
Seducing My Butler Husband

Synopsis Zoe Abigail Quinn woke up with the news slapped on her face that she will be married the next day. She knew this is her fate but she didn't expect that it will come sooner. Zoe has no choice but to obey. It turned out that her groom is the very aloof and frigid city mayor's personal butler, which she has been adoring and enamoured with the day she saw the gentleman. Will she, the wife, get her husband's loyalty and attention that had been committed to his master since a long time? She only thought of one thing, and that is using her charms to seduce her butler husband.

cammae · Urban
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38 Chs


ZOE WAS LYING on the middle of the bed, her gown was long gone from her body minutes ago.

She was already in her comfortable and soft unicorn onesie. Good thing she brought it with her. If not, she won't be able to sleep later.

If you were to ask where is Hans, he was on night duty.

Right after they went back to their hotel room, he immediately change in his butler outfit and left, saying that the mayor needs his butler.

'Mayor needs him in this time, 8 in the evening.' Zoe thought sarcastically.

And Zoe was left alone.

She thought that she will lost her innocence tonight with Hans, but she's wrong.

She should not be surprised about it. It is clear that Hans doesn't like her.

Zoe took her phone and lay back on her stomach. She dialed Fern's number and after two rings, her friend answered.

"So, how big is he?" Fern excitedly asked on the other line.

"Fernando! Stop it!"

She can't believe Fern was still thinking about this thing.

"He left," she continued when Fern was about to complain about calling his real name.

"What?! What do you mean left?" Fern shouted that made her distanced her phone from her ear.

"Left. As in walked out of our hotel room and never came back," she explained while playing with the rose petals on the bed.

"And where did he went?"

"I think work. Mayor needs his butler by this time," she can't hide the mockery in her voice as she repeated what Hans said earlier.

"That's bullshit! How can he work right after your marriage? The two of you should be pleasuring each other right now!"

Fern can't help but to feel annoyed for his friend. If Hans only has the good looks but doesn't have the attitude, then he is not the right man for Zoe!

"Boo! Can you filter the words that are coming out from your mouth?" Zoe blushed at the word 'pleasuring'.

"What's wrong with what I said?"

Zoe can heard the irritated voice of her friend so she changed the topic.

"Just forget about him. Are you free tomorrow? I want to talk about something."

"Yes. Let's talk about your jerk husband!" Fern was angry, "just send me the time and place."

"Your place, I will be there at 10 am," she informed.

"Alright. See you, boo. Have a rest now."

"Thank you, boo. Goodnight."

She ended the call and put her phone on the bedside table.

Her eyes caught the diamond ring on her finger with her wedding band ring, that expensively screaming from it design.

It is a three stone diamond ring, the one in the middle is a little bigger than the two. Each diamond was perfectly polished and glimmers as light hits them.

Zoe neared her hand and examined the ring's shank. It is white gold and had a simple hand engraved details. The carving go all the way around the shank and they say it's a symbol for an eternal love.

What a nice ring. But Zoe knew that it is their parents who bought their wedding rings.

How would it feel if Hans chose this ring for her? She will just dream about it since that is impossible. He wouldn't bother picking a wedding ring for the girl that looks like he hated the most.

Zoe curled up and hugged her pillow, closing her eyes and clearing her thoughts.

She tried to stop thinking about Hans. She will handle the problem tomorrow. Besides, she already generated a nice plan in mind and she'll start tomorrow. Zoe will not give up!

All she needed right now is a good night sleep.

She needs energy.

For her mission.


"What are you doing here?"

Hans was greeted by the confused looks from his friends as he entered the headquarters' arsenal room.

Mr. Mayor who asked him the question stopped putting the firearms in a duffle bag and looked at Hans with creased eyebrows.

"The honeymoon went fast, maybe," Yuri commented while preparing the loads of bullets.

Hans threw a deadly glare at Yuri, "Do you really think I wanted a honeymoon with her?"

