
Star Wars: Youngling

Star Wars fanfic. A new character is taken in by the Jedi at the age of four. U can support me on Patreon. com/JediCO 20+ chapter ahead.

JediCo · 电影同人
41 Chs

Force training and archives

U can support me on Pa tre on. com/JediCO

16+ chapter ahead. --------------------------------------------------

The next morning was not much different from the previous ones, except that we had to run to the gym from the other side of the temple. In the gym, we were handed over to the previous supervisor, after which the day went on like many and many before it. But at the last lecture the most interesting part began. Lairi was already waiting for us at the entrance to the classroom, and after a few words with Spak, she took the three of us with her. She wasn't headed for the gymnasium, as I'd surmised, but for the Meditation Hall. I didn't know the name of the place we were taken to, but the clumps of kids, about six to ten years old, sitting right on the floor, gave me a hint. And the floors here, by the way, are cool, like hard mats. Or tatami, which I had never seen but heard a lot about.

- Have a seat," the pretty girl said, walking with us to the corner of the hall. - We sat in a circle around her and stared at her curiously. - Well, where to begin? I am told that each one of you has learned to meditate, which means that each one of you can sense the Force. Is that so?

- Yes." I answered for everyone after a short silence.

- Before we begin, I need to explain something," she folded her palms in a prayerful gesture and held them to her lips, thinking about something for a few moments. - What you were doing," she paused once more, "was an attempt, successful as it may seem, to feel the Force. To feel it in body and mind. And that is undoubtedly important. But first you must," pause again, "feel it. Not feel it, like the wind blowing or the cold of the spring water in your belly, but feel it... like impatience, curiosity... boredom. Try to remember what you felt when you meditated, just remember, and try to use those memories without going into it.

I shook it off. Holy shit, was I being hypnotized now? The woman's words left me feeling half-asleep.

- I don't understand, Mentor Lairi," I said. - I don't understand anything.

After my words Pal and Rama also shook themselves.

- Oh," sighed the Twi'lek. - This is what I am talking about. It's very hard to train someone who's gone the way of Baran Do. But sadly you're not even at the beginning, just a glimpse of the path. So we can do it.

Hmm. Looks like they tried to hypnotize us after all.

- What do we do now? - I asked.

- "What I said," the woman smiled, "you have to learn to feel the Force, not feel it.

Well, I know the difference, and I don't know how to achieve the desired effect, but the boys, judging by the looks on their faces, didn't understand.

- How? - I asked a general question.

- Recollect your sensations during meditation. And then begin to work as you did before.

- Stop," I interrupted Lairi. - All they were doing," I looked at the boys, "was trying to slow down the flow of the Power through their bodies. You mean do the same thing with the memories?

- Exactly. As long as they can't feel the flow of the Force without going into meditation. Feeling and sensing are very different things. Believe me, you'll know the difference right away.

Oh, man. I mean, they can't handle the Force without meditation, but what about me? Although... if you can really tell the difference...

- Why are you looking at me like that? - I asked the boys. - You heard me. Get to work.

- And how? - squeaked a confused Palette.

R-r-r-r-r... children.... Oh! Why? It might work.

- Here," I took one of my money chips from the belt my father gave me and put it in front of the kids. I wanted to ask Laira to transfer it into electronic form today, so I carry it with me all day long. After all, there's no guarantee she'll walk with us to our room. And I almost forgot about him, by the way. - Imagine it moving across the floor. - And after thinking about it a little bit, I pulled out another one. - Here you go. One chip each. Make them move.

- But, Raine, we didn't even... - Pal started.

- Don't think. Just pretend to move the chip across the floor.

As I explained to the children what to do, Lairi stared at the three of us curiously. She never corrected me once, just sat there smiling. And when we were quiet, she finally asked:

- "Well, what are you going to do?

- Like you said, the mentor is to represent," I sighed.

Of course, it didn't work out that night. The whole hour that we sat in front of my mentor, I tried to PREVENT the Force inside me and begin to recycle it. So I'm not at all surprised that it didn't work out for me. I didn't even try to work with the third chip I had, because it's fine for the kids, they can't do anything like that, and I'm going to lose it when I start moving it. And then what would I tell Lairi? How about a confession? They wouldn't kill me for it, would they? But I don't want to go public either. I don't want to go any further, though.

