In the film «Iron Man», Tony Stark, with a magnet in his chest, manages to survive a nine-storey fall after plummeting into a Mark-I scrap metal exoskeleton. However, what if, as popular belief suggests, the average person would not have survived such an ordeal? And what if at that moment, the sorcerer's symbol were to merge with him... Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: prometei33
The origin of the Karma system remains shrouded in mystery, and various hypotheses abound. Some scholars posit a divine intervention, while others propose the quantum fluctuation of a primordial vacuum. Esteemed magicians maintain that it was a ritual of immense complexity, leading to the dissolution of Venus' northern pole. Nonetheless, let us reserve conjecture for the realm of theorists; in this treatise, we delve not into the genesis but into the ramifications of this system's impact on our lives.
In the early stages, there was a veritable chaos, and it took years for web archaeologists backed by artificial intelligence to sift through tens of thousands of videos, commentaries, and surveys from millions of individuals, as well as historical news from centuries-old and often deteriorated archives. However, we can now state with certainty that the majority of individuals did not place their trust in the existence of this system or its rigour. People continued to exist as they had before, deceived, killed, insulted, and humiliated one another. This may appear extraordinary to you, my younger students, but it was the reality of the time.
One day, humanity drove its karma into negative territory, growing weaker, more deformed, and acquiring illnesses that can only be found in historical texts, leading to eventual death. Conversely, honest, virtuous, and kind individuals, particularly those whose profession was dedicated to assisting others and saving lives, accrued an unprecedented amount of karma within the first few hours, by today's standards.. In those days, it was far easier to accrue points simply due to the inherent inequities and harshness of society, as these individuals had not yet been touched by what would later be known as the "Inflation of Virtue".
Regrettably, even among the individuals who acquired points, many employed them not for the purpose of acquiring new knowledge and skills, but merely to satisfy their insatiable cravings and engage in unmeasured, senseless, and relentless consumption. At the time, there were no comparative tables available, nor had in-depth analyses been conducted regarding the cost of acquiring skills and products been undertaken. Consequently, individuals opted for purchasing flyers rather than learning the flight spell, or apparition for the same price, or obtaining the corresponding X-gene for a slightly greater cost. It is both amusing and astonishing to reflect on this fact, but numerous individuals wasted valuable points on food rather than acquiring the spell for replicating and producing not only food but also other items. Alternatively, they could have saved money and learned plant magic, allowing them to create an oasis in a desert. Nonetheless, there have always been exceptions to every rule...
"History of Modernity for Fourth Grade: Robert John Downey Jr.
Los Angeles, USA.
Robbie Becker, now fifty years of age, held a bottle of low-quality liquor in his hands, his eyes filled with longing, and his future seemed to be taking the form of a corpse lying in a ditch — his own corpse.
But it had not always been this way. Robbie had not willingly descended to the depths of society. Three years ago, he had been a successful engineer working for a construction company, with a beloved wife and a daughter. They had been happy, until they learned that their only child, Louise, was rapidly developing cancer, and their insurance did not cover the expenses. They had to sell their house and use all their savings to pay for the expensive medicine. But it was too late. By the time the medicine arrived, Louise had already metastasized and burned out in a month. She had transformed from a bright, kind, and beautiful girl into a bald, emaciated corpse in just one month.
Even on her deathbed, she had smiled at him. That was the hardest part. Regrettably, there was no universal cure at the time..His wife outlived their daughter by a brief margin of time. One day, upon returning home, he found her lifeless body with a stilled heart.
Perhaps even Robert might have survived this ordeal had he had the means for a therapist or close companions, but such resources were non-existent, leaving him with only debts, an empty home, and a lost sense of purpose. Robbie descended into depression, resorted to alcoholism, and lost his employment. The house was repossessed due to debt, leaving him a destitute pauper among countless others.
Yes, he endeavored to climb out of his predicament by relocating, but it proved futile. Who would want a homeless individual? He secured a meager position, but even here he was subjected to frequent pay cuts. Thus, after imbibing a swig of the repugnant concoction that had recently ceased to induce a sense of intoxication, Robbie abruptly perceived a translucent inscription framed within his vision:
Congratulations on joining the Karma system! Now, your life is in your own hands, and it depends solely on your words and deeds. For every act of kindness, you will earn karma points, while for every act of malice, you will lose them. These points can be used to enhance your knowledge, skills, genes, and physical attributes, as well as to acquire goods and services (see the «Store» tab). Your current balance and attributes can be viewed in the «Status» tab.
