic and Sorcery Talent: Your ability to wield magic is unparalleled, granting you access to advanced spells and techniques.

Alchemy Talent (Peak): You can create powerful potions and elixirs, enhancing your skills and abilities.

Transformation Magus: You can transform yourself or others into different forms, unlocking new potential.

Summoning Magus: You can summon creatures or spirits to aid you in battle or provide assistance in your journey.

Divination magus : You can predict future events at irregular basis.

"Medea of Colchis!" Ryan exclaimed, his excitement quickly turning to confusion. He furrowed his brow, mumbling with a faltered face, "Who is she?"

Though he didn't realize it, Medea was a legendary figure in Greek mythology—a Supreme Magic user known for her mastery of transformation, alchemy, and divination. But for now, Ryan set aside his curiosity about her and focused on the next package he had opened.

[ Open Talent Package ]

[ Host Received: Arcane Eyes ]

[ Arcane Eyes: The highest-level vision in the magical world allows you to see magic at its deepest level. All paths of magic are visible, enabling you to enhance any spell to its utmost perfection or discover new spells by studying the pathways of magic. ]

Ryan's heart raced as he absorbed the details of his new talent. "Arcane Eyes? This could change everything!" he thought, envisioning the potential to enhance his spells and uncover new techniques.

With determination, he activated his talent, feeling a rush as his eyes flashed with an ethereal glow before returning to their usual blue. He looked around, marveling at the world anew. His home was illuminated by an intricate tapestry of magic, revealing hidden layers of wards and enchantments.

"Damn, this isn't just a house—it's a fortress! Just how much magic did the Snape family put into this place?" he thought, taking in the net-like layers of wards surrounding his home.

"I will find out more about it," he muttered to himself. focusing his eyes, he focused on the threads of magic woven into the very walls, eager to learn their secrets.

After a moment of concentration, he closed his eyes and decided to check the last package he had received. "I wonder what I'll get from the pet package."

[ Open Pet Package ]

[ Host Received: Grey Mystic Owl ]

[ Grey Mystic Owl: A species of extinct owls that can phase through any magical or physical object. ]

Ryan's excitement peaked as a little Grey Mystic Owl appeared before him, its feathers shimmering with an otherworldly light. Its eyes glowed with intelligence, and it perched gracefully on his shoulder, feeling both familiar and powerful.

Perched on his shoulder, the baby owl looked at Ryan with wide, curious eyes as he rubbed his face against its soft feathers.

"Nice to meet you too, little one," Ryan said, smiling as he gently scratched the owl's head. The creature closed its eyes in bliss, letting out a contented "Hoot hoot~" that echoed in the quiet of the fortress.

Ryan chuckled, feeling a warmth in his heart. "You're going to be quite the companion. What should I call you?"

The owl opened its eyes, tilting its head as if considering.

"aren't you a curious one?" Ryan said to him, as he rubbed his little head once again.

"hmm, what should I call you?" Ryan thought out aloud.


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