
Seducing My Butler Husband

Synopsis Zoe Abigail Quinn woke up with the news slapped on her face that she will be married the next day. She knew this is her fate but she didn't expect that it will come sooner. Zoe has no choice but to obey. It turned out that her groom is the very aloof and frigid city mayor's personal butler, which she has been adoring and enamoured with the day she saw the gentleman. Will she, the wife, get her husband's loyalty and attention that had been committed to his master since a long time? She only thought of one thing, and that is using her charms to seduce her butler husband.

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38 Chs


WITH GUARDS UP, Hans and Axel got out of the truck and quietly made their way to the warehouse.

The secluded and deserted place gave a ghostly mood. Only the big moon prevents it to be engulfed by complete darkness.

The wind blew coldly and made the tall grasses rustle, the only sound that can be heard.

For an ordinary person, the place may seem so lifeless but for the agents who trained to enhance their senses, they could hear the busy moving below the surface.

Axel lead the way, staying cautious on the surrounding.

Hans followed in a defensive manner. He listened carefully around him, making sure to be prepared in any attack. Somehow, the way to the warehouse was easy.

Hans spotted one big guy with a gun, guarding the main door. The two of them fearlessly approach the enemy's soldier who was surprised by their appearance.

Before the man could pull out his gun, Hans was faster to point his pistol at the enemy, but a sudden gust of wind passed beside Hans' face and the man already fell on the ground. Crimson red blood stained his shirt right at the top of his heart and pooled the ground.

"First blood by Bull's eye," Yuri's bragging voice resounded on the earpiece.

"Do you really need to have that bullet's way just inches away from my face?" Hans spoke near his ring as he followed Axel to the door.

"It was the best path right to his heart," Yuri reasoned out.


Hans was already used to Yuri's risky stunts. Nevertheless, he trusts his friend because he knew how skillful and careful Yuri is.

"The door has a password," Axel said as they reached the metal door.

"783909," it was Frail who spoke. After seconds of keyboard tapping sound, he continued, "There are 10 on the ground floor, only guns."

Axel looked at him, "Five each."

They wanted to start as quiet as possible so they can reach the underground with no hustle.

"We are on your back, captain!" Kane, as always, has excitement in his voice that can be heard in everyone's earpiece.

"So loud," Frail grunted, "can't concentrate."

Kane just chuckled on the other line.

Axel pressed the passcode and the metal door automatically opened. Thanks to Frail and his hacking skills, they won't worry about the enemies being alarmed.

As the door opened, Hans and Axel quickly hide behind the large cargo boxes. The room was dimly lit, just enough to see a person's figure.

"Why did you opened the door?" A huge voice echoed, his footsteps were approaching the door.

Axel signaled Hans to take down the man.

Hans listened to the guy's footsteps and when he was about to reach the door, Hans fired his pistol with a silencer. It critically hit the enemy's heart.

Before the huge guy's falling body could make a sound, Axel catch him and drag the dead body into the dark.

They didn't waste any second and moved forward, swiftly hiding behind the boxes.

Soon, other soldiers showed up, wondering why their leader hasn't come back yet.

With this opportunity, the two shoot the four approaching figure, directly hitting their hearts, earning thuds as their body met the cold floor.

Five left.

"Who's ther-"

Axel mercilessly fired his pistol on the guy's throat, then on the vital organ on his chest.

Four left.

"Let's end it all at once."

Agent Bullet and Agent Shoot came out behind the cargo boxes and stood back-to-back as their eyes searched for the four remaining soldiers.

"Seen." They announced at the same time.

With silenced pistols in each hand of both agents, they pulled the trigger simultaneously, instantly killing their targets.

"Woah." Hans and Axel both reacted when the four bodies fall on the floor at once.

Hans didn't lie to Zoe when he said the mayor needs his butler, it was indeed true.