The persons inside the room laughed. Hans was confused. Is there something funny about what he said?

But he chose to ignore his lunatic friends.

"Seriously, why did you showed your face here? You should be with your beautiful wife," Axel, the mayor, asked while inspecting a silencer.

"Why wouldn't I be here? We have an operation later," Hans said in a bored voice.

"You know, we are goods without you," Frail chuckled and closed his laptop.

"Shut up, fucker. Can we not talk about it? Let's focus on tonight's mission," Hans helped Axel in putting the different types of firearms in a bag.

"We will be leaving at 11 pm," Axel informed him.

"The back-ups?" Hans asked.

"Hiro is instructing them on the shelter. We only got 10 fighters."

Hans nodded, "Mm.. that will be enough."

"What's up poo poo heads!"

The door banged open and Kane, with two daggers in his left hand skillfully spinning it, entered the room with a mischievous smile.

"Last time I remembered, you called us 'dicky shorties'. What's wrong with you and your body parts?" Yuri said as he casually threw a grenade to Kane who is still at the door.

"What the fuck!" Kane avoided the grenade and ran to the other side of the room, covering his ears.

When Kane didn't hear any explosion, he looked at Yuri in disbelief.

"You poo poo head! What if it blew off?!"

Yuri shrugged, "The safety pin is still in it."

"But still! There is still .01% that it will explode and we will all burst apart in here! You're so careless poo poo head Yuri!!"

"You are so loud, Kane," Yuri ran his fingers in his hair frustratingly.

"This is my normal voice!!" He made his voice louder, annoying his friend more.

"Poo poo head 2!" Kane walked towards Hans and put his arm on his shoulders, "so, did you scored on your wife?"

Hans wanted to ignore Kane but Axel answered for him.

"He is poo poo head 1 for leaving his wife alone."

"What?! Why did you do that? If I were you, I will leave this mission to my team and make love all night!"

Hans sighed. Kane is just too loud and he is almost yelling beside his ear.

Kane continued, "You know, I have a crush on Zoe Quinn. If she was not married to you, I will definitely make a move on her."

Hans didn't know but he was not happy with what Kane said.

"Then you can have her," he said as he balled his fists inside his pocket.

"I recorded it," Frail said, referring to the statement of Hans, "already sent it to your email, Kane."

Kane grinned and gave a thumbs up, "Good job, poo poo head Frail!"

"It's worth five hundred thousands."

Kane replied, "What?! Half a million?! Fuck! Fine! I will use it against this poo poo head," he exclaimed while pointing Hans.

Hans couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed Kane's arm and knock him down the ground, earning a loud thud and groan.

It happened in a second.

Kane who wasn't prepared of what Hans did, was lying on the floor with wide eyes and mouth ajar, completely shocked.

The room fell into deep silence.

After a few seconds, everyone except Kane who grimaced, burst into laughter.

"Dude, look at that face!"

"What a poo poo head!"

"That face is worth millions! Gotta capture it."

A camera flashed.

"Who did that?! Delete it!"

Hans offered his hand to Kane, still chuckling, "I'm sorry, I lost my cool."

Kane pouted, ignoring Hans, "I need something more than your hand."

"Sure, I will buy you a pizza."

With that, Kane's face brightened and reach for the hand of his friend, but before he could even hold it, Hans pulled back and smirk.

"You will have your pizza later."

"Fuck you, Donovan!" Kane protested and stand up with an unpaintable face.

Hans just smirked smugly at Kane and took the duffle bag, "Let's go, Hiro might be waiting for us outside."

"Bring the necessary," Axel followed Hans and walked beside him.

The others too, took the things they needed and head out the arsenal.

The time is 10:45 in the evening.

The cold breeze of the night brushes the leaves of the big trees surrounding the building.

The moonlight shines, illuminating everything under it.

It looks like a typical quiet night, but for the people getting ready to ride the truck is not.

