In the film «Iron Man», Tony Stark, with a magnet in his chest, manages to survive a nine-storey fall after plummeting into a Mark-I scrap metal exoskeleton. However, what if, as popular belief suggests, the average person would not have survived such an ordeal? And what if at that moment, the sorcerer's symbol were to merge with him... Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: prometei33
The genesis of any novel social order is rooted in the essence, substance, and very being of those who were unable or unwilling to assimilate into it.
Approximately 190 million individuals perished in the initial months. At a certain point, Stark and his team emerged as the most prolific killers in human history, albeit indirectly. These individuals were those who refused to embrace the system, as well as those who were unwilling to relinquish their power, based on financial means and military might. They were those who lacked the capacity to live honestly and adhere to the principles of morality and justice.
Dictators, entrepreneurs, fraudsters, narcotics traffickers, murderers, burglars, rapists, psychopaths, corrupt public servants — all of these individuals failed to harmonize with the world crafted by "Karma." There were even leaders who contemplated utilizing nuclear weapons as their last resort to maintain dominance and influence, only to meet the same fate of disintegration and putrefaction. Moreover, more than a billion individuals acquired physical deformities.. Someone swiftly regained their composure and, having accrued karmic merit, rectified the situation, while someone else, for the remainder of their brief existence, remained trapped at the depths of the karmic abyss they had self-inflicted... or perhaps they did not wish to extricate themselves. After all, it is always more convenient to attribute all misfortunes to a system that provides even convicted felons with an opportunity for redemption.
The initial year proved to be the most challenging. After all, the protective shields initially shielded individuals until the process of Titanization concluded. The fabric of states, trade networks, enterprises, and companies began to unravel, and the familiar world order crumbled before our eyes. Those who possessed nothing and held no significance suddenly acquired power and influence, while those who once wielded power and wealth found themselves adrift in a sea of uncertainty.
However, a select few billionaires and millionaires swiftly grasped the essence of the situation and redistributed their wealth, earning karmic points and divesting themselves of yachts, supercars, palaces, artworks, and luxury goods. They not only retained their assets but also gained the ability to replicate and "sell" these items to the system for a fee. Thus, those who were astute did not suffer significant losses in terms of material wealth, while acquiring advantages and powers beyond the realm of monetary value — magic, eternal youth, immunity to disease, exceptional strength, and adaptability to any situation.
Speaking of magic, it was initially the system that assisted in its application, albeit only in the initial stages. Subsequently, the individual himself acquired the ability to wield it, thereby opening up a veritable ocean of infinite possibilities. Natural resources, energy, and cheap, hazardous, and polluting labor were no longer required, nor was there any need for environmental degradation. Each individual became a factory of broad-spectrum manufacturing and mining.
Of course, all of this required Karma Points, which could be acquired through assisting others, humanity as a collective, as well as through creative endeavors. However, not everyone aspired to become a "Übermensch" like Nietzsche envisioned. It was far more practical and efficient to form groups and assist one another, dividing into more specialized roles. Some engaged in creative pursuits, while others focused on construction, domestic chores, agriculture, or culinary arts.. It turned out that small towns and villages were the most amenable to this approach, where everyone knew each other and it was easy to come to an agreement. In contrast, in megacities and urban areas, people began to form communities based on shared interests, even before they moved to more comfortable dwellings.
Urbanization has lost its meaning and purpose. With the aid of enchantments, it is now possible to create tropical oases even in remote taigas, free from mosquitoes, gnats, and horseflies. Bloggers have transitioned from game guides to «karma» guides, focusing on how to accumulate points faster, spend them more efficiently, and avoid hindering their own or their group's development.
The role of families began to take on a distinct character. On the one hand, with the advent of a new era, where individuals were judged by their actions rather than appearances, and monetary wealth lost its significance, many relationships faltered.
On the other hand, as the inner qualities of individuals became more prominent, coupled with the ability to alter one's appearance to suit personal preferences, new relationships were formed and existing ones strengthened. Moreover, families remained the backbone of society, providing a foundation upon which responsibilities could be shared, allowing for a more balanced growth trajectory for each member.
This was achieved without the need for coercion, allowing individuals to redistribute their "karma points" spent on themselves, albeit with a slight penalty. Such flexibility was necessary, as children could choose to develop unconventional traits for the sake of personal exploration, only to later decide to modify their choices as they matured.
