
Space Brotherhood

In a vast galaxy-spanning Confederacy that spans the depths of space, two young brothers, Zen Ford and Ry Ford, find themselves entwined in a grand cosmic struggle. "Space Brothers" is a thrilling sci-fi novel that combines elements of adventure, magic, and advanced technology to create an immersive tale of resilience and hope. Within the Confederacy, power and influence lie in the hands of a handful of elites who exploit the galaxy's resources for their own gain. As they come of age, Zen and Ry learn to harness their powers, using them not only to combat the confederacy's tyranny but also to protect the innocent and uncover the truth buried beneath layers of deceit. As they navigate the treacherous depths of space, the brothers encounter a diverse cast of characters: rebels fighting for freedom, enigmatic sages with enigmatic agendas, and formidable enemies determined to crush any opposition. Along the way, they encounter astonishing technological marvels, from advanced starships and weapons to mind-bending powers which can only be called magical. With their mystical powers and their unyielding determination, Zen and Ry Ford become beacons of hope in a galaxy shrouded in darkness, inspiring others to rise up and challenge the Confederacy that holds them all captive.

Nitin101 · 武侠
7 Chs

Prologue : chapter 0

In the vast expanse of the Universe, there exists a certain Galaxy called Atman which was plagued by a dispute between two ideologies of Soul warriors, Haoren and Huairen. This dispute had been dominated by the Haoren faction and after the 3 galactic wars, they formed the Hao Confederacy. But the confederacy is not a good place to be in if you don't live near the influence of the capitol zone of the confederacy as this is the place for the rich and elite where poverty only exists in the deep underground sewers of the city where everything is Gray.

The planet RE-422, a remote celestial body on the edges of the galaxy, was home to a family living on the fringes of society. Lush greenery and abundant resources were but a distant dream here. In the heart of this barren landscape, a couple, Samuel and Eliza Ford, toiled tirelessly, striving for a better future for their two young sons, Ry and Zen.

Life on RE-422 was harsh, with the oppressive authorities tightening their grip on the suffering population. In the midst of this turmoil, a terrorist organization rose to challenge the ruling regime. Fear and chaos became the norm, as innocent lives hung in the balance.

One fateful day, as Samuel and Eliza Ford labored at their workstations, masked assailants stormed the compound. The terrorists had targeted the couple, seeking to exploit their knowledge and skills for their own nefarious purposes. In the face of imminent danger, the couple fought valiantly to protect their children, but their efforts were in vain.

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, instead of coming to their aid, the authorities revealed their true colors. Unbeknownst to the Ford family, a black hole bomb had been planted within the compound. With ruthless precision, the detonation was triggered, unleashing a cataclysmic force that tore through the very fabric of the planet.

In an instant, RE-422 crumbled, consumed by the gaping maw of the cosmic abyss. Samuel and Eliza, along with countless others, perished in the merciless aftermath. The authorities, cunning and deceitful, seized the opportunity to manipulate the narrative. They pinned the blame for the destruction on the terrorists, effectively silencing any dissenting voices that might expose their malevolent agenda.

Meanwhile, in a realm untouched by the unfolding tragedy, young Ry and Zen Ford remained blissfully unaware of the cataclysm that had befallen their parents. They had been sent away to live with their uncle, Spot Ford, on a distant planet, far removed from the horrors of RE-422. Uncle Spot, a gruff yet caring man, welcomed the boys into his humble abode, attempting to provide them with some semblance of stability and solace amidst the storm.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the brothers struggled to make sense of their new reality. Lingering questions gnawed at their souls, aching for answers they had yet to uncover. They yearned for the embrace of their parents, unaware of the tragedy that had stolen them away.

Ry, driven by an insatiable thirst for freedom, was plagued by an insatiable curiosity, a burning desire to understand the secrets of the universe. He finds himself recruited by an underground resistance movement determined to overthrow the oppressive regime that enslaves their people. Empowered by his unwavering spirit, Ry becomes a symbol of hope for those suffering under the yoke of tyranny.

Zen, the older brother, possessed a quiet strength that masked his inner turmoil. He clung tightly to the memories of his parents, seeking solace in the fragments of love that remained etched within his heart. Deep within him, a flicker of something extraordinary stirred, an untapped potential waiting to be kindled. His mind teemed with questions that echoed through the corridors of his thoughts, yearning for answers that seemed just out of reach.

Bound by shared grief and an unbreakable bond, Ry and Zen embarked on a journey of self-discovery, unaware of the hidden truths that awaited them. Little did they know that their paths were destined to converge once again, their destinies intertwined with a cosmic tapestry that would reveal the devastating truth behind the loss of their parents and the twisted machinations of those in power.

In this tumultuous journey, Ry and Zen find themselves forced to part ways, each embarking on a different path with unique challenges to overcome. Though physically separated by vast distances, the bond between the brothers remains unbreakable. As they navigate their respective paths, their unwavering love and concern for each other serve as a constant reminder of their shared dreams and the unyielding hope that drives them forward.