Blood will shed this night.

"Everything is already set," a young man with a shoulder-length hair approached Hans and the others.

"Thank you, Hiro," Axel tapped the shoulder of his pal.

Hiro bowed a little and quietly walked to the armored van, the back-up guys aboard.

"Hiro, my friend! Wait for me!" Kane ran towards his friend and drape his arm over the latter's shoulder as they walked.

Hans watched the back of the two, then asked, "Is it just me or Hiro's katanas are longer than before?"

"Longer." Axel answered.

"Hop in!"

Frail's head popped out of the armored truck's window. Yuri is on his usual spot, the passenger's seat.

Hans and Axel entered the backseat and Frail maneuvered the vehicle. The van where Kane, Hiro and the guys are in, followed behind them.

Hans leaned his back on the leather seat and closed his eyes.

He, in fact, is an agent of the secret organization, Twilight.

It was completely hidden to the public to protect the citizens' interest.

Twilight was established to combat illicit doings in the country, to maintain peace and order, and to take down crime syndicates.

It was divided into four, the North, South, East, and West. Each division has a team of six and have fighters under them.

The command whether to launch an operation is given by the over-all chief of Twilight.

Hans was in South Twilight for three years and has been into cloak-and-dagger operations. His hands were stained by the blood of bad people.

He admit that he took a lot of lives but it is also his obligation to eliminate evil as an agent who wanted a safe country.


That is the name of the biggest syndicate, responsible for the illegal activities recorded in the country. Drug trade, human trafficking, theft and robbery, money laundering and all kinds of unlawful and unacceptable acts that disrupts the peace in their country, they were the real mastermind.

Axel, who became the mayor of San Antonio gave Twilight an advantage to have a broader scope of information sources about the syndicate's movement in southern states of USA.

Only a few from the government knew about Twilight and they were actually members of it. They wanted their organization to be hidden as much as possible.

And tonight's mission is to infiltrate an abandoned warehouse that was believed to have an underground factory where mass production of cocaine happen and is managed by NightCrawler.

It was just a small factory and it will be easy for Hans and his team to eradicate it.

"You look so drained."

Hans heard Axel so he opened his eyes again.

"Not really."

"I saw what you did in the wedding earlier. Putting your thumb inbetween, huh?"

There's a hint of amusement in Axel's smirk.

"There's nothing wrong with what I did."

Axel has sharp eyes so he can really spot it compared to the regular visitors who believed that they did their first wedding kiss infront of them.

"Dude didn't even invite us to his wedding," Yuri but in.

"You will be probably invited in their second wedding," Axel said surely.

Hans scoffed, "That won't happen. And what was that best man's message? So abominable."

"Dude," Axel put his hands on his chest where his heart is located and acted like hurt, "I was sincere with that message."

Hans thought that Axel is just annoying him with that message but for the latter, it was genuine words thay came out from it.

"Whatever." Hans doesn't want to talk about his upsetting marriage.

"We should stop here," Frail said after he parked the vehicle in a dark vacant lot, "there are surveillance beyond that post. Give me a minute to wreck that weak piece of shit."

With that, Frail started to do his thing on his laptop while the rest of them started to get ready their weapon.

Axel turned on the radio that connects to the other vehicle and said, "We will stop here and get ready to infiltrate the warehouse."

"Aye, aye, captain!" It was Kane who responded.

Axel then bring his hand near his lips and said, "S Bullet."

The black ring on Axel's thumb is an agent accessory made by Frail himself that serves as their way of communication.

Hans heard Axel's voice on his earpiece and he spoke, "S Shot."

"S Link."

"S Bull's eye."

"S Stab."

"S Cut. Fighters are ready."

"Clear." Frail said when he hacked the surveillance smoothly, "people inside have no idea that they lost an eye."

Axel smiled, "Good job, Link."

Hans spoke in his ring with a cocky smile, "You know the plan. Burn them all and come back alive!"