Voice, mental, or gestural control is available. The rules, assistance, reward, and penalty tables are located in the respective tabs. Please read them carefully and begin your journey towards a new life based on fairness and honesty.
Robbie glanced at the bottle and hurled it aside. "I'm drunk!" he thought. The tables were now spinning. But the text remained unchanged, no matter which way he turned his head. With nothing else to do, he resolved to read whatever he could. Having been bored for quite some time without access to the internet or books, he deciphered the controls, carefully read through everything, and was astounded. He hoped and wished with all his heart that what he read was true.
The punishments were harsh. For instance, an attempt on a person's life resulted in a fine of 1,000 points, a repeat offense incurred 3,000 more, and a third time brought 9,000 on top of the initial fine. For murder itself, the initial penalty was 100,000 if it wasn't self-defense. The fine increased three times for every relapse. Furthermore, 100 points were awarded for attempting to save a life, 200 for succeeding, and 5, 15, and so on were deducted for insults.. For minor infractions, the penalty coefficient was gradually reduced over time, such that children were not penalized at all, and the penalties themselves were mitigated. Instead, part of the penalty was transferred to the parents. Overall, the system was intricate and well-considered.
Robbie's account balance was -2 points for the discarded bottle. Thus, the system constantly displayed the amount of fines or rewards. By picking up the bottle and disposing of it in the bin, he deducted one point from the fine. As there was a significant amount of trash around, he became enthusiastic and began cleaning, clearing a substantial area of his impoverished neighborhood within three hours, earning four additional points.
Suddenly, a scream emanated from an alleyway. Without hesitation, Robbie hastened towards the source and beheld a drunken man of African descent cornering a young girl of approximately sixteen years. Enraged, Robbie placed his hand on the man's shoulder and forcefully pushed him away.
"Hark!" exclaimed Robbie as he observed a man of African descent with dilated pupils who had just fallen on his posterior. The man, enraged, drew a folding knife from his person and charged towards Robbie. The stranger was no match for Robbie in terms of fighting prowess, but he attempted to evade the attack nonetheless. Alas, his efforts were futile. The knife sliced through Robbie's tattered and soiled jacket, and Robbie prepared for his impending demise. Suddenly, a golden shield materialized around him, deflecting the blade and its wielder. The attacker, overcome with pain, dropped his knife and was covered in abhorrent sores. His attempt at rape and murder had cost him four thousand points.
"Why are you lying there?" Robbie asked the girl with matted and filthy hair. Upon closer inspection, he realized she was not as youthful as he had initially assumed, merely emaciated.
"Not at my home. There is nothing there now," the girl replied, hugging herself and trembling.
Robbie extended his hand towards her. "Come with me," he said.
"I don't possess it either," mused Robbie, mentally poking at the virtual menu. "But I know how to conjure it up." A self-proclaimed engineer and dabbler in architecture, he lacked the physical materials and human resources he hoped magic might replace. Furthermore, this knowledge had a value ranging from one to fifty points in the game's currency. Thus, a former addict, prostitute, and homeless man embarked on a new journey.
Russia. Stavropol.
Viktor Vasilyevich Starpomov regarded himself as the master of his own destiny. In the early 1990s, his father amassed a substantial fortune through the privatisation of factories and subsequent divestment. Victor took pride in his father's success and followed in his footsteps, albeit without achieving the same level of "success" as his progenitor.
However, he found his niche in the insurance industry, where individuals brought their money to him, only to discover that their claims were not covered by the policy. Even if an insurance clause existed in the contract, Starpomov's agents would add clauses that made it nearly impossible to collect the payout. For instance, if a fire occurred, the claim would only be valid if it could be proven that the fire was not caused by arson.
To achieve this, Starpomov's representatives would go to the scene of the incident and manipulate evidence, either planting burned devices or pouring flammable liquids, to make it appear as if the property owner had deliberately set the fire.. They did not hesitate to resort to contract substitution, when a person was presented with one contract and another was handed for signature. Should the individual be principled enough to take the matter to court, everything would have already been paid for, court proceedings would be delayed, evidence would be lost or altered, witnesses would appear who had not previously testified, and those who had been prepared to testify against the insurance company would suddenly withdraw their statements. There were thousands of such incidents. When the flow of funds dried up, the company would close and reopen under a different name.
