
Reincarnated with the god of death’s system

After dying a tragic death, a boy void of happiness is given the choice of reincarnating into a new world with abilities and affinities of his choosing. How will the MC live? How will he go about his daily life? With the abilities he obtains from different worlds of fiction he will strive to become strong, but he quickly realizes it won’t be without hardships…

MercYURI · 奇幻
3 Chs

Cultivation realms in the new world

Lloyd's mental diary, Age 3 months:

I've lived in this world for 3 months now, I can crawl and walk just fine. Though i will wait a few more months to show my new parents I can walk as seeing a 3 month old walk would be pretty weird and I'd imagine it's extremely rare here too. I also have a sibling, an older brother who is 2 years older than me.

Through the system I've learned the basic cultivation levels and mana user stages.

Spirit novice realm

Spirit warrior realm

Spirit expert realm

Spirit lord realm

Profound saint

Profound earth realm

Profound heavenly realm

Profound Devine realm

Heavenly baron realm

Heavenly knight realm

Heavenly duke realm

Heavenly King realm

Though that's all I know for now, the system speculates that there are more levels than we know as this world seems to only have cultivators up to heavenly king realm. Every realm has 10 sub levels. You can be at spirit novice level 1 all the way up to 10. Once you reach level 10 is when you can step into the next realm.

Now onto the mana core stages.








Mana user stages are similar to cultivation realms as they also have sub levels, although there are only 5 sub levels compared to cultivators.

Age 6 months:

I just started walking, I leaned this language pretty easily, though I also learned that one of the systems' 'secret' functions was to translate any language so I can speak freely with any species. It made me frustrated but I also don't think I'll turn that function on just yet, learning new things has given me stuff fo do as just being a baby is pretty boring if you already have a developed Conscience.

Though I've been born into a super rich family, it is also super competitive. The stronger you are the more influence you have In the family.

We have branch 2 families, all of our families have both cultivators and mana users. Though it is pretty rare from what I found out, as cultivators and mana users don't usually get alone quite well from the history I've researched. It's not that they hate each other and will go out of the way to fight each other, but as two sides who use completely different power systems it's not hard to imagine why they would prefer to not always be around each other. Although to say I've been 'researching' isn't the best way to describe it. I've just barely got a hold on this new languages writing, I kind of just learned this through reading the books around the house.

Age 1 year:

I've basically learned the human language from this world fully now, and can read and write perfectly. I just revealed both facts to my family along with my talking, though to not cause to much trouble I don't speak nearly as well as I actually can. I can tell my parents are waiting in anticipation for me to become a cultivator or use mana. Mana in this world is pretty complex, usually even prodigies don't start using mana till around 9. Cultivators start a little later as prodigies can start around 11. Although I could feel something weird going on inside my brain I couldn't identify what gave me unease everyday.

Age 3 years:

After taking some time to think and talking it over with the system I came to a conclusion that my child brain were influencing my thoughts and actions. It was subtle at first, so much so I didn't even realize I was doing those things. Now it's not as subtle but still manageable to hold back these childish thoughts and actions. When I was 2, my mother gave birth to another child, a younger sister. Her name is Aurora

I learned more about this world and its history.

The continent i currently live on is around 75 millions square kilometres in size, so about 3 times the size of the entirety of the North American continent. A large variety of intellectual species live on this world. Humans, dwarves, fairies, beast men, elves and even dragons live in this world. Though dragons don't necessarily have a kingdom or empire like the other species since they reside neutrally in many places on the continent. Though this world is relatively peaceful now, it wasn't always like this. Many times the kingdoms have waged war on each other, the only reason they've stopped is.. demons. Demons came through a portal on the western side of the continent and spread chaos among the kingdoms and empires. Since the human empire owns the most land at 19 million square kilometres and owns most of the western side of the continent, the demons have really only affected the human empire in a major way as they slowly but surely chew away at the human empires' land. And for some reason the dragons have refused to help in the fight against the demons.

Age 5 years:

My older brother and I both broke though our mortal shackles and became cultivators this year, needless to say our parents couldn't be happier. Using the highest ranked cultivation technique my parents have, I was able to break through a bit faster than my older brother. And even though I am still a child my stats have increased ten fold. It seems while I am a cheat with a system, my brother appears to be an actual genius. I myself am pretty excited at the thought of growing up with a talented older brother and maybe even a talented younger sister.

