
Successfully connected to my dream life

what would be your reaction to wake up one day and find yourself in a completely different place or maybe different world, will you be scared or try to enjoy the moment. _______ Reya Amani a 24 years old girl who was literally worth zero in her father's eyes one day she was only joking with her siblings saying " imagine dad will throw me away from home saying I'm a free loader.. hahahaha.." this was only a joke between them yet the next day her father did the unexpected or rather what she never wanted to believe. one day she was with a home to shelter under the next day she became a homeless wanderer with only 5 dollars in her pocket. " I don't deserve this sob .. I'm not gonna accept this too sob..hic.. just wait you stingy old man I'm gonna show you my worth .. hic .." tears falling nonstop like a waterfall from her eyes Reya glimpsed a flying poster [ Are you a girl? a girl in a desperate situation?? a girl in need of money??? good we are in need of someone like you ! don't worry we are not hiring for prostitution nor we are kidnappers , just come to this address you'll be the luckiest girl in the world after . still not believing in us ? then sorry you not suitable for the job just rot in the streets ] " WTF , what's with this are they making a prank? the more I read the more suspicious it became, nevermind I'm gonna go there before it's getting dark " Reya was only desperate at that moment so before she sneak back at home she was curious about the poster. not knowing that her life will change completely by taking that quick decision. " I successfully connected to my dream life!!!!" _______

I_Am_Na · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

A one in a lifetime chance 4

in a secret basement that was fully equipped with so many tools there was two men inside they respectively watched attentively the big screen at the corner while the one wearing a lab coat couldn't even wipe the sweat sliding near his tired eyes, suddenly an alarmed sound befall on their ears.

Beep .. beep .. beep.. error occurred.. error occurred.. host body is in danger ... beep .. beep beep...

" what went wrong doctor?" the middle-aged man anxiously asked

" what happened to my daughter? do something doctor .." the last words he uttered were more of an order than a pleading way as he grabbed the doctor from his collar but thankfully the arrival of a man in a full suit entered the laboratory saving the doctor time to do his job rightfully.

" Big brother you shouldn't be impatience, it's not like it's your first time watching your daughter in this situation tsk.." from the moment this man entered the smile that wasn't really a smile didn't leave his face, looking at how he called the middle-aged man their relationship cannot be of a boss-subordinate type.

" how can I be assured every time i see her like this my heart aches for her .. sigh .. cut it short what brought you here when I gave orders to not let anyone into here"

" what can it be other than work.. " looking at the doctor who was typing on the keyboards nonstop he instantly grabbed the gun on his waist aiming at the legs of that doctor

BANG BANG , the two bullets hit the target directly as the later bent down an agonized scream come out from his throat because of the tearing caused by the bullets piercing his both legs.

" .. you.. impossible..h.how did you know?!.. " the doctor who was already crawling on the ground was puzzled as if he never thought his disguise would be exposed.

" tsk I didn't thought they'll send an inexperienced man here " the man shooted the doctor's hands without batting an eye just for another pained cry to sound all over the place


the man bent over next to the crawling doctor he didn't say anything instead his smile turned into a smirk " hmm at least he got a good taste in choosing the faces hahaha "

" ... ahnug .. who told you?! .. " forcing words out of his mouth that was full of blood the doctor asked helplessly

" OH! that , .. it's a secret hahahaha , poor kid you worked for the wrong person.." the man's expression darkened as his eyes catched the other one trying to touch his glasses hurriedly.


" can't you be anyway quick stop playing around what if he successfully sent a signal " the middle aged man said after shooting the doctor on his forehead dropping him dead on the cold floor.

" geez can't you just appreciate his efforts, the way he looked while trying to use his glasses hahaha so cute " the man looked like a father talking about his cute daughter which obviously made the middle-aged man want to throw up out of disgust.

" let the others clean up the place and send orders for the plan to carry on, make sure no rat to crawl here again or just kill yourself by then " the middle-aged man seriously gave his orders as he took his leave

" bro you are so strict how can they crawl here again with my presence hahaha you made the right decision to find me " the man patted his so called brother on the back as they departed from the lab.


at the same time Reya re-entered the office building with fire almost emerging from her eyes

" just wait you stingy old man, once i became rich you'll crawl under my feet begging for my forgiveness humph "

doctor Jo who was about to head out was surprised to find Reya sitting on the lobby

" this ... "

Reya subconsciously turned her head just to meet doctor Jo's piercing eyes.

" hello again doctor Jo, hehe"

few minutes later at his bureau Reya's expression turned stiff

" Miss you shouldn't worry this is not gonna be of any bad end to you, you could also add one condition in case you not confident.. you can't back off now " doctor Jo was heavily serious with every word he said as for Reya her regret wasn't fully hidden from her face which made him change his easygoing attitude.

" look here miss Reya if you really cherish your life you better not run away or you'd not remember your last moment" thinking he was too direct using words doctor Jo added " don't take my words seriously I'm just kidding hahaha"

his words returned her to reality few minutes ago she happily signed the contract but now she's not even sure of what trouble she put herself in.

" sir even though your words are scary I don't think the job is scarier than them so no matter what the job is i've already signed" she dare not show weakness in this conversation so pretending to be confident was a must, yet if there was a way to probe inside her head you'll get drowned from the waterfalls of tears she silently cried.

' joke my ass who in his rightful mind would joke about other people's death bohoo i miss home i miss mom , i miss my siblings.. bohoo'

while she was emersed in her thoughts Jo's phone ringed with just one look he rose up to take the call outside

" excuse me miss i need to take this call "

nodding her head Reya checked her phone she typed the building address on the search engine but no result was related to it

' how could it be !! ' it was literally written < there's no related information about your search>

however before she could try another way doctor Jo returned. sensing her discomfort and uneasiness he sat down

" now you only have two choices death or a promising life "

Hearing those words Reya's heartbeat accelerated, knowing that this man doesn't play nor that the situation she's in now is nothing near normal she finally made her decision.

" alright , I accept ... but i have one condition "

" young miss this is a once in a lifetime chance, missing it you might regret it the rest of your life " doctor Jo said as a mutter of factly.