It was particularly fascinating with regard to feminism, the LGBT movement, and BLM (Black Lives Matter). After all, with any form of discrimination being swiftly and categorically punished, and with every transgender individual being able to identify as their desired gender or even something in between, the very essence of these movements has been erased. Minorities have lost their advantages and become part of the general majority.
However, they did not surrender for long and clung to their privileged status and power, which is why… they often descended into discriminating against others and became themselves the very creatures they sought to combat. And in such cases, body positivity promoted by these groups was of no assistance. Suddenly, it became evident that only those with mental health issues desired to appear unhealthily thin, obese, or disfigured. The system also assisted them in their recovery, so no one accepted their excuses that they desired to wither away and find beauty in it.. Fortunately, there were not many such fanatics. The majority of people simply began to unwind after the drudgery of jobs they loathed, seeking solace in self-discovery. Finding one's calling is a challenging task when, after a day of labor, one cannot muster the energy or time for even the most mundane concerns and necessities, and weekends are spent merely trying to recuperate for the impending week.
Thus, suddenly, there emerged billions of individuals who were at a loss as to what to pursue. Some were so fearful of this prospect that they continued in their current roles or sought solace in alcohol, to no avail. The bodies of the titans were impervious to the effects of alcohol or narcotics, and points were deducted for their consumption, acquisition, or sale.
On the other hand, creativity and personal growth flourished. Not only did they accrue points for these endeavors, but individuals could engage in activities they truly enjoyed, such as parenting, travel, leisurely walks, and, ultimately, stimulating the mind with enchantment.. Individuals such as Elon Musk have already begun to amass around them individuals who aspire to establish colonies on Mars and the moon. Others have sought to plumb the depths of the oceans and create their own counterparts to the fictional city of Delight. Still others have endeavored to unravel the mysteries of resurrecting dinosaurs or peering into the past to witness them.
What once appeared insurmountable or prohibitively costly has suddenly become within reach of small groups of knowledgeable individuals who have been granted access to all available knowledge and resources. Following a period of darkness and turmoil, dawn inevitably follows. Thus, the dawn of human civilization commenced.
The year is 2128. The setting is Venus, at the Anthony Stark School, and the topic is Stark Policy.
A beautiful young teacher, clad in a pristine white blouse and a tailored pencil skirt, stood before a class of thirty-three eager students. Half of her colleagues were holographic projections generated by AI, but she was one of the rare exceptions who had found their calling in educating the younger generation. Her credentials were impressive, having passed a rigorous aptitude test that assessed not only her subject knowledge and teaching abilities, but also her psychological readiness and passion for the work.
The number of individuals in the room exceeded expectations, as this was one of the few steady ways to accumulate significant karma. The teacher began the lecture, addressing the topic of "Inflation of Good Deeds". She asked the class if anyone had read about or watched tutorial videos on the subject, and almost all the holographic screens in front of the students lit up with a green glow. "Excellent students, I had no doubt about you! Michael, why haven't you read about this?"
"Miss Stark," responded a youthful and handsome sixteen-year-old who appeared to be in his late teens. However, my father informed me that all the students in the class were youthful, beautiful, and appeared older than their age.
"Oh, then, how is he?" everyone in the room feigned disinterest in the conversation, pretending not to listen. For this was a discussion about a legendary genius, the first human on Venus, and the founder of the first colony there, which later evolved into a fully-fledged city-state.
Michael, Stark's son, replied joyously, "He says he'll recover soon and regain some of his faculties. And yesterday, he was finally able to walk without a cane!"
Morgan, Stark's alternate-world daughter, interjected amidst the laughter, "Then I'll drop by today with a cake."
She was a bright young woman who swiftly discerned that her «returned» father was not the same person as before. Nonetheless, this did not deter her from continuing to refer to him as her father. Furthermore, following the introduction of the system, Tony Stark and his companions vanished from public view, and only those closest to them were aware that they had spent centuries in a comatose state, experiencing accelerated time, before finally awakening, albeit with diminished abilities and greatly weakened. She recalled feeling terrified and in tears when she first saw Tony, emaciated and confined to a wheelchair. Nevertheless, this did not hinder him from conducting business with the company, while Jarvis, Jean, and Wanda assumed responsibility for establishing the system and nurturing the children, who were now her pupils and seated on either side of Michael.
Lisa and Anna Maximov-Grey, despite having been born to different mothers, resembled twins. These two red-haired individuals harbored a childhood dream of marrying Michael and repelling all other suitors from him.. Moreover, they were in cahoots and did not vie with each other. This was not surprising, given their late father's polygamy. Nonetheless, these extraneous thoughts failed to deter her from proceeding with the lecture.
— The Inflation of Good Deeds
As you are all aware, by the year 2020, due to the system in place, incidents such as crime, famine, disease, and accidents had vanished from the world. While catastrophes and natural calamities still occurred, the adaptability gene had grown to such a degree that even a catastrophic event like an earthquake, tsunami, or tornado could no longer harm humans. This led to a crisis.
In those days, one could observe individuals seeking another avenue to cross the street, yet such opportunities were scarce. Of course, through creativity, scientific advancements, and self-improvement, it was possible to accumulate karma, but standing out amidst professionals who had invested significant amounts of time, effort, and karma in their respective fields was challenging.
At present, this issue remains unresolved. It is precisely this challenge that has necessitated the reopening of schools.. "Miss Stark, do you have any students?" Sean Benner, a sturdy young man, the son of the Benner family, inquired of Morgan.
"Of course! I have many mentors, and I am indebted to them all," Morgan smiled in return. The system may not be flawless, but as her adoptive father had said, it need not be perfect. It must show people how to live differently, to raise a new generation that will be smarter, bolder, and better. The system that now ruled the solar system had cost the lives of hundreds of millions and left billions with psychological scars. Yet future generations would take this system for granted, remembering the past with the same detachment as they viewed the Dark Ages.
"What about the dungeons?" Alexandra von Doom asked, sitting beside Flavia Parker, whose features — half-Asian, half-European — betrayed the presence of both her parents.
Certainly, I had intended to discuss this matter with you. As you are aware, dungeons began to emerge five years ago, offering a plethora of opportunities in the form of skills, vast amounts of karma points, and a wide variety of magical artefacts. However, these opportunities are not devoid of risks. Within these dungeons lurk creatures that pose a significant challenge even for our kind, the Superior Sapiens. Consequently, access to these dungeons is restricted for those under the age of eighteen and individuals who have not undergone military magic training.
"Have you ventured into the depths of the dungeon?" inquired Lisa, her eyes ablaze with curiosity.
Morgan smiled, "Indeed I have. Shall I regale you with the tale of my initial descent?"
The room erupted in eager whispers. "Yes, yes, please tell us!" exclaimed many. Yet, they were still children, and their teacher would chastise them only if they spoke without permission.
"Now then, listen up!" The teacher perched herself on the edge of her desk and launched into a tale of goblin hunting. She described how she had donned her finest armor and been enchanted to the hilt, only to emerge victorious against the weakest of foes. Her disappointment was so profound that she carved out the entire dungeon in a fit of rage and shame.
The students listened in rapt attention, not daring to interrupt. After all, they too aspired to venture into the dungeon themselves, for it was not only lucrative and thrilling, but also immensely popular. Many streamers had traversed the dungeons in real-time, accruing additional karma points and renown. Video gaming had not vanished, far from it. In fact, a fully immersive virtual reality had emerged… but it had faded into obscurity, serving more as entertainment than preparation for true challenges.
Finally, the lesson concluded, and the students filed out of the classroom.
"Michael, whither goest thou now? Art thou bound for Wirth?" inquired Anna, seizing the young man by the arm, to which he responded with the same lack of reaction he had become accustomed to. Indeed, Michael was a young man in his prime, and he was not averse to accepting the attentions of two beautiful young ladies, especially since they were both familiar to him from childhood and he found them quite agreeable. It was somewhat disheartening to admit that as a child he had been the one to propose marriage to them, rather than vice versa.
"Nay, I am bound for the Colosseum this day to stretch my limbs," Michael replied, "for although it is forbidden to attack one another, a dueling system has been instituted, wherein it is impossible to inflict mortal or grievous injury upon another, and the pain is reduced to a bearable level. This allows one to vent one's aggression and improve one's skills without incurring any negative consequences. Moreover, it is possible to engage in combat not only against one another but also against enchanted automatons made of adamantium."
"Dad is about to swear," murmured Lisa with a smile as she picked up the fellow on the other side. This, however, came as no surprise to anyone. The system imposed no restrictions on gender or the number of partners, but it did react harshly to any insults or discrimination based on such grounds. Thus, it was impossible to shock anyone with a man having two girlfriends, three boyfriends, or a woman with a harem.
At the same time, the number of stable families has not diminished, but rather increased. For a nominal fee, the system can help you find your soul mate, or even a quarter of one, based on data collected from the infosphere and information available. It literally predicts the course of a relationship and provides the best possible outcome, leaving the final choice to the free will of individuals. "Will you break up with all your drones again?"
Michael sighed. He, Lisa, and Anna, even without the aid of their karma glasses, had been born among the most powerful beings on Earth. Their parents, who were even stronger, had been weakened by the ritual of creating karma. Oh yes, the children were aware of this secret and proud of it, but it also served as a constant reminder of their own weakness.
Nevertheless, this only served as motivation for them to earn the admiration and respect of their parents. Thus, the three of them dedicated all their karma points to strengthening their bodies, minds, and souls, rather than wasting them on trivial pursuits such as candy. As a result, Michael, born with demigod-like powers, could find no rivals at that time. Even the system itself refused to arrange a duel for him against any other person, and he simply could not harm Lisa and Anna.
Not because they were weaker, far from it, they were immensely powerful, and when united, he stood no chance whatsoever. It was simply not what he desired.. And they themselves were far from enthusiastic about the prospect of launching an assault on him.
The Colosseum was, in essence, a colosseum — a virtual reality arena that was almost a complete replica of its Roman counterpart, albeit four times larger in size and equipped with holographic projection screens. These screens allowed for the broadcast of battles on demand, providing an immersive experience for spectators.
Michael's battles were highly popular, but to the chagrin of the audience, he frequently opted not to activate the broadcast, preferring to cultivate his fame through his exploits in underground arenas rather than for the entertainment of the general public.
After donning a sleek black adamantium nanofilament skin-tight sports uniform designed to prevent nudity after combat, much to the delight of his female admirers and his own embarrassment, he stepped onto the sands of the arena. His muscular physique resembled that of an ancient Greek demigod, a fact that contributed significantly to the appeal of his battles.
As Michael anticipated the emergence of Jarvis' enchanted drones from the tunnels, he flexed his muscles, preparing for swift action. However, his anticipation was abruptly interrupted by the unexpected appearance of someone he least expected to see.
— Father?
— Is there any doubt? Tony grinned, flexing his shoulders. He had not anticipated that the repercussions of the regression from the ritual would be so severe. At first, they had been in a state of literal coma. Thankfully, the artefacts had transported them to time-compressed capsules, which served as their beds for a period of sixteen long years. During the day, they spent as much time as they could with their children, while spending decades in restorative slumber at night.
However, where there is risk, there is opportunity. All of them had acquired a divine shell, which had also consumed a significant portion of their strength during the final stages of its formation. It is worth noting that they also served as the «anchors» of the system, requiring substantial strength for its creation, primarily mental, given the abundance of energy provided by the Infinity Stones and antimatter reactors.
The initial phase was undoubtedly the most challenging. No matter how meticulously one plans, it is impossible to anticipate every contingency. There were «bugs» and «exploits» everywhere, allowing individuals to accrue substantial karma with minimal effort. For instance, by simply passing an item back and forth, they could «mine» karma. There were countless similar issues, underscoring the ingenuity of the human intellect in circumventing the system.
The introduction of a system for penalizing the use of exploits and rewarding those who discovered them proved to be highly effective. However, challenges persisted. Some individuals adopted a «don't get caught» approach, even resorting to desperate measures like launching nuclear missiles, sabotaging oil rigs, or causing other forms of disruption. Despite their efforts, they ultimately failed to resist the new order.. The system achieved a state of self-sufficiency and self-development, allowing Jarvis, Wanda, Jin, and the Ancient One to focus on their own recovery and parental duties. Surprisingly, the emergence of the system also facilitated the management of Stark Industries. States, as an organizational form for society and enterprises, largely vanished, replaced by public artels, communes, guilds, cooperatives, and independent cities. Consequently, there were no rivals, and there was no necessity to conceal magical production.
The concept of voluntary-forced labour has vanished as a reality, private means of production have become obsolete, and associations have emerged as voluntary entities, driven by shared or similar objectives. Architects, masters of earth manipulation, construction, and telekinesis have formed a guild of builders, capable of working individually or collectively on large-scale projects that require the expertise of multiple specialists.
These guilds serve as gatekeepers for transactions, ensuring the integrity of agreements and the quality of work. This system prevents members from exploiting clients or engaging in unethical practices. However, it does not imply that individuals have become less prosperous; rather, their lives have become more affordable.
Previously, individuals would need to secure a mortgage for their homes, which could span 5-20 years, but with the advent of this system, they can now build their homes independently or contribute to the construction of others' homes through various services. Similarly, cars have become more accessible, thanks to matrices, which have given rise to the concept of "temporary cars.". You simply create a machine out of pseudo-matter for yourself, use it for a period of time, and then dissipate it, creating a completely new one in its place. This is the case if, for some reason, you do not prefer portals or apparition. The same principle applies to other items that can be dispersed or transformed into something else after their use in order to conserve mana.
However, following Stark's revelation of antimatter reactors and pressure lines, this approach no longer holds much significance. Consequently, the issue of environmental pollution has been entirely resolved. Particularly after the colossal flying and floating terraformers rectified the harm inflicted upon Mother Earth by humanity.
Thus, after 16 years, as his son grew older, Tony regained his health. His disability was not a source of shame, but Stark lamented that he could no longer engage in active play with his son. He was unable to directly impart his knowledge of magic, as he himself could not practice it. Therefore, his desire now was to catch up.
"Did you not find a worthy adversary?" Michael inherited not only his mother's adaptability and assimilation abilities, but also her inclination towards spatial and temporal magic. Born with inherent strength, Tony and Pepper dedicated themselves to nurturing and cultivating his talents. The prospect of a duel was met with acceptance.
"I simply wish to engage with my son and witness his growth."
"I understand," Michael said, wiping away tears of treachery as he understood his father's sentiments. Thus, he did not decline the challenge of a duel. Mentally accepting it, he rushed forward, yet attempting to restrain his blow at the final moment. However...
Tony grinned, observing Michael's frozen state, akin to a fly trapped in amber. "Do not hold back," he said. "You will need to exert considerable effort to land a hit on me."
The young man was already agitated. He knew that his father was supposed to be the strongest, the mightiest in the world. Yet most of his life, he had seen him confined to a wheelchair or supported by a cane. But now he felt helpless. He exerted all his might, causing the very fabric of space to tremble, yet his father remained unmoved, his arms folded, unimpressed.
With a final burst of strength, Michael managed to break free, and the walls of the arena shattered under the force of his attack. Sand flew everywhere, but neither father nor son were deterred. Michael blinked in surprise at his father's calm demeanor, and struck again, employing not only his physical strength but also the martial arts he had mastered. His fists moved so fast they created sonic booms, but Tony evaded each attack with ease, his smile growing wider with each missed blow. Michael could not help but grin himself, pushing himself harder and harder, reaching new heights of speed and power.. Michael had long since forgotten who he was fighting, unleashing a level of power that would have been lethal regardless of any opponent's adaptation. Finally, he resorted to his ultimate move. In a single motion, he seamlessly integrated his profound comprehension of space, time, martial arts, and magic, vanishing from his seat to strike his father squarely in the chest.
Tony, for his part, responded with a calm demeanor, catching the blow with his open palm. Michael's astonishment at how effortlessly his most powerful attack had been deflected was palpable.
"Not bad," Tony remarked, "but there's still a long way to go." Get ready, he added, "Mom's going to give you a hard time again."
Michael's face paled as he watched half the stadium crumble behind his father, unable to withstand the force of his blow. The only thing Michael feared more than his mother's wrath was the prospect of her disappointment. The stars in the sky above seemed to be moving at twice their usual speed, reflecting the accelerated passage of time.
The year is 2115.
It has been three years since the event that concealed the solar system and accelerated time within it came to an end. Despite Stark and his associates' apprehensions, humanity did not revert to the past, nor did they commence a cycle of plundering and violence. Indeed, individuals have become confined within the confines of their own system. All possible planets and satellites that could accommodate habitation have been fully occupied. The population has reached a staggering fifty billion, despite the fact that procreation for Superior Sapiens was not a simple task. Not only do women experience menstruation once a year, but the likelihood of conception remains relatively low. This measure was implemented during the creation of the serum to prevent overpopulation, addressing issues related to hunger, illness, aging, and criminality. Furthermore, gestation lasts for twelve months, during which the child not only drains the mother physically but also magically, necessitating an additional infusion of paternal mana.. In essence, the phenomenon of overpopulation gave rise to a surge of colonization efforts aimed at neighboring star systems. Advanced spacecraft equipped with portals were magically propelled towards the stars, bearing planets that were not necessarily ideal for life. If a planet did not present itself as a fiery inferno, an icy abyss, or a gaseous giant, terraforming it was no longer considered an insurmountable challenge.
Nonetheless, this does not imply that other entities have disregarded the inhabitants of Earth. In the initial year, a sizable fleet of Thanos descended upon Earth. Upon arrival, they assaulted the defensive systems, only to be repelled without even reaching Mars.
For a century, humanity, drawing upon the knowledge of diverse species and civilizations as a foundation, has attained remarkable success in both technological and magical advancements. A typical Terran fighter now possesses the power equivalent to a heavy cruiser. What can be said about orbital stations and dreadnaughts spanning several kilometers?
Skrulls, Kree, Xandarians, and many more have also arrived, some secretly, some openly. Some have engaged in attacks and plunder, while others have established mutually beneficial interactions and opened embassies.
And now, at long last, the moment foreseen by Stark has arrived. First came the Silver Surfer, a creature subservient to Galactus, the god who devours planets.. Stark had captured the Surfer and induced him to send their master to them, for it is always better to address problems head-on and be prepared. Thus, a humanoid entity larger than a planet itself leapt through interstellar space, materializing before the Earth, clad in a vast purple horned top hat and armored purple attire. Stark, Jarvis, Yao, Wanda, and Jin themselves were in orbit in space, with the planet shielded by a massive, multilayered rainbow barrier. Galactus initially disregarded the minuscule figures, failing to notice them, but suddenly, his movements became constrained, forcing him to pay attention to the group of five.
"Marvelous, such a youthful planet has its deities. But that is of no consequence, for I have consumed thousands like you!" the creature's voice reverberated, shaking the very fabric of space and reality. Unconcerned by the absence of sound in the vacuum, Galactus remained unimpeded, his presence dominating the cosmic expanse.
Tony found himself at a loss, unable to act or speak, even to initiate the meticulously planned ritual designed to vanquish Galactus. In the blink of an eye, the cosmic entity disintegrated into a swirling vortex of black particles, leaving in its wake a vision of innocence. A girl, no more than eight years of age, materialized before Tony, clad in a pristine white gown, her features radiating an ethereal beauty. Her eyes, sparkling with a kaleidoscope of colors, were matched by the hues of her hair, divided into six distinct strands: yellow, blue, red, purple, green, and orange, mirroring the iridescence of her irises.
"Carmen, what brings you here?" Tony asked, his voice tinged with surprise.
The girl pouted, "I was feeling bored. But now I want to play!" she exclaimed, her tone betraying a hint of mischief. "And that was a mean uncle, wasn't he? I'm a good girl, right?"
"Yes, you did well," Tony said with a heavy sigh, caressing the contented young girl on the head. He privately thought that he had spoiled such a grandiose battle, but he was not angered. It was impossible to be angry at Carmen, not only because she regarded the five of them as fathers and mothers, but also due to her innocence.
Who would have thought that, after a century of existence, the entity would gain self-consciousness and, combining all the Infinity Stones, be reborn as a goddess? A goddess of humanity and justice, if one were to be precise, for that is what she had been created for.
But mostly, despite her incredible knowledge and powers, her personality remained as childlike, so what did she want to do?
"Hide and seek, hide and seek!" the girl exclaimed, jumping up and down, as if they were not in space but on Earth. But when had the gods ever been perturbed by such trivialities?
"All right, I'm counting to three millisecondes, hide!"
Stark heaved a sigh, counted silently, and opened his eyes to find that not only Carmen but the others had vanished. Now they were scattered across the multiverse, he thought. Fortunately, time was on his side, for he was the God of Time and Space. He had long since fulfilled his pact with the Spirit of Reason, imparting an unparalleled wealth of knowledge on magic and technology to the other metaverse's Vladimir Pierce. Thus, he owed no one anything. The key was to return in time for dinner, lest Pepper become irate.