Name: Lloyd

Age: 5-(20)

Bloodline:normal human





Magic: 20

Affinities: everything


Cultivation techniques: heavenly Qi gathering technique

Money: 1 spirit stone (10 million gold)


Mental state: excitement

I thought about it and I'm going to hold off on forming my mana core. I'm pretty sure I'm close to actually forming one, though I can't know for sure. (A/N: think of TBATE. To form mana cores your collect the mana into your body)

I also thought about my affinities.. i got some information from the system about it. apparently no matter which universe, I will always be able to use any type of magic or Qi. So if it's something like the elemental bending I'm able to bend all the elements in that universe. Or in another universe That uses the basic Magic that every other isekai anime uses, I should be able to use some space magic.. like teleportation, but I shouldn't try anything more than that. For time, space, life and death magic…I really shouldn't even think about using any of those types of magic, I could very well destroy myself in an instant if I'm not careful. I'm just going to hold out on even thinking about using them until I'm one of the strongest here…Though..it does have me thinking.. since Sishen said that there were near infinite amount of universes I can pick from..so that means…I can traverse to other universes! Not just 'different' universes but..

maybe even the ones from anime and fiction from earth! I'm really excited! I can't wait to be strong enough to use that type of advanced magic!

Age 7 years:

While out with his mother in the town Lloyd meets a young girl in poor clothing and he walks up to her "hello, what's your name?"


"Hello? Can you not speak?.." after a few seconds he notices that this girl, despite wearing what could be described as literal rags, the little girl doesn't seem to be harmed in any way. "Mother.. I think she.."

"Yes I know.. but we can't save everyone.. you know that"

"Yes mother I know, but if there's someone in need I'll always help them! Even if I can't save a everyone, I can at least save the people I meet. Right?"

Lloyd smiles and says "Can you tell me your name?"

After a few moments she answers in a quiet voice "Ashlynn, my name is Ashlynn.."

"That's a nice name" he answers

"So Ashlynn, do you have any parents? Or anyone waiting for you? A home?" After many moments she shakes her head and answers "mm-mm.. Ashlynn doesn't remember anything.."

"That's.." his mother doesn't say anything in contemplation "mother? Can we bring her home? I don't think I can leave her here knowing she doesn't have a home to go to.."

After many moments of thinking she replies "Son, I don't think that's-" she is interrupted by Lloyd "Mother! Please?.." he gives her his best 'puppy dog' eyes impression

"I-I guess! But if your father says no, I won't help you."

He smiles and looks down at the girl "well Ashlynn, do you want to come home with us? We can help you"

Ashlynn starts to tear up and hugs Lloyd "p-please.. I'm scared.." Lloyd smiles softly and pats the girl on the head "it's okay, you'll be okay now.."

When they get home..

"Oh? Who is this? Don't tell me.. you kidnapped this poor little girl?!"

"Don't act so sarcastically… she was just laying on the ground with these rags on when I saw her. I wanted to help, can she stay here with us? Please? Father?.." he uses his puppy dog eyes again

His father puts his hand on his face and replies to him "Haaaahh… you'd hate me if I didn't say yes.. so fine, we can take care of her.. for now"

Lloyd smiles and shouts for his sister, when she reaches him he asks "sis, this is Ashlynn. Ashlynn, this is my sister. Sis, can you take care of her and go bath with her and stuff?"

"Yeah sure!"


'Hm.. I wonder… should I break through with my mana core now? I guess it is about time. Well, it doesn't really matter to me. Though the amount of attention I'll garner will definitely annoy me, I will have to break through eventually. I was actually just delaying the inevitable, haaaahh…'


Somewhere in his parents manor…

"I've done it" Lloyd says with a wide smile on his face.

"W-w-what the hell??!! W-what h-happened in

h-here?!" His father runs in to see what just happened and see's him bursting with mana

THUD…. His father falls to his knees "H-how?! Y-your already a c-cultivator!"

Looking at his father Lloyd just smiles and thinks about what he can say to explain this.

'Hmm, I think it'd be best if I..' a small thud is heard as Lloyd face plants on the floor. 'I'll hold off on saying anything for now, I don't really want to go through the trouble'