Thus, at the age of thirty, Exec had everything: women, a yacht, luxury cars, villas. He could leave for six months abroad at any time, denying himself nothing. And back home, another woman was waiting for him, whom, when he grew weary, he would replace with a new one, younger and more buxom. Suddenly, blue text appeared before his eyes. Yet he did not even bother to read it, dismissing it mentally:
"He's been back on LSD, hasn't he?" Victor chuckled as he called for his secretary to fetch him a drink. With a bulk of 120 kilos, it was no easy feat for him to rise from his oversized chair. Thankfully, his secretary could slip under the desk.
Upon entering, she delivered the water, revealing a deep cleavage and inviting silicone breasts, before remarking, "Vasiliev was trying to reach you."
"Who is this? Another nuisance?"
"He's been bothering us for the past six months. He's demanding money for his sister's death, which was insured."
"As if I remember all those troublesome individuals. Send Alexander and his crew to intimidate him. Does he have any children? A spouse?"
"His sister had them. He adopted them."
Victor sighed, "That's a soft touch. Well, send them to intimidate, and if they don't withdraw the claim, they might just 'disappear'. These are perilous times we live in."
Victor reflected that he merely had a few associates, connoisseurs of the young «flesh», who were willing to pay handsomely.
— Very well, I shall inform him that you are not available today, the woman departed the opulent office with a sashay.
Her concern was not for the well-being of her clients; indeed, her sole interest lay in monetary gain. In a few months, she accumulated more wealth than most Russians amassed in their lifetimes. What did it matter if she had to endure the attentions of corpulent patrons? What if she had become emotionally detached from the experience? Her body was merely another instrument, albeit a more expensive one, to be exploited for profit.
Within a few hours, she would find her superior deceased, with pus oozing from every orifice and repulsive open sores. She herself would be covered in warts, so hideous that they would make her appear in horror films a terrifying sight. The system had seen it all and rendered its verdict impartially. The promotion of crime, its disregard, and contractual offenses were similarly met with severe consequences. Within a single day, many corporate executives and corrupt officials met their grisly end in their offices.
However, there were some who were more astute and accepted the terms of the game. Had it been more advantageous to be kind and upright, they would have become likened to Jesus and Mahatma Gandhi. Conversely, had it been more profitable to engage in villainy, they would have surpassed even Hitler in their depravity. Ultimately, the system was indifferent to the motives behind an individual's actions, only concerned with adherence to the rules.
Throughout the world, individuals are granted a second chance, be it for better or for worse. The system has transformed those who have embraced it, gradually growing stronger, more refined, and intellectually astute. However, not everyone has fully appreciated the advantages of this system, potentially incurring negative consequences in the form of lost karma points.
On the contrary, some individuals have capitalized on this opportunity, further enhancing their abilities and acquiring valuable skills. These individuals have not only enriched their own lives but also amassed even more points, enabling them to not only enhance their own well-being but also contribute to the collective growth.
A significant portion of the population, however, has chosen to remain uninvolved, oblivious to the transformations occurring around them, failing to recognize that the existing system is on its last legs. In a world where individuals can attain everything they desire without the need for labor for the benefit of the state, corporations, or others, simply by engaging in acts of generosity, creation, or any other form of artistic expression, there is no longer a need to fear compulsion or coercion.. Capitalism, predicated on the appropriation of the lion's share of profits from other nations and even one's own citizens, clashed head-on with the concept of "Karma." Only those small enterprises in which the proprietors generously and equitably remunerated their employees for their labor were able to endure, ultimately giving rise to what we now recognize as guilds, cooperatives, and communes.
How did individuals who achieved independence manage to avoid being consumed by individualism and selfishness, while simultaneously addressing global challenges? The solution lies in the concept of Karma.
Each individual could pose a challenge, with the payment for its resolution deducted from their karmic account, either personally or through a collective effort if deemed beneficial to society. Individuals voluntarily assumed responsibility for these challenges, receiving remuneration proportional to their contribution.
In 2015, pioneering space missions reached Venus and Mars, followed by the establishment of portals to these celestial bodies. The pioneers of these expeditions remain revered figures, serving as exemplars of the most influential citizens in the Solar System.
Cambridge, England.
Stephen Hawking, one of the most renowned intellects on the planet, was not one to claim such a title for himself. While he was indeed a prominent figure in popularizing science, he himself stood upon the shoulders of the scientific titans who had come before him and shaped the field as it exists today.
Yet, he too had his own contributions to make, despite being confined to a wheelchair for decades due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. His ability to communicate was limited to moving his eyes, and without the aid of a computer program that allowed him to type, he would have been unable to share his thoughts with the world. Despite this, he defied expectations, living to the age of seventy and continuing to publish articles, an achievement remarkable even for someone in good health.
