
Secrets That We Keep

Jozine Layla Quinn is a child of this universe that was never meant to be born. The complications started when the child was suddenly born and added into the world. Due to the complications, the child wasn't born healthy and was born with a great sickness that is very difficult to cure. She's an orphan and she is alone most of her life until she met her teacher. They have a love and hate relationship that bonded them together and their relationship blossomed into a strong unbreakable love. Her teacher will be the one to help her get through everything and everyone will be the ones who will try to break their imperishable love. *** This whole story will be written in the 3rd person's POV or the narrator's POV. So even though there are two main protagonists in my novel, there can be a lot of characters' thoughts and feelings. So I will be doing a lot of attitudes and behaviors so that almost all of my characters will be described and no one will be left out. Credits to the rightful owner of the pictures although I made the cover. Please vote for this book! Thank you all for your support! Please keep yourselves safe! P.S: I'm monnieswag. I just forgot that my username here is Penguinne so I accidentally used my other platform name for the cover.

Penguinne · 奇幻言情
38 Chs

Chapter 5

"First of all thank you for electing me as your class president." Layla told them with a confident grin while she looks over at her classmates who are cheering for her. She fixed her blouse before proceeding to give a speech. "I'll try to do my best in leading you all and I promise to be nice yet strict because we need to beat the others for being the best class this year. However, I can't promise you all that unless we all cooperate because I didn't even want to be the class president and you all chose me but if I can't properly be the best then you all better not regret electing me as one." She finished while pointing at them, threatening them to not regret what they decided and they all just laughed even their bored to death homeroom teacher laughed with them.

She goes back to her seat and they proceeded to elect the class officers. Kim was elected as the vice president, Liv as the secretary, and so on. All of them cooperated and let their classmates who want to be a class officer this year to try and be one. That's how it always goes for their class, they take turns every time except for the class president that's changed only now. It's fun, they always have fun with each other and they won't make anybody uncomfortable even if there's a new student.

Once they are done with all of that, their homeroom teacher leaves them and they're all currently celebrating and waiting for their next class which is history. Layla and Alex are talking and joking with each other, minding their own business while their classmates are all noisy and joking around.

"So how does it feel being the class president, president?" Alex asks Layla while Layla just groans and buries her face in the palms of her hands.

"I don't know if I can be one. I don't know how I'll do if I'll lead you all. I don't want to embarrass you all and make you regret choosing me." Layla truthfully says, slightly muffled due to her face's position. Alex placed his hand, without hesitating at all, on her back while patting it slowly and gently.

"Why do think we chose you, Layla?" He asks her while smiling softly at her.

"I don't know, honestly." She answered while she looks at him and places her elbow on her table and rest her chin on her knuckles, looking up at Alex.

"It's because we believe in you, Layla. We won't choose you if we didn't think that you can be a great class president. Yes, that obligation's big but we know you can do it and we're here to be there for you if it gets too much to handle."

Layla smiles at him and thanked him while he keeps on patting her back.

"So don't worry. I'm your friend now. I can help you! I'm your historian remember?" He grins widely. Alex was chosen to be the historian of the class which is, responsible for documenting important events: take pictures and taking notes and such.

Layla looked at him as if he was crazy. She doesn't have any friends and doesn't need one so why does Alex call himself her friend? Doesn't he already know that she refuses to be friends with anybody?

"What?" She asked while looking at him blankly.

"I know, I know. You refuse anybody who wants to be your friend but you're my friend and you can't stop me being friends with you. If you feel uncomfortable then treat me like your regular classmate but I'll still treat you as my friend." Alex says to her while smiling at her.

Layla nods slowly then she smiles. "Yeah, that's it. I can do that."

"Ms. President! Come here! Someone's looking for you!" A classmate shout from the door and they both turned their heads towards the direction it's coming from. Layla looks at Alex and she pats his back before standing up and walking towards the door.

As she goes there, there's a group of students standing in front of their door while holding a clipboard and smiling widely at her. Layla thanked her classmate who called her before turning her attention to the students who is here for her.

"You're the class president of class one?" The boy asked the one who's in the middle while giving her this smile that made her uncomfortable but she nodded at him.

"You're Layla, right? Is this you?" He pointed at his clipboard and showed it to her while glancing at her, Layla sees her name and nodded again while folding her arms. "I'm here to inform you that later we have a meeting for all of the class presidents at..." He looks at his watch. "1 o'clock after lunch, make sure to be there."

"Thanks." Layla shortly says, not interested in talking to him.

"So they're right, when they said that you're pretty yet you're cold, emotionless, almost. Would you like to maybe get to know me better?" The guy straightforwardly tells her which caught her off guard and she frowns at him. She opens her mouth to say something back to him but he cuts her off.

"You may find me disgusting but don't you find intelligent boys attractive? We're a match! We're both intelligent and a lot of people like us because of that so think carefully before you reject me." The group of students squeals like it's the most romantic words they have ever heard but Layla finds it extremely disturbing and her classmates heard that so they quickly approached them, backing up for her in case something happens.

"What was that you said? You're clearly not similar to each other because we genuinely like Layla and she isn't so full of herself." Mark, the jock in their classroom spat out while glaring at him and hovering over him with his big body.

"Woah, calm down, jock. I was just stating the fact." Layla couldn't control herself and she stood up for herself and her classmates.

"If I'm going to accept you then that'll count me as an idiot so just get lost and don't ever compare the both of us again or you're gonna regret that." Layla said to him.

