
Reincarnated with the god of death’s system

After dying a tragic death, a boy void of happiness is given the choice of reincarnating into a new world with abilities and affinities of his choosing. How will the MC live? How will he go about his daily life? With the abilities he obtains from different worlds of fiction he will strive to become strong, but he quickly realizes it won’t be without hardships…

MercYURI · Fantasy
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3 Chs

System functions in the New world

(It seems there are 10 realms for cultivators and a similar number of stages for mana users in this world)

'Hmm so those who don't become cultivators may be able to use mana? That makes sense actually.. a lot of manga, light novels and anime are like that.. in fact I seen dozens light novels that have mana for the main course of progression for every 1 good cultivation novel'

(Would you like me to tell you the cultivation realms and mana core stages, master?)

'Yes, I'm going to need as much information I can get early on to plan for my new life ahead..'

(Actually master i think I should tell you that later, for now I believe it would be faster to show you the 'menu' now instead. You need to think of the word "menu" and a menu screen will pop up in front of you)

'What? That's kind of odd but whatever, it's not like I don't have all the time in the world right now anyways.. okay, menu!'

{upgrade system}





(Master, in order to navigate through the menu you will need to use your mind. You must think of what you want to do and the system will do it for you)

'Upgrade system'

{system upgrade costs 50 million gold or 5 spirit stones}

'Oh, that seems like a lot of money.. well I never really expected it to be cheap.. Next, Shop!'

{system shop}

<Qi or Mana>




<treasures [locked]>

<system functions>


'System, although I can pretty much guess what Qi and mana do in this world can you explain it to me so I have a clear understanding?'

(Yes master, Qi is what cultivators use to progress there realm but at the same it's it is what they use to fight as well as other things but they're much more simpler and will come to you naturally in time as you progress your cultivation. Mana is what people with mana use to fight like how cultivators do but is much more versatile as there is much more you can do with mana in general. How cultivators generate Qi and how mana users generate mana are generally the same as you need to meditate to absorb/ generate both Qi and mana there are also other ways to gain power. Such as absorbing the mana built up in a mana beasts' mana core or doing the same with magical beasts' magic core for Qi)

'Okay, that is pretty much what I expected anyways. Although I've seen cultivators absorb Qi from magic cores from magical beasts i didn't really expect the same thing for mana cores. Next, information!'


Buying information:

Buying information varies in price, one type of information can cost 1 gold and another can cost 100'000 spirit stones

(Master I should also explain that there are 'System Points' or SP. You get SP from absorbing monster cores into the system for an exchange, you can also convert gold or spirit stones for SP. And of course you can exchange SP for items in the shop, though some of the high end items will cost trillions of gold. Or SP.)

'Okay that makes sense too, if I want to buy something like the meaning of life would probably cost tens of billions of spirit stones when something like what kind of things a certain person is in to would cost at most a few million gold.. next, Weapons!' Lloyd felt quite a bit of excitement when opening the weapons tab




<god slaying sword>

<Sishens scythe>

<Wooden shield>


<Excalibur >

<tsar bomba>

<The Trident Of Poseidon>



<sword of light>

'Eh-eehhhh??? What the hell? Most of these are from my worlds' history! With the exception of the god slaying sword and sishens scythe, I already know each and every one of these will be insanely expensive! Wait why is it showing me expensive weapons? Hey system is this all that there is for weapons?'

(Haahh .. Obviously not master, what the system shows you now are just random weapons. There are near infinite number of weapons you can choose from. You can filter the weapons you want by price, what type of weapon, swords or spears and that such. Or if there is something specific you want you can use the search function for it as well)

'Oh okay, I see now. Okay food is self explanatory, so I can skip that. But what is with the treasures being locked?'

(You will get that function once you increase the systems stage to 2 master)

Lloyd didn't say anything and continued on looking through the menu eagerly as he opened the system functions buy menu 'system functions!'

{system functions}


The ability to plunder to the people's bloodlines, attributes and abilities

Super plunder:

The abilities of regular plunder but added memories, life span, affinities, nature laws and origin laws. Please note that nature laws and origin laws are the laws that govern the universe in it's entirety

Worldly pickup:

Host can pick up random objects from within his world

Limitless pickup:

The ability to pick up powerful objects from outside the world the host resides in when used


The ability to greatly upgrade the hosts abilities such as attributes and affinities

Super enhancement:

The ability to upgrade the hosts abilities many many times over

Parameter inspection:

The ability to see others' stats including how the other feels about the host

Thought acceleration:

The ability to increase ones perception of time allowing them to think incredibly fast as if time slows down. Thought acceleration X1000

Upgraded thought acceleration:

The ability to increase ones perception of time allowing them to think incredibly fast as if time slows down. Thought acceleration X1,000,000

Perfect thought acceleration:

The ability to increase ones perception of time allowing them to think incredibly fast as if time slows down. Thought acceleration X100,000,000 however the host can increase this speed by many times over if the host desires. However please note that there could be severe backlash against the host if they were to increase the thought acceleration to or more than X1,000,000,000


The ability to summon beings from different worlds to serve under you. Please note that the host can summon beings from fiction from the hosts old world

Passion system:

A system in which the host can directly see another's personality traits, state of there well being, a more informative description of how another feels about the host and can hear the others thoughts. The passion system also tells the host the better course of action when interacting with others

System functions:

The host has a clear view of all functions the system can currently use. Please note that the system has not told the host all of the functions the system has, also note that this was done by order of lord Sishen.

