Ares Cassius Malfoy was born the twin brother to Draconis Lucius Malfoy. Born as the heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy, Ares must dance around his family’s political views and change the Slytherin house for the better. His secret? This isn’t his first life!
We walked around Hogwarts letting Sirius reminisce about his glory days and tell us about every prank he pulled. Eventually we settled by a tree overlooking the Great Lake.
"So, Mr, Malfoy, Harry tells me you are the one I have to thank for freeing me?" Sirius said while skipping a rock across the dark waters.
"Yes Lord Black." I said. Sirius turns his head and gazed into my eyes. Something in his eyes scared me. It was a look I often found in the mirror in my past life. The look of a man who lost everything.
"And why would the son of death eater Lucius Malfoy deign to help poor little blood-traitor Sirius Black?" Sirius said harshly. I looked shocked, I knew it was a possibility that he wouldn't care for me, but I thought my mother being a friend in there earlier years would help my case. Plus, the letters we sent back and forth showed him nothing but accepting of me. Harry was appalled, "Padfoot w-"
"Not a word Prongslet, I know his father and if he's anything like him than he's the wrong sort to be around. I want to know why you would want to save me with your… upbringing." Sirius said with a sneer.
I stared him down in anger, I hated being compared to that man but I wouldn't ruin this chance. Mother needed me now. "The son of Lucius Malfoy wouldn't dare to help someone like Sirius Black, but the son of Narcissa Black would do anything for family." I said with a hard tone. Sirius stared at me for a couple more seconds before bursting out laughing. I blinked. Of course, I forgot that he doesn't take anything seriously, no pun intended.
Harry still looked irked and said, "Padfoot, what was that about?"
Sirius's laughter died down to chuckles as he said, "Oh I was just trying to get a feel for what kind of person he is. I mean, could you blame me? The son of one of the most notorious blood supremacists is here on a silver platter and I haven't pranked anyone in years."
We all had a chuckle before we divulged into more important matters. "Harry, I know we've talked about it over the letters, but do you really want to come and live with me?"
"Yes, please Sirius, I can't stand staying with the Dursleys another second." Harry said in excitement. Sirius gained a dark look at the mention of Harry's abusers, oh, nothing was said about it in our letters, but nothing had to be said once he met him in person. The way Harry is too small for his age, how he wants to live with a virtual stranger over staying with his relatives, and the little ticks that I've gotten used to where he jumps at loud noises and is non confrontational. Yes, Sirius knew exactly what that meant.
"And what could I ever do to replay my gallant savior?" Sirius asked in playful tone.
I smile and say, "Well there is one thing-"
Sirius jumped and covered himself, "You beast, I'm saving myself!"
My eyebrow twitches at his joke, "Not what I meant Lord Black."
Sirius laughs and says, "Call me Sirius, Lord Black reminds me of bad times.." he trails off with a solemn stare.
"Okay Sirius, I need you help. As you may well know my father doesn't keep the most pleasant company." I say as Sirius gives me a look that says, 'No, you don't say?' I ignore it and continue, "I was wondering if you could dissolve my mothers marriage with him and adopt us back in the Black family. Under an old Ministry law, if the wife's previous Head of House dissolves a marriage for breach of the marriage contract, it would make her and every child conceived in said marriage no-names. Then you could readily us back into the Black Family."
"I like the idea, but what clause has Malfoy broken in the contract?" Sirius asks. I sigh in relief at his agreement to free us from the monster.
"Mother sent me a copy of her contract before you arrived, Clause 9 subsection 3 says that any husband of a daughter of House Black must never become a servant. Blacks serve no one! It was written in mind that a while back if someone was destitute enough to enter servantry, he would be unable to provide for a daughter of House Black and would then lose all claim he has on her. Basically it allowed them to leave their Husbands that squandered their parents money. But I believe it works here, as Voldemort has branded each of his followers, he has fulfilled the requirements for someone to be considered a servant."