In the end, I decided to wait a week. Every night I will study with everyone on the "official" program, and after lights out I will try to move objects with my mind, and if after this week I have not achieved anything, I will confess to our curator. Maybe she can give me some advice.

After an hour of mocking her imagination, Safi Lairi finally finished this, so to speak, lesson. Then, fulfilling her promise of yesterday, she took us to the library.

The room we arrived in looked a lot like some kind of Victorian library. Lots of servers where there would have been racks of books on the ground, on either side of the room. Oh, and in two tiers, too. Overall, the room was very similar to what I had seen back in my life in episode 2, only I didn't know then what those huge cabinets with the blue lights were, and it turns out that's what they were - servers. Why did they put them on display?

But there weren't many people here. Not even for a simple library, and for the best library in the galaxy, not so much. I know regular people don't come here, but are the Jedi so... Mmm... inquisitive? What do I care? I care that there are droids scurrying about the halls, which means I don't have to go looking for any living Archive personnel every time I see one. Or, wait...

- Mentor Lairi, how do we distinguish between ordinary Jedi and those who work here? - I asked the tweeter a question.

- They are dressed in slightly different clothes than the average Jedi. You'll know them right away. And if they're not there, like this," she looked around, "you can always go to the droid with your question.

- I see. Can I download information from here to the datapad? - I asked my next question. - Or is it only allowed to read here?

- You can," the woman smiled. - Otherwise, it would be crowded in here. - Oh, well. And I was an idiot. - You won't be able to download the local files to any other medium, though. They're specially protected. - Yeah. I was reminded of the holonet, where you can't get anything for free.

We weren't in the library, or as they call it, the Jedi Archives, for long. We wandered around the room, went to a couple of others, saw how to work with the local information, and to work with it you have to use the remote controls on the local desks, and then we were taken back to our room. Luckily I have a really good memory and sense of direction is not atrophied, otherwise I would have never found my way back to the library. I mean, to the Archives.

After seeing us off to her room, Lairi said goodbye to us, smiling in a way that even made me remember my mother. Both mothers. And I almost forgot to ask about the electronic bill.

It turned out to be, as I thought, simple. Find in the holonet analog of webmoney, register, then insert one of the chips in the datapad and transfer money from it to the newly created account. However, just in theory, if it were not for our beautiful curator, I would have confused the datapad menu, transferring money to the account. By the way, she did not show me how to transfer money by example, she just explained what to do and how to do it, and tactfully left. So, how much money in my account, no one knows but me. And there was a lot of it. My dad kindly gave me a hundred and fifty thousand credits on three chips, though I only transferred money from one of them to my e-wallet. To make you understand how much it is, let me explain - the ship on which I was brought to Coruscant costs only about twenty thousand credits. Used, really. A new one is about a hundred or twenty. And that's still expensive. The ships the Justice Corps uses cost seventy thousand. New ones! And the transporter YT-1760, the younger brother of Han Solo's ship, is only eighty thousand. Again, new. If you take used ships, for fifty thousand you can get a very good ship in excellent condition and often already modified. Anyway, you can understand me when I put one of the chips aside for the future. To get to the "far, far away" and not buy a ship when you have the money for it? That's not going to happen.

I was not sure how much progress Palatt and Rama were making in the lessons of Lairi. In any case, the coins the mentor had provided were visibly fluttering. I had a coin, too, just like the boys-the gold and white one, only I had trouble with it. I could lift it in the air easily, but I couldn't feel anything other than what I had felt during my meditation. I even began to suspect that I was already feeling everything, I mean, I had felt it from the beginning, and Lairi had just confused me. The only thing that made me continue to learn sensitivity was the fact that the Order has been training younglings for thousands of years, and they know what they're doing. I could, of course, take it as a fact that since I was a Pomeranian, I was de facto chosen, and since I was, I should be the one to teach everyone here, but a stupid death in a previous life seemed to hint that it was not that simple. So I sat every evening in the company of two children and a beautiful Twi'lechka, and at night in the company of a datapad, which replaced my lamp. But that was just before I went to sleep, and the rest of the time I used it for its intended purpose.