'Eh? These are all insanely overpowered. Although they're also super expensive.. but wait, I thought to gain new system functions I would need to upgrade you? How come I can just buy these functions when you are only at stage 1?'

(Master, most of these functions are incredibly expensive. Although I don't know why lord Sishen made it so you can buy functions even before upgrading me I'm sure it won't be easy to buy even 1 function at all before I'm upgraded. Also master, there're more functions that aren't up for sale in the shop that you can only get from upgrading me. At the same time some of the system functions you see are just there for show and cannot be purchased)

After a few moments of silence 'I see, I see. Hmmm.. okay I shouldn't focus to hard on it right away. Next, Other!'






{other worldly abilities}[locked]

'Most are self explanatory or I can pretty much guess what they all are.. guess I'll have to wait, sigh.. now, onto the details of your creation. Can you tell me about it?'

After a few moments of odd silence the system spoke (yes, master.. as you know I am the gods system. However that isn't the whole truth. To be exact I've only been integrated with the gods system. In truth I am not much different than you, master.. I myself was given life by lord Sishen, he than integrated my consciousness with the system itself and given control of it. You can say, I'm my own person as I have my own feelings and thoughts albeit they are both very limited. Lord Sishen sealed most of my emotions and thoughts and forced me to be your assistant. Although I had grievances at first I scanned through your memories to evaluate whether or not you would be a good person to serve. And I have concluded that I would like to continue being your assistant for as long as I can.)

Feeling slightly angry about Sishens actions Mark says to the system 'That.. is cruel. To do such a thing to someone..'

(It is alright master, you needn't feel any hatred towards lord Sishen. I honestly would like to continue serving as your servant)

'Okay, if you say so. I'll trust you. And hey, although you sound like a woman are you really one? Or can you change your voice freely? You sound very robotic for being a person..' Although he had said that, he truly did still feel bad for her as he also know what it's like to be trapped for what seems like an eternity

(No master I cannot change it. My physical body was of a woman's when I was given life so you can say I am a woman)

'I don't know.. I still feel, irked about this whole thing now. Would there be any way to keep you integrated with the system but give you a physical body again?'

(…. Sigh. Although I shouldn't tell you this, I do have a chance of obtaining a physical body once again once I'm at the 4th stage)

'That's great! Hmm.. is the body predetermined or can you choose your body type yourself?' Thinking that he should help free her by giving her a physical body Mark felt resolve build within him to set her free.

(Master you would choose which body type I get..)

'Oh okay, but could I just give you the freedom to design your own body?' He didn't want to force something onto her since it didn't feel right to do so he was pretty determined now to help her

(Yes master you could also just give me the freedom to design my own body)

'Okay! Than when I upgrade you to stage 4 I'll immediately allow you to create a body of your own!'

(Master I must say that will most definitely be years from now, decades even. You should know that the price will increase to upgrade me every time you do so. And master you still have yet to explore the whole menu!)

'Oh right I nearly forgot about that! Stats!'

Name: Lloyd

Age: 0-(16)

Bloodline: normal human





Magic: 0



Affinities: Everything


Cultivation techniques:

Money: 1,000,000 gold

Otherworldly abilities:


Mental state: slight excitement and sadness

(A/N: the Qi and Mana are both subsidiaries to the magic stat so I won't always show how much Qi and Mana he has. And yes I know 'everything' for affinities is vague but it'll be explained later)

'I guess since I'm a newborn right now I literally can't do anything so I won't really bother with my stats for awhile. But the one thing.. I find it completely crazy, my affinities.. it.. it's unbelievable! Literally everything! Not only my affinities but, why do I have a million freaking gold? Is it inheritance money? I guess I can't really use it for anything since everything in the shop that is at least somewhat useful is at the very least a few million gold'

(Yes it is Inheritance from your parents. It appears lord Sishen decided to give you a slight advantage. You get to start off in a relatively rich family. It also seems they've already stored it inside a storage ring just for you. Although I will say buying items in the real world rather than from the shop will cost a lot less. A chair can cost 1 gold in the real world and the same chair will cost 5 gold or SP.)

'Wait, so I can purchase something from the shop?..'

(Yes master, however I would advise not to do so while only being an hour old. Maybe wait while your parents eventually slowly fill your storage ring with even more money. And As of right now there truly isn't that much useful items you can purchase from the shop.)

'Okay fine, I'll hold off on buying anything for awhile. But how long do you think I'll need to wait?'

(At least 5 years, master)

'Whaaat? I don't wanna wait that long though. That seems like such a long freaking time.. uugghhh..'

I’d like to apologize for any spelling mistake and will do my best to correct them later on. I am currently writing this at exactly 3:52 AM.

Also I hope I can write an interesting enough story:)

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