Sirius stared at me for a moment and barked out a laugh, "That cunning way of circumventing the law is all Cissy, she loved getting one over on the Professors of they didn't make their rules clear. Has it really gotten so bad for her and you there?" He asks in curiosity for his favorite cousin.
I scowl as I say, "He's used the Cruciatus Curse on her more times then I can count, Dobby recently told me that he has been doing it daily after I made a huge mistake this year."
Sirius looked angry and asked, "What mistake?"
"The one that freed you, while Father was away, I snuck into the dungeons and what I found traumatized me. He had literal prison dungeons under the Manor, there was so much blood. I found some files on his desk that showed him making payments to Fudge on days that Muggles had been getting kidnapped. It's actually what I bribed Fudge with to get you such a smooth trial." I said with a disgusted look on my face. It still creeps me out that he had tortured muggles right under our feet for years more than likely.
Sirius smiled a weak smile and said, "Thank you that must have put you in a bad position with how close your father is with Fudge."
I shook my head and said, "Not any worse a position than when I was confronted by the upper echelons of Slytherin."
Sirius looked pale and said, "You were called to a meeting with the King and Princes of Slytherin!?"
Harry looked at Sirius in confusion, "How do you know about that Sirius, I thought you were in Gryffindor?"
"They turned my brother Regalus into the little prince that he was, drove him right into the Dark Lords waiting hands. I'll never forget that day in his second year when I accidentally bumped into him. I had talked to him the previous day about his treatment with mother, we were really close at a young age and I wanted to help him leave that abusive household, but he was too scared of the retaliation of the Slytherins to do so. On the day I bumped into him, it was like he was a different person. He was sneering hatefully and calling me a 'blood-traitor who fraternizes with mudbloods.' I asked him what happened and he said the King of Slytherin had helped him see that he had a higher purpose than being second fiddle to some uppity mudblood lover." Sirius said in a hateful tone.
"Yea they wanted to do the same with me, said I had so much talent and how they had someone watching my friend. They wanted me to take an unbreakable vow to serve the Dark Lord. That was until I threatened to release the files depicting their fathers nightly activities." I finish as Sirius's eyes bug out.
"Are you mad? Do you know what you've done? You've made yourself public enemy number one for any member of the Dark families!" Sirius said in a heated voice. "That must have really prickled daddy dearest."
"I know but what choice do I have, I either follow a madman who's hellbent on destruction, or make an enemy of the dark families and be hunted." I shout in frustration. Sirius paces back and forth, muttering about how stupid children are nowadays.
"Ok I'll do it, just let me get my wa-" Sirius started off before I cut him off with a yell, "NOT YET!"
"Why not?" Sirius asks annoyed.
"You idiot, what do you think will happen to Mother if their marriage contract is dissolved. They'll feel it instantly and Mother won't leave alive!" I scream at his idiocy.
Sirius's shoulders drop, "Ohh.."
"Yea, oh." I say shaking my head and pinching by brow. "Dobby!"
"Yes, Young Master Ares?" Dobby appears and asks. Harry looks at the little creature with big curious eyes and Sirius is a bit uncomfortable, he doesn't like house elves and prefers to care for himself after having to deal with Kreacher in his childhood.
"Where is Father?" I ask.
"Master be's at Goblin Bank with Mistress!" Dobby said in his cheerful tone. He loved helping Ares since he is the only one who's nice to him. Narcissa doesn't interact with him much since she has a personal elf she brought with her from the Black home named Mipsy.
"Perfect, let's go catch them their, he won't be able to attack anyone in Goblin territory unless he wants to be working in their prison mines." I say as we all rush to The Headmasters Office. We reach the door and just as we are about to knock, a voice says, "Enter!"
The door opens and we enter Dumbledores office. He's sitting their with that irritating twinkle in his eyes. "Why hello Sirius, what could I do to help you today?"
"Stand aside Dumbledore, we need to use the Floo, House Business." That last but was to remind Dumbledore he couldn't interfere. A family member can take a student for the day as long as it's under pretenses of House Business.