In Twilight, Axel is the captain of their team and Hans is his trusted right hand. They have accomplished missions together that made them understand what's on each other's mind based on the situation.

The public only know about him being the butler of the mayor. But there is more than that relationship.

It started from their early ancestors where the Donovans pledged their loyalty and protection to Giovanna family, when the latter saved the Donovans from terrorist attacks. From then on, the tradition was passed through different generations and it was now Hans Donovan's duty to protect Axel Giovanna.

They were friends since they were little. They developed a strong brotherhood bond until they grew up. No one know Hans more than Axel and Hans know Axel like the back of his hand. They trust each other, they depend on each other and they will protect each other.

"Cleared. Get inside now," Axel spoke.

"Yes, captain!" Again, it was Kane.

"Trapdoor is under that red carpet, at Hans' 3 o'clock," Frail spoke.

Hans turned to the direction given by Frail and he indeed found an old and dirty red carpet. He removed it and found a trapdoor that the size is enough for one person to be able to enter. He opened it quietly, a metal stair greeted him that stretches underneath.

"The real battle is about to start. Brace yourselves!"

Just when Axel finished speaking on his ring intercom, Kane and half of the ten fighters came. Hiro and the other five entered the other secret passage.

"Captain, we already arrived at passage two," Hiro's monotonous voice rang in their earpiece.

"Stand by there. Wait for my signal."

"Good job, my friend!" Kane gleefully responded to Hiro, his voice was far from a whisper like a secret agent should have in times of missions.

"Let's raid this place now before the enemy could hear the annoying voice of Kane," Hans is now getting ready to go down the stairs.

Frail showed them the blueprint of the underground factory earlier. This stair leads to the surveillance room and only one person is assigned to be a watcher.

And he was right, there's a man in black sitting and facing the monitors. Without wasting a second, Hans shoot his silenced pistol, hitting the target's back that went through his heart and killing him right in his seat.

Hans took the remaining steps down the stair, Axel and the others following behind him. As soon as his feet land on the room's floor, he walked towards the monitors and studied each of them.

His brows furrowed when he didn't saw their figures in one screen which was supposed to be monitoring the room that they are in.

'What the hell on earth Frail did?'

Kane who also noticed it, waved his hand on the camera while his eyes were on the screen and giggled, "Wow! Poo poo head Link turned us invisible!"

"Dumb ass, I froze it," Frail said in a matter-of-fact tone.

'So that was Frail did. Genius." Hans thought.

"It turns out that their watcher is chilling while on work," Axel took one earbud from the man Hans killed and put it on his ear.

"Fuck!" Axel's face crumpled as he threw the earbud away.

Kane picked it up and listened, then his face formed into a smirk, "Oww."

Because Kane is near Hans, he heard the faint sound coming from the device. He was shocked too.

That might be the reason why the watcher didn't suspect anything or atleast heard Kane's loud voice because he was busy listening to a moaning woman in his earbuds.

Hans shook his head in disbelief and lead the way to continue their mission.

Based on what he saw in the surveillance, there is approximately forty soldiers guarding the factory and a few workers getting themselves busy making the illegal drugs.

"You may enter now," Axel commanded everyone.

With Axel's cue, Hans break into the door, earning loud gasps from the people in there.

In a blink of an eye, exchange of gunshots from the agents and the enemy's soldiers filled the factory. Hans and the group took advantage of the huge equipment to hide themselves.

The persons dressed in white laboratory coat were in panic, afraid that a single bullet will hit them. Some hid under the tables and crouched on the floor. The ones who were braver ran towards the other exit to escape, only to be met by Hiro's group as the door swung open.

Hans and Axel fired their pistols without missing any target and hitting the vital spots of their enemy, sending them to the ground.

Kane expertly threw his daggers, piercing directly to the eyes, heart or throat of anyone who came near him.

Hiro on the other side of the room, wielded his two sharp katanas perfectly, slashing and stabbing men who launch an attack towards him.

