
Successfully connected to my dream life

what would be your reaction to wake up one day and find yourself in a completely different place or maybe different world, will you be scared or try to enjoy the moment. _______ Reya Amani a 24 years old girl who was literally worth zero in her father's eyes one day she was only joking with her siblings saying " imagine dad will throw me away from home saying I'm a free loader.. hahahaha.." this was only a joke between them yet the next day her father did the unexpected or rather what she never wanted to believe. one day she was with a home to shelter under the next day she became a homeless wanderer with only 5 dollars in her pocket. " I don't deserve this sob .. I'm not gonna accept this too sob..hic.. just wait you stingy old man I'm gonna show you my worth .. hic .." tears falling nonstop like a waterfall from her eyes Reya glimpsed a flying poster [ Are you a girl? a girl in a desperate situation?? a girl in need of money??? good we are in need of someone like you ! don't worry we are not hiring for prostitution nor we are kidnappers , just come to this address you'll be the luckiest girl in the world after . still not believing in us ? then sorry you not suitable for the job just rot in the streets ] " WTF , what's with this are they making a prank? the more I read the more suspicious it became, nevermind I'm gonna go there before it's getting dark " Reya was only desperate at that moment so before she sneak back at home she was curious about the poster. not knowing that her life will change completely by taking that quick decision. " I successfully connected to my dream life!!!!" _______

I_Am_Na · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Strange thoughts 2

" YOUR SON-IN-LAW ??!! when did i get a brother in law " shooting the words out loud Reya's mind went into a complete mess again as a sudden realisation occured in her mind.

" quit joking around hahaha how could I have other kids beside you, unless if you begged me I might consider giving you a little bum-bum hahaha" the father was kind of enjoying teasing his princess yet his expression changed Quickly as he searched the surrounding with his eyes.

" where's my son in law why he's not home yet?"

Reya regained her composure as she smiled sheepishly " dad who said I want a sibling what if they stole you from me who gonna call me Princess again"

" giving it another thought why not add a little brother to this Princess... by that you'll have two great gentlemen calling you Princess isn't that killing two birds with one stone ?!hahaha "

" ... dad !! I doubt that would happen hehehe... look at your age hahahaha " Reya was so mischievous implying hidden meaning to her father, but the both didn't worry about using words as they happily laughed while chatting together.

[ young lady the dishes will taste bad if not eaten hot ] Rosa's remark pulled the father daughter duo from their chatter to the dining table.

" hmm... this taste good, Rosa what did you use to make the sauce .." the father asked while mixing the pasta with the tomato sauce, looking at him Reya giggled softly

[ to answer my master's father in law question, it was the young lady who made the meal ]

hearing Rosa's response the father's eyes shined for a moment before he gave Reya a quick look before spacing out.

" dad, why are you looking at me ?... isn't the dishes to your taste ? should i cook something else for you? " sensing her father's sudden silence Reya proposed carefully, but she didn't get any response, she even waved her hand in front of him yet he still didn't respond.

" how could he zone out while talking to me, tut tut.. " Reya didn't care much about it as a sudden thought lighted in her mind _' it's normal for people to space out in this world '_ it sounded as if someone told her this before yet nothing makes her believe in the authenticity of all theses sudden thoughts, adding the fact that she's too scared to ask others out of social fears as she the type who act openly with her close people like friends and family while too awkward to begin a conversation with outsiders.

" my dear Princess you still didn't answer me, where's your husband?" the father who wasn't mentally present few seconds ago asked after making sure nothing in his plate was left, and this only made Reya contemplate even more ' .. I have a husband... how could I forget about something this important?!'

smiling at her father she quietly answered

" he went for a business trip abroad , will be home the next Thursday as what i know.."

sensing the quick change of mood Mr Noah probed in a whisper like voice

" by the way does he treat you badly? or did he cheat on you ? if he did don't hide it from me just say it i'll give you the justice you need"

similar to him Reya Whispered back " not that father.. don't worry"

this time he didn't keep his voice low as he all of a sudden hit the dining table " how dare he held his hands against my daughter "

" dad you frightened me, gosh, it's nothing like what you imagine, calm down " Reya was kind of frightened by her father's sudden reaction.

" OH dear then why are you gloomy all of a sudden, i could only think of that reason sigh" even though he's a man in his fifties he sometimes act other than his actual age.

" tsk daddy who dare mistreat me the apple of your eyes " shaking her father's arm Reya was enjoying acting spoiled, mostly when an inner voice told her to live up to the word * Princess * .

they saytime pass pass in a blink while having good talks with the right People and that's what happened to the father daughter duo as they were emersed in their chatting forgetting time.

" once your husband return don't forget to send him my regards, that brat dare leave my Princess alone" as a loving father he was reluctant to part way with Reya, looking at his numeric watch he pat his daughter's head warmly before he got in the car.

" dad you should take care of yourself now that mom isn't home hehe "

by just a glance anyone could tell how greatly close their family bond is which makes people admire this blessed family.

" I'm jealous ... " not aware of what she subconsciously murmured Reya returned to her house. spending quality time with her father the day went really quick but in her heart she felt much better than the empty days she spent here.

[ young lady should i make dinner for you today or not?] Rosa was sure to talk out of nowhere, for the last week Reya had it hard to get accustomed to this AI housekeeper of her.

Back to the day she returned from the hospital the house was not just empty but drowning in darkness too but that wasn't the problem as the house was in a complete mess making Reya doubt if someone threw everything out of anger,or a thief trespassed in. cleaning wasn't a problem till the moment she entered her room's bathroom the shock she got could almost get a healthy person faint.

" OMG .. what's this ?!" what she saw was no other than her AI housekeeper who was half standing half bending on the floor, it's face was torn into half which exposed the bloody meat beneath the thin skin, just the sight of it made her lose her strength as her legs no longer supported her standing.

" I .. did i do this ? ..." Reya wasn't sure herself as she barley remembered her life before, because till now everything comes to her mind naturally.

however her doubts didn't last long as the sight in front of her became unstable, a moment was the gruesome body the other second it was a mechanical body only then did she automatically understood what's going on " my AI housekeeper"