One day, a blue screen appeared before him, revealing words. As a scientist, he dismissed what was possible but unlikely. Even in the face of potential madness or death, he chose to confront reality as it presented itself.. Therefore, he perused the text, the regulations, and all other materials with great care. Unlike the majority of individuals, it was, in fact, easier for him to acclimate to mental control. Upon regaining his equilibrium, he discovered that his account had accrued a thousand points. The records stated: «A remarkable individual has been identified who has made significant contributions to humanity. Bonus: +1000 points.»
In the store, he observed the following items:
* «The remedy for all ailments» — 2 points;
* «Acceleration of systemic modifications (recommended)» — 1 point;
* «Adaptation after paralysis» — 10 points.
After acquiring them, he experienced a sensation of his body crackling and expanding, accompanied by an increase in size and muscle mass. Overwhelmed by a sudden awareness of his own body and its capabilities, he burst into tears.
When he finally regained his composure and removed the remnants of clothing that had transformed into tattered rags, he approached the mirror, where he beheld himself as he never had before. He was healthy and fit.
Thereafter, he delved into the menu until a nurse arrived, and he immersed himself in the realm of knowledge until he reached a point where his hands began to tremble.
"The Theory of Everything" — 50 points — encompassed the entirety of the necessary knowledge required to comprehend and substantiate this theory. Hawking's laughter was hoarse, unaccustomed to the sensation in his throat, causing the nurse to awaken and witness a horrifying sight. A naked and unfamiliar young man was laughing and wheezing.
— Fifty points! Oh, what a pity! Only fifty points!
The socio-economic and political landscape that characterized human society at the dawn of the twenty-first century, prior to the emergence of the System, was marked by a predatory form of capitalism that exploited humanity, its vices, and the resources of the planet without regard for the consequences. Under the façade of humanitarianism, the true right of the powerful reigned supreme, while under the guise of tolerating LGBT individuals, all races, and nations, genuine discrimination against the impoverished was concealed.
The relentless cycle of financial crises, hyperinflation, oversupply, corruption, joblessness, conflicts, and even famines were all inherent features of a system incapable and unwilling to address these issues within its confines. Indeed, these flaws served to further enrich the wealthy and the ultra-wealthy.
Did she have any advantages? In theory, yes. In theory, the most ambitious, diligent and intelligent individuals could attain wealth, but in practice, only a handful among hundreds of thousands become truly successful entrepreneurs.
This is because all market niches have already been occupied by larger players, who do not hesitate to engage in dumping practices, cartel conspiracies, or even outright criminal activities to eliminate competition. Moreover, the few new market openings are often seized by individuals whose parents provided them with the best educational opportunities, sending them to prestigious institutions where they forged valuable connections and secured financial support for their business ventures.
Whereas ordinary individuals might take on business loans with a high risk of bankruptcy, these individuals do not take significant risks and are not reliant on repayments, instead investing their surplus funds into expanding their businesses or indulging in personal pursuits.. Thus, capitalism permitted the exploitation of billions, maintaining their subjugation with the illusionary promise that perhaps a few thousand of them might become billionaires, without mentioning that ninety-nine percent of these few thousand would be millionaires beforehand. The odds were similar to those in a lottery, yet it proved effective. The dissatisfied were oppressed not merely by force but also through information and social coercion, as well as through the disregard for so-called "cancel culture".
During that period, salaried employees frequently opted for a career not out of personal inclination but due to the higher remuneration associated with it. Nevertheless, there was no certainty that one's chosen profession would remain relevant by the time one completed their studies, leaving individuals with the prospect of either investing time and resources in retraining or accepting any available job to ensure survival.
In this era, individuals required substantial financial resources for various necessities such as automobiles, food, property, household appliances, and clothing, which were not easily acquired through traditional means such as copying or earning karma points. Many individuals resorted to borrowing, often incurring monthly interest payments. In the event of job loss resulting from company downsizing, bankruptcy, or employer termination, individuals found themselves unemployed or compelled to engage in menial tasks. Over 70% of individuals expressed dissatisfaction or outright hatred towards their employment.. At present, individuals are faced with a choice of what to pursue, as the most hazardous, sordid, and arduous tasks have been superseded by the use of magical incantations, enchanted objects, and robotic assistants. Nonetheless, it is important to note that these advancements are not solely responsible for this shift.
In the mid-20th century, the solution to global hunger and access to clean water was within reach, but such initiatives were deemed unprofitable, impractical, and unnecessary. Despite claims to the contrary from developed nations, their actions under the guise of humanitarian assistance often resulted in the destruction of local industries and agricultural sectors in developing countries.
Nonetheless, in my view, and that of numerous historians, the most pernicious aspect was the impact of the economic system on society. It fostered the most base human instincts — greed, lust, aggression, pride, and excessive consumption. To amass wealth, one had to turn a blind eye to ethics, deceive others, entertain the masses, and sell one's body. Rather than train, assist, heal, and save, it was more lucrative to pursue these paths.
When the societal icons become billionaires, having accumulated fortunes through the exploitation of the work of millions, rather than heroes who have saved them, society becomes deeply flawed. There were exceptions, such as Anthony Stark, a penitent arms dealer. However, he was also perceived as peculiar, eccentric, and utterly unsuccessful in his efforts to improve the world.. With the advent of Karma, all obstacles to his activities ceased to exist, and his company became one of a select few that continues to operate, engaged not in profit-seeking, but in progress and service to humanity.
China. Guangzhou.
Chun Li has been a firefighter for the past nine years. The scars from the burns on his back, caused by the flames, continue to pain him every time he enters the fire, even when he is under the shower. These scars prevent him from sunbathing and wearing revealing clothes. Nonetheless, he continues to enter the flames time and time again, risking his own life. Is this his calling, or is it simply a desire to help others? Or is it perhaps the large salary and the legacy of his father, a firefighter, that draws him to this line of work? He cannot honestly answer these questions. Perhaps it is all of these things at once. This is his job, and he performs it well. His crew is renowned for tackling the most challenging fires, saving the most lives. However, few know the true cost of their work. How many of their colleagues have been laid to rest? How do their burned hands ache, and how does the connective tissue in their scars, which cannot stretch like ordinary skin, interfere with their lives?. The nightmares of those who cannot save, the haunting visions of particularly dangerous conflagrations with the fear of being trapped forever, did not deter him from responding to another call amidst the howling sirens.
The scene of the blaze was a five-story building in a slum, an unsightly relic of China that would not be showcased to tourists on television, save for the rare occasion of its relocation. The ground floor and the first floor were engulfed in flames, blocking any means of escape for the occupants. Some leapt from the second story in desperation, only to sustain injuries as they attempted to break free from the fiery trap. As his colleagues debated the deployment of a fire hose, Lee and his partner An Shu hastily positioned a ladder. Lee mused that the building would likely be consumed entirely by the flames. Their priority now was to prevent the fire from spreading rather than directly extinguishing it, leaving little time to spare. Ascending the stairwell, Lee encountered an elderly woman carrying an infant.
"Is there anyone else in this apartment?"
"Eh?" the woman inquired, slightly deafened by the smoke and visibly shaken. "No, no, my daughter and her husband have left!"
Chun Li, undeterred, continued his work, shifting the ladder to the next window. Soon, another vehicle arrived with colleagues, and the operation proceeded with greater efficiency. By the time they had reached the fifth floor, four other floors were ablaze. Yet, Chun Li remained elated. They had rescued as many as they could. Nevertheless… a child was wailing. Without hesitation, Lee attempted to enter the inferno, but Shu intervened:
"Lee, you will perish! Think of your wife! How will I break the news to her?"
"Tell her that I loved her and fulfilled my duty as a man she cherished," Lee responded, resolutely entering the blaze.
The protective suit was no match for the intense heat, and the firefighter felt a searing pain as if his very scars were burning in hell. The cries emanated from beneath the bathroom door. Rushing in, he discovered two children: one about five years of age and the other three. The elder child attempted to calm the younger, unaware that their presence would go unnoticed if not for their cries.
Suddenly, a blue text materialized before his eyes, but the firefighter's mind was elsewhere, and he brushed it aside. "Come on, out of here! Hurry up!"
However, it was already too late. The ceiling began to crumble, and on instinct, Lee hurled the children into the bathroom, shielding them with his own body. The burning beam collided with him, but it did not harm him, striking instead against the flashing yellow barrier.
"Title of 'Hero' has been awarded +900 Karma points. (Conditions: save a life at risk to one's own +500; +200 for each subsequent save). Free healing activated."
In that instant, all of Lee's wounds, scars, and injuries vanished. However, Lee, true to his heroic nature, was preoccupied solely with the welfare of the infants, extracting them from the tub without regard for their weight.