The ten fighters were also a great help in eliminating the NightCrawler soldiers with their expert close combat skill.

Brutal. Inhuman it may seem, but these agents were born to kill in order to defend, to save, and to protect. They are battling with evil people who only caused harm to innocents.

Everything is in a mess. The ingredients, the tools and the equipment used for the manufacturing of the drugs were scattered around, some were broken and destroyed, which was the goal of Axel's team.

Blood were all over the room, and in no meantime, dead and lifeless bodies of the soldiers collapsed on the floor. Some fighters were injured but fortunately, no one lost a life.

"The capo is already escaping at the tunnel with five soldiers," Frail informed them.

"Got it," Axel turned to Kane and Hiro, "you two take care of this mess. Capture the persons in coat and alive soldiers. You know what to do with the dead bodies," he then looked at Hans, "let's go."

"Bull's eye, it's your turn now," Axel continued as they walked the path of the tunnel.

"Leave that to me! My hand is already itching," Yuri said impatiently.

Hans and Axel walked fast through the dark tunnel. Upon nearing the exit, they heard a terrible scream outside.

"Hehe. Serves you right oldie!" Yuri laughed triumphantly.

As they reached the end of the tunnel, there was a man in his fifties, limping as he struggled to walk for escape with the help of his soldiers. Blood flowed from his left leg, leaving tracks on the ground.

Axel and Hans just watch how the man grubted in pain as he tried to walk faster towards a helicopter, meters away.

As if he could get away from this.

They walked nonchalantly, unconcerned of any danger that might happen at the moment. For some reason, no one saw their presence.

"So, will you share a room with your wife?"


"Why not? I, myself wanted someone to cuddle me at night."

"Not interested."

"Ahhhh! Fuck it!"

Their conversation was interrupted by another loud scream. The man was already down on the ground near the lift of the helicopter, crying in pain. His another leg full of blood.

Just now, the soldiers accompanying him were also dropped dead.

Hans sighed. Seems like Yuri took care of them.

"You two! Are you letting this hideous man run away?"

"You just wanted to fire that sniper."

Even if they were able to ride their vehicle, they know that Frail already destroyed its system that will prevent them from escaping.

"Please spare my life! I don't know anything!" The man trembled in fear as Axel stopped in front of him.

Axel chuckled, "Oh come on, Congressman Mayer, no need to be so anxious. We were friends, right?"

Hans stayed back as he watched his friend crouched down to level his height on the man.

"Who is your boss?" Hans spoke straight to the point.

"I don't know! I just follow orders from above!"

"Then we will just take you with us for interrogation, no?" Axel said in a friendly way.

"No! You can't do this to me, Giovanna! Remember that I am in a higher position tha-"

The capo didn't finish his sentence when Axel punched his nose so hard that he fell unconscious.

"Oops. Did I hit him that hard?"

"Just enough strength, I guess."

Frail arrived with their armored truck, Yuri sitting leisurely on his spot earlier. Kane and the others were also in the van.

By that time, a long black van parked in front of them, the people they arrested inside it.

Two men came out and walked towards the unconscious capo and carried him back to the van.

The driver also got down and greeted them.

"Well done everyone. It's a mission accomplished."

Axel grinned and replied, "Thanks, Leonor. Please bring these people to their right destination."

"No worries, Axel. By the way, Chief said that you will have a rest week as a reward," Leonor said.

"That's great! I will thank him in my report."

"Good. I will be going now. You know, it's a long drive to the main HQ," Leonor bid goobye as he walked back in the van.

"Have a safe trip!" Axel waved his hand.

When the van was already in no sight, Hans and Axel get inside the truck.

"Excellent work team South, as a reward we will be enjoying a rest week," Axel announced on the intercom.

"Yehey!!" Of course, it was Kane.

Hans leaned back and closed his eyes.

What a long day for him.

He will make sure to use the whole week to relax.