
Rodent Supreme

After his death, Adrian was reborn as a monster. Will he embraced his new life as a monster or will he cling onto his humanity.

Anxiety_000 · 奇幻
31 Chs

Chapter 10 First kill

I looked down from the roof of the chicken coop, my target was there. It was a rooster quite young compared to the other chickens here, it sits at a corner, isolated from the others. Maybe it didn't get along with the others, whatever was the case it was a great opportunity for me.

I positioned myself directly above it, it was gonna be quite the drop and the chicken was still many times stronger than me. If I miss I'm gonna be in quite the pickle, not from the drop itself, no, rats have quite the fall damage resistance, the trouble comes after in the form of a giant children. Giant compared to my size.

My makeshift bone spear in my hand, axe on the mouth and my tail wrapping itself arround the bone hook. I looked down at the target, it higher than I'd like, I know I'm not gonna die from the fall but it's still scary dropping from this far up. Human are in real trouble when they fall from three times their height, I'm about to do a jump from atleast five times that.

The more I though the most I hesitated, so I stop thinking and did my leap of faith. The fall felt like forever, it was as if I was sky diving from above the clouds. It was like three metres at most but I'm really small so it might as well be sky high. I positioned my spear horizontally putting my entire body weight behind it, I was free falling directly above my target and with a thud I reach my destination.

The spear went into the rooster's head but it didn't felt deep. The height was not enough, my weight too light and the spear not sharp and tough enough. The fall didn't damage me either, I did fell the impact but nothing I couldn't walked off. The rooster started to move around running and shaking it's head to get me off, it was also making alot of noise, which was not apart of the plan. Now I have to be fast.

Using the hook on my tail I pierced the skin of its cheek, wrapped my tail on it face and use the flat part of my axe to hammer the spear deeper. Originally I thought I could use the axe to split its head open but if the spear couldn't penetrate deep no way was the axe was going to work. It was getting more and more difficult to hold on, blood was spouting out the spear wound but it was still going to take too long. So I threw the axe away and move over to the back of the rooster's neck, my chest pressed against its nape, I extend my arms and hug its thick neck, the tip of my claws barely touching eachother. With all the strength in my body I pressed my claws deep into its throat, its struggle intensified and I was holding on for dear life, the struggle worked against it. My claws sank deeper and deeper with every head shake the rooster desperately make. Once I thought it was deep enough I pulled my arms sideways, ripping the rooster's throat opened.

My arms were numb from the action. With the hug undone I started flooping around and I let it happened without resistance. Until I could see it's throat that is. Blasted, it's windpipe was still intact. I reached my claws and with much difficulties, from all the children running, my claw make contact with the windpipe and I hold on to it. Both claws on the windpipe and I untangle the tail to the bone hook and the rooster's face, like with the throat I pulled out my claws cutting the windpipe in two. Cutting the only thing I was holding on to I fell to the floor, thankfully no damage from it.

I watch the chicken takes its last steps. It was my first kill, I feel good about it too, but the plan was near a complete failure. I couldn't just be happy with my accomplishment when there were obvious ways to improve it and especially when the actual plan failed miserably. It was supposed to be a stealth takedown, where I insta kill the chicken and disappeare before anyone realise what happened. Instead I had to ride the chicken like a bull and wrestle it to death, I was lucky the other chickens were too dumb to jump me, things could have gone horribly worng for me there. The axe was completely useless, the spear couldn't kill pierce deep enough so it just make the chicken panic and the hook was too hard to utilise. In the end it was my claws that did most of the work.

I ran back and collect my useless weapons. Don't know if animals in this world use weapons or not but I'm not gonna let anyone know I craft and use weapons. Another reason why I hate my meapons. Being seen with one might just cause an uproar and cause the entire nation to go on a rat hunt. After all was it not weapons and tools that led to humans conquering the world without magic.

Offcourse I could be completely wrong about this world but I will not let carelessness be the end of me. I broke the bone weapons apart, make it unrecognisable and buried it. I left the coop before all this, not gonna stay in a crime scene. I'm sure there would be humans swarming the dead chicken by now, wondering what would have done it. No way there gonna suspect the little rat of anything.

I looked at the stats and was surprised to see I didn't gain a level from my kill. Like seriously are you kidding me! That chicken was several times my size, way stronger and tougher too. Do I have to kill more of them? Or is it that there is a specific way of leveling up? Fine, fine. You win. I'll kill the goddamn cat. If that is what it takes, I've already dirtied my paws anyway.