"Oh I wasn't aware that Mr. Potter was family to you, just because you were close with his father doesn't mean Harry can be included in you House." Dumbledore said in a calm but annoyed tone. It was subtle and Sirius likely didn't catch it, but the raise in pitch at the end of his sentence meant he wasn't to keen on Harry leaving Hogwarts with him.
"You know good and well that I'm his godfather Dumbledores, know move aside," Sirius said in a cold tone. He wasn't Dumbledores biggest fan right now after knowing how his godson was mistreated.
Dumbledore got up and motioned them to the fireplace. There really wasn't any fighting this, he didn't have a leg to stand on he didn't want to be caught interfering with House Matters. If someone ever intruded on private House affairs, than you would be lucky to reach Azkaban. Most Lords would duel you on the spot to keep private house secrets and would kill you, and he wasn't wanting to test Sirius with his current mood towards him.
We threw Floo powder down and yelled out, "Gringotts!" And stepped through the Floo.
Stepping out of the fireplace, we looked around and Gringotts looked especially busy. Sirius walked up to a goblin teller and asked, "Excuse me Sir Teller, I wish to discuss House Matters with the Malfoy Lord and Lady, where might I find them."
The goblin grunted and said, "Wait here Wizard." Then he stumbled away. 10 minutes later, he came back and said, "Follow me wizard, we have arranged a room for your House Matters."
We followed the little goblin into a spacious waiting room with 4 goblins standing guard and after another minute, Mother and Father walked out. Mother had a beautiful smile threaten to bloom on her face before her face became blank and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I smiled weakly at her as, even from here I could see the small shakes she was desperately trying to hide. Father scowled at our group and sat down in the chair across from us, "What do you and my son, want with me Black?" He said with extra venom at 'son'.
"Oh Lucius there are many things I want to say to you Malfoy but I don't believe the children should sully their ears." Sirius said with a haughty tone. I chuckle with Harry as my father shoots me a scathing look. I merely smirk at him as Sirius continues, "But I really just wanted to see your face when I said this," he raised is voice and invoked his magic as Head of House Black, "Lucius Malfoy, you have dishonored House Black by becoming a servant and broken Clause 9 Subsection 3 of the Marriage Contract. I Lord Sirius Orion Black herby dissolve your marriage with Narcissa Malfoy née Black. So I say, so mote it be!"
Lucius jumped up and reached for his wand, but was cut off with a spear poking at his back from one of the goblin guards. My mouth gaped as I don't even see him move. Mother had tears stream down her face and ran up and hugged me. She then turned to her favorite cousin and said, "Thank you Cousin Sirius!"
Sirius grinned and continued, "Narcissa Druella No-Name, I deem you worthy of the Black name. May you always conduct yourself in a manner expected of House Black. Welcome, Narcissa Druella Black. So I say, So mote it be!"
Sirius then turned to me and said, "Ares Cassius No-Name, I deem you worthy of the Black name. May you always conduct yourself in a manner expected of House Black. Welcome, Ares Cassius Black. So I say, So mote it be!"
Lucius looked ready to blow his top, he looked at me and Mother and gritted through his teeth, "You have no idea what you have done. You will pay for this blood-traitors!"
He stormed out as I collapse into a chair. A huge weight had been lifted off my shoulder, and now I can finally start to fight back without worrying about being attacked from my own home. Now its time to plan my next move over the summer maybe Harry and I could fight together like I'd always dreamed of doing with Draco.
Just like that, a cold feeling entered my gut, "What happens to Draco now?"
Mother looks at me with sadness, "Oh my little warrior, he needs a hard lesson before he'd accept help from us. Maybe now that he doesn't have a name he'll see what it's like to be on the receiving end with no power and he'll understand."
I looked up and saw the pain in Mothers face and realized how much this hurts her, choosing one son over another. We returned to Hogwarts on that somber note and get ready for the end of the year.
A/N: Please support me on Patreón: