
Seducing My Butler Husband

Synopsis Zoe Abigail Quinn woke up with the news slapped on her face that she will be married the next day. She knew this is her fate but she didn't expect that it will come sooner. Zoe has no choice but to obey. It turned out that her groom is the very aloof and frigid city mayor's personal butler, which she has been adoring and enamoured with the day she saw the gentleman. Will she, the wife, get her husband's loyalty and attention that had been committed to his master since a long time? She only thought of one thing, and that is using her charms to seduce her butler husband.

cammae · Urban
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38 Chs


THE NEXT MORNING, Zoe woke up early. She packed her things and tidied the room she slept in.

She wore a simple white dress and made her hair into a ponytail.

As what Hans said, a driver was sent to pick her up from the hotel.

"Good morning, Madam. I am Herman, the personal driver of Mister Hans and he asked me to bring you home."

The man in his late fifties bowed a little and greeted Zoe right after she opened her unit door.

"Great morning, Uncle Herman! I'll be in your care then," Zoe happily greeted back. For some reason, she woke up with a good mood.

The man smiled softly at her. Even in an old age, he still possesses elegant features and a good physique that Zoe could tell he was a fine man during his young age.

"Please follow me, Madam," Herman took her luggage and lead the way down the hotel.

Upon exiting the hotel, a black Rolls-Royce was parked lavishly. Herman put her luggage on the trunk and opened the backseat door for her.

She entered with a smile. Honestly speaking, Zoe was not used to be pampered like this. She is a self-reliant woman and she doesn't want to make others do what she can do herself.

"Uncle, is Hans home?" Zoe broke the silence in their ride.

"Mister hasn't gone home since last night, Madam. He said that he has an important matter to do."

"Oh, okay. Is he really that busy, Uncle?"

"Yes, Madam. He only stays at home during weekends."

Disappointment rushed through Zoe. It means she merely have two days in a week to be with Hans.

"He is really hardworking," Zoe just said.

"Don't worry, Madam. Mister will definitely make time for you," Herman said when he heard the sad voice of Zoe.

She smiled, "He should be!"

Zoe watched the green grass field that stretches along the horizon. They were in the San Antonio's countryside, away from the bustling and noisy city.

She saw some few big houses along the way. The inhabitants might have liked the peaceful and fresh environment of the place.

This is Zoe's first time living in a rural area and she was excited of what is going to be her life starting today.

After twenty minutes, the car stopped in front of a huge modern house.

Before Herman could open the door for her, Zoe did it herself.

"Madam, let me serve you," the man said feeling embarrassed.

"It's fine, Uncle. No need to be so formal with me," Zoe smiled assuringly.

Herman was stunned for a moment. He thought that the young Miss of the Quinn Family that became the wife of his master Hans was used to be served with. He was wrong because she have a kind and pure heart.

"Just let me know whenever you need something, Madam," he bowed at Zoe.

"Hmm," Zoe thought for a while, "I want to be friends with you Uncle!" She grinned.

Herman couldn't help but chuckle at the bubbly behavior of his Madam, "Yes, Madam, as you wish. Let's go inside now, the sun is starting to be harsh."

Zoe nodded and followed her Uncle Herman. She looked up at the house and couldn't resist to be amazed by it.

The exterior was designed in a simple yet eye-catching one. It's color white paint fits the greenery grassland. There was a wide garden in front with flowers in their full bloom. Some trees also surround the house that gave a refreshing cool breeze around.

Zoe's attention landed on the main door, where a plump redhead woman is standing in her apron and waving at them.

"Welcome home, Madam!" She was greeted by a cheerful aura.

"Madam, this is Mister's helper in the house, Dhalia. She will lend a hand everytime you need help," Herman introduced the woman who seemed to be have the same age as him.

Zoe caught the fondness on Herman's eyes as he looked at the woman. It made her smile watching the two infront of her. She could feel the love surrounding them.

"Madam, just call me Aunt Dhalia. Let me show you around the house," Dhalia was excited to see the wife of Hans.

"Aunt Dhalia," she curled her lips into smile, "please call me Zoe, you too, Uncle Herman."

"But Madam.." the man was about to disagree.

Zoe pouted, "I don't want to be called Madam and I hate an employer-employee relationship with others. I just want us to feel like a family here."

"There, there," Dhalia panicked seeing the sad face of Zoe, she held her hands and smiled at her, "I will call you Zoe from now on."

"Dhalia.." Herman swallowed his words when the woman threw him a warning glare.

Zoe's face lightened, "Thank you, Aunt Dhalia!"

"Alright, let's head inside now. I prepared breakfast for you."

The two woman walked hand in hand inside the house. Herman, followed behind them while pulling Zoe's luggage which he insisted to carry.

Dhalia guided Zoe to the dining area, "Come sit here, Zoe. Join us, Herman."

The three of them seated around the table. Zoe was so comfortable at the presence of Dhalia and Herman.

The food on the table looked appetizing, it smelled delicious, too. There was egg and bacon, pancakes, slices of bread, vegetable salad, fruits and milk. It was simple dishes but made Zoe salivate.

"Eat up, Zoe. Tell me if you wanted to eat something, I will make it for you," Dhalia said.

Zoe smiled and started to eat happily. She was born with a good appetite but she can still maintain her slim figure. It was an advantage for her since she could eat a lot without worrying of getting fat.

Aunt Dhalia watched the gorgeous woman as she ate the food that was served to her with a big smile. When Hans showed Dhalia the picture of his bride last week before the wedding, she knew just by looking at it that Zoe has a charming attitude.

She was unlike some daughters of a wealthy family who only know how to raise their penciled eyebrows. Zoe is the complete opposite. She is sweet, courteous, adorable and kind-hearted.

"Uncle Herman, you are so sweet," Zoe said when she saw the man placed a pancake on Aunt's plate.

"Uhmm," Herman blushed that his ears turned red.

"Darling, Zoe.. we are husband and wife," Dhalia chuckled, unlike Herman who was completely embarrassed.

"I knew it, Aunt Dhalia!" Zoe chuckled also, "I saw how Uncle Herman looked at you earlier."

Herman coughed hearing Zoe, "Ladies, please continue eating now."

"It's really nice if the man loves you more," Dhalia gazed at her husband with a meaningful look, ignoring what he just said.

"I feel envious of your relationship, Aunt Dhalia."

"Don't be, darling. Hans is very caring and also a gentleman."

Zoe just smiled. She knew Hans is a gentleman but only an act towards her.

The three of them enjoyed the food together. They talked about anything while constantly teasing Uncle Herman. The man just let the two woman since he liked listening to their soft laughs and giggles.

When breakfast was done, Dhalia lead Zoe to the master's bedroom on the second floor.

Zoe looked around the room. The walls are painted in a clean white, accentuated with silver. The floor is covered with a fury gray carpet. It was also very spacious inside and the furnitures were all brand new.

"No one used this room before since Hans occupies the room on the first floor," Dhalia spoke as she opened the glass door of the terrace.

The fresh wind blew inside the room, ruffling Zoe's ponytail.

Zoe walked to the terrace and she can see up from there the backyard of the house. There was a small lake, the water was in deep blue. She will find some time to swim and relax in that lake.

"Will he transfer here, too?" Zoe looked at Dhalia and asked.

"Silly girl. Of course, he will. What made you think he will not?" Dhalia stand beside her and looked at the scenery.

What makes her think of that? He hates her.

But she didn't voice it out, instead she answered, "Maybe he was already comfortable in his room downstairs."

Dhalia shifted her gaze towards Zoe and gave her a comforting smile, "Zoe, just don't give up on Hans, okay? I know that your relationship would not be that of a husband and wife in an instant but let me tell you that your husband is a good man. In the long run, he will open his heart to you."

Dhalia sensed that Zoe was pessimistic about her relationship with Hans so she wanted to somehow lift her spirit up.

Zoe was at shock hearing Dhalia's words. How can her Aunt Dhalia see through her thoughts?

"Thank you, Aunt Dhalia. Please help me know Hans better in order for me to be a good wife."

"Of course, darling."

After exchanging smiles, Zoe told Dhalia that she have an appointment with a friend and she will leave after an hour. Dhalia went down to inform Herman to drive her back to the city.

Zoe was left alone on the master's bedroom. She got inside the walk-in closet and saw her things were already organized inside.

Dhalia told her that their family driver brought her things yesterday and she arranged them.

Zoe changed into a more comfortable clothes. She wore a denim jeans and a white tunic. Before going down, she retouched her light make-up.

Herman was already waiting on the living room and he saw Zoe, he stand up and politely bowed at her.


"Uncle, it's Zoe and no need to bow down. I mean, you are more experienced in life than me," she gave him a wide smile.

Herman was hesistant to call Zoe by her name but if this will make her comfortable, he would gladly obliged.

"Alright, Miss Zoe."

"That's a lot better than Madam, Uncle," Zoe grinned, showing her perfect white teeth.

The two of them rode the Rolls-Royce again and drove back to the city.

Zoe took her phone and texted Fern that she's on the way. The reason why she wanted to see her friend is to ask help in doing her plan. Zoe had thought about it carefully last night and she knew Fern could help her.

"Uncle Herman, thank you for the ride."

They were already standing outside Fern's residence.

"You're welcome, Miss Zoe. Call me when to pick you up."

"No need, Uncle. My friend will drive me home later. Just head back and rest," Zoe politely said.

Right after Herman drove away, Fern got out of his house and greeted Zoe.

"Get inside, Boo. We have a lot of talking to do."