"Think again, princess but I'll leave now and the next time I see you again you have to accept me. Come on." The guy chuckled and walked away with his friends while Mark wants to punch the guy but Layla stopped him before anything can happen.

"Mark, calm down. He is a coward anyway." Layla said to him while holding his arm and Mark looked at her with soft eyes.

"Yeah, sorry but who the fuck does he think he is? I can literally throw him out of this school. I'll just tell my father about this." Layla shook her head and chuckled while looking at her classmates who are behind her.

"Thanks a lot, guys." They all just shook their head and smiled at her.

"Nah, it's fine. We're brothers and sisters in here anyway, we have to have each other's backs." Alex says to her and they all agreed but before they can have any more sweet cheesy moments someone from the hallway calls out for help and they all looked at each other with furrowed brows. They all head to the direction, hurriedly but they let Layla be the first to go as she is the leader and she is nearer.

They can't see anything due to the circling crowd that's formed around someone but her tall classmates gasped and they looked at each other with open mouths and widening eyes. Mark looked at Layla and they grabbed her, pulling her out of the crowd with worried and sad eyes.

"Why? What's wrong?" Layla asked them with furrowed eyes but they just continued dragging her out of the crowd. "What the hell's wrong?!"

Layla isn't an idiot, she can guess what they're hiding from her but she doesn't accept it and she wants them to tell her before she jumps to different conclusions and assumptions.

She tried wiggling out of their tight hold but they just held her tighter. "Tell me what's wrong?! I need to know, get off of me!" Layla finally got out of their grasp and she runs towards the front of the crowd with tears in her eyes, the students looked at her with sad eyes but they couldn't do anything about the sad situation. Layla finally got in front and her eyes widen as soon as she saw Sir Arthur, lying on the cold floor without breathing and nurses are trying to revive him. She runs towards them and they just let her while she sat down and holds him in her arms.

"Arthur! Don't you dare leave me! Don't leave me now! I have no one! I don't know what I'll do." Layla cried while caressing his face. His eyes are closed and she could not feel him breathing.

"Save him! Please! Come on! I'll do anything! I'll promise I'll be good!" Layla shouted and the nurses thought she shouted at them so they once again tried giving him CPR and they shocked his chest with the AED but they get no response. Layla is actually shouting for help to the angel that has always been beside her but even him couldn't help her as the man's time has come to an end.

They tried one last time and Arthur opens his heavy eyes, searching for Layla. "Layla...I'm sorry...you need to save yourself. Take care, Layla."

"No, no! You aren't going to leave me, you understand?? I...I...please..." She sobs while hugging him as Sir Arthur is gone and the nurses stepped back while they wiped their tears, seeing the sad moment before their eyes. They all loved the man because he is an angel, a beautiful soul.

Layla's classmates run to her and stood beside her, being there for her while sobbing quietly. Alex squatted down and rubs her back while Layla just continued hugging Sir Arthur while crying and pleading for him to come back but he'll never come back, he's gone.

"Please..." Layla again called for the angel but she gets no response. She weakly looked at Alex, and Alex hugged her immediately, she hugged him back and they both cried, all of them did. Alex picked her up, carrying her away from the scene.

"Layla, I'm sorry but I need to get you out of here." Alex says to her and Layla just looked back at Sir Arthur again.

"I can't lose him you hear me? Do everything to save him! Save him! I-I can't...I can't lose him, Alex! I have no one!" She gripped his shirt and Alex just rubbed her back.

All of them stayed quiet but all you can hear from them are their cries. "But I'm here, Layla. You have me." Alex looks at their classmates. "You have all of us, we won't leave you."

Layla just hides her face into his chest and cried loudly while Alex walked away with their fellow classmates.

Mark's hands turn into a fist as he recalls what happened to Layla earlier and how the guy disrespected her and all he wants to do is to take revenge because he ruined her day and now Layla is broken than ever. He wiped the tear that falls into his cheeks and looks at his friends.

"Come on, guys. Let's get some work to do." They nodded, understanding what he wants them to do and they all walked away with one thought in their mind, they are going to make the guy regret disrespecting Layla. That's how they are, they treat each other like family, and because they know the things that Layla has been through they feel sympathy and sadness because of that. They actually care for each other and they aren't going to let anyone mess with one of them. They're that nice.

Meanwhile above the sky, inside the gates of heaven, the angels watched as the girl cries and cries, endlessly while her friend is carrying her like a baby and letting her wet his shirt with her continuous tears. They felt sad that they couldn't do anything for her but it's true that the old man's time has ended although they will do something to him after the sun goes down.

"Why do people have to die?" One of the angels speaks out.

"Their lives are temporary. Nothing's forever for them and because people can't forever live in that madness. They need to rest." One answered and they all agreed.

They waited for the sun to set and finally, one of the angels delivers Arthur inside the gates of heaven. Arthur couldn't remember anything except his name and he's looking around the heaven with a sparkle in the eyes.

"I'm directly going here? I thought I'll be wandering for a while on the land." Arthur says. His voice echoes and can clearly be heard inside heaven but his voice is softer than ever.

The angel didn't answer but it smiled until they came further and stopped. The angels let him keep his name but they turned him into an angel because Arthur has earned it and he deserves it. He is an addition to the family and he'll help with the complicated situations down the earth. He couldn't remember anything more, he only remembers his name and is now an angel of God.

"My name's Arthur and I'm an angel." He said to himself while he looks around the majestic place. He doesn't remember being a human in the cruel earth.

"Hi Arthur, I'm Bob. We need to work." An angel said with a bright smile. Arthur nods and does whatever they need to do as an angel of God.