
Successfully connected to my dream life

what would be your reaction to wake up one day and find yourself in a completely different place or maybe different world, will you be scared or try to enjoy the moment. _______ Reya Amani a 24 years old girl who was literally worth zero in her father's eyes one day she was only joking with her siblings saying " imagine dad will throw me away from home saying I'm a free loader.. hahahaha.." this was only a joke between them yet the next day her father did the unexpected or rather what she never wanted to believe. one day she was with a home to shelter under the next day she became a homeless wanderer with only 5 dollars in her pocket. " I don't deserve this sob .. I'm not gonna accept this too sob..hic.. just wait you stingy old man I'm gonna show you my worth .. hic .." tears falling nonstop like a waterfall from her eyes Reya glimpsed a flying poster [ Are you a girl? a girl in a desperate situation?? a girl in need of money??? good we are in need of someone like you ! don't worry we are not hiring for prostitution nor we are kidnappers , just come to this address you'll be the luckiest girl in the world after . still not believing in us ? then sorry you not suitable for the job just rot in the streets ] " WTF , what's with this are they making a prank? the more I read the more suspicious it became, nevermind I'm gonna go there before it's getting dark " Reya was only desperate at that moment so before she sneak back at home she was curious about the poster. not knowing that her life will change completely by taking that quick decision. " I successfully connected to my dream life!!!!" _______

I_Am_Na · 科幻言情
17 Chs

Strange thoughts 1

in a luxurious bedroom decorated elegantly the snore of the girl sleeping echoed throughout the spacious room.

[ young lady it's time to wake up ] a female warm voice was like a lullaby to the ear, hearing it made the girl only sleep deeper as she changed to the other side of the master bed while muttering some inaudible voice " mnyem... ''

' this is so comfortable this bed is one hundred ways better than the sofa in the living room... " thinking to herself Reya slept for another half an hour if not for her bladder that was near exploding she'd keep sleeping till who knows when.

" toilet where's the toilet?.." she subconsciously walked to the right side but with how messy her hair was she didn't see what's in her front before she hits the wall " ..ayy ..."

[ young miss the toilet is in the other side at the corner ] that female voice sounded again from thin air, Reya went to the toilet as if this wasn't her first time hitting the walls.

few minutes later, at the bathroom;

" am i dreaming or what?! OH MY GOD!! this is real" Reya who was looking at the mirror the bewilderment clearly showed on her face.

" when did the pimples disappear ... also where is the beauty mark on my right cheek !!?" Reya's mind went into a blank state for a second before she realised something very important.

' that .... was there really a beauty mark on my cheek to begin with??! .. why did I ever have the idea of having pimples on my chin when i obviously never had them in my entire life?!! ' asking again and again Reya seems to be in a dilemma looking at her darkening expressions, since this wasn't the first time something like this happened, as one week ago she opened her eyes to find herself in the hospital bed, when she inquired about the reason she's getting treatment, the nurse taking care of her answered that she fainted due to the strict diet she was going through. and that's the point she automatically declined being on a diet which made the nurse doubt if a strict diet could affect the memory of a person, plus she was certain that she never went into a diet in her life not even for a half day ' so why did i accept her words unconsciously?'.

the second time something like this happened was when she got discharged from the hospital her body moved on it's own taking her to the parking lot and even riding back home on a car she was sure she never saw it before but most strange thing is that ' how could I be able to drive when I don't have a driving license'

actions contradicted with her thoughts like this appeared in her mind many times it's as if she was both her and someone else at the same time.

returning back to the present Reya had already changed into a casual navy blue long sleeved dress before going downstairs for breakfast.

[ the young lady's father will eat lunch here today, please prepare yourself before lunch time ] the female voice sounded again on her way downstairs, thinking about it Reya never felt that having an AI as a butler was an odd thing it's just she wasn't familiar with it even though AI's in general existed in her physical memory. though by now Reya already got used to theses types of situations where the new unexisted thoughts replacing or more precisely overtaking the old short-termed thoughts.

" for now let's just prepare to welcome my dear father hehe " smiling brightly Reya happily drank her hot choco milk while savoring the sweet crêpe in front of her as she threw all the disturbing thoughts away.

later at noon while Reya was cooking in the kitchen she voiced her instructions to the AI housekeeper.

" Rosa help me clean the house also heat up some warm water, oh before that make me an iced coffee.." the moment Reya said this she was sure she never drank an iced coffee before ' how could i naturally say it.. arrrrr not gonna think about it not gonna bother about it ' and so she changed her instructions

" Rosa forget about the iced coffee just clean the house also open the salon's curtains for sunlight"

living in a big house wasn't easy as she has to take care of many things by herself but thankfully she has Rosa who can do many things including gardening and buying groceries.


two hours later Rosa indicated to Reya that the guest has arrived which made the latter panic a little,

" Rosa do I look good! is my hair well done?!, I don't like this dress should i change to another one " Reya who was wearing a short dress quickly changed to a dark blue dress just few inches below the knees.

" Rosa, do i look elegant in this one?" Reya wasn't really waiting for Rosa's approval as she already liked the dress which fitted her so well. Rosa's response was something Reya didn't expect

" young lady your diet's result isn't that bad after all"

it sounded as if this AI was mocking her in the end it's just a feeling.

" young lady my body is fully charged i'll come serve the dishes once i finish adjusting it "

" go go leave the rest to me "

opening the door Reya's heart skipped a beat it's as if she longed for this moment for a very long time

" father I missed you " not acting elegant as she did in front of the mirror Reya hurriedly gave the middle aged man a big hug the later was took by surprise as he didn't thought his daughter would be this affectionate to him again for the rest of his life.

" there there my princess.. cough .. cough ... I'm about to suffocate Reya .. cough " it seems his daughter did really miss him or how could she hug him so tightly just the moment he entered.

" dad how was your trip? where did you leave mother? " after sitting comfortably on the sofa Reya began her interview session with her father.

" .. that " taking his daughter's hand Mr Noah patted them gently " ... your mother still want to enjoy spending time with her friends, how could i bear going against her will of enjoying her time ahem.. as for the trip it might have been more better with you and my son in law "

Reya's eyes almost misted by tears she even gave her father another quick hug to comfort him

" there, there dad, next time i'll join you and mom too so don't be sad " these words were like something she always wanted to say but this isn't the main point anymore as she realised something very important. with shocked eyes Reya repeated her father's words

" ... son in law??!. wait do i have a sibling I don't know about father???!"