
Chapter 3

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

In a place near a forest you could hear the sound of metal against metal intensely, if one were not stupid you would realize that you were fighting a hard battle. While you could not say that in this forest there were animals or monsters that were dangerous to most people who lived nearby, there were some rare cases where a large group of monsters / animals gathered , under the command of some strong monster, and attacked the humans.

This was one of those cases.

Today a group of adventurers would escort an arms dealer to a nearby town to trade, unfortunately for them , in the middle of their journey they found a large group of goblins and some trolls. W hen found, the first s in taking action were the goblins who they threw him the horses a few simple wooden spears, however, managed to give one of the horses and made the carriage turn around and all weapons disperse (some goblins caught) immediately adventurers brought safely to the dealer surrounding him and preparing for battle, none of the adventurers was nervous, they had already encountered several of these attacks on different occasions and were clear that while none of them died was easy to deal with them.

The battle was as they had expected, none of the goblins was an opponent for the adventurers and the trolls, although they were strong they were very slow and were not very smart , so with a little teamwork it was not a problem to kill one or Two quickly, suddenly one of the goblins began running towards the adventurers while waving his sword insane, when the adventurers saw him they laughed and mocked.

"Hahaha, look leader, you've already gone crazy"

"If that asshole thinks he can kill us alone"

"Kill him leader, let him suffer that vermin"

The adventurers did not take a second look at the coming goblin and only prepared to watch the show while blocking the other goblins. The leader of the group was called Briel, was a man of great constitution, about 1.75 m, had blond hair and wore steel armor, and although he said nothing while looking to approach the goblin , his face could be noticed disdain, prepared his sword and when the goblin got close enough, I drop it with enough force to divide any goblin in two , to surprise the group and Briel himself , the goblin managed to block the attack and swinging his sword towards The leader, who blocked him easily and attacked again, the goblin again blocked him and counterattacked and thus began a tough battle between the leader and the goblin.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

The battle continued for several minutes and it seemed that Briel had all the advantage, however he I had noticed that every time I stopped one of the attacks of the goblin, this became more furious and frantic as if suffering and the next attack he gave was much stronger than the previous, plus the getting tired and his attacks began to lose force, so to prevent that from continuing , I grab his sword with both hands and swing it with all his strength towards the goblin, who uselessly tries to block, but the attack easily removed the sword from the path and pierced the goblin chest, who writhed for a second I s and then stopped moving, adventurers saw that their leader had won held.

" Finally, leader, why did he start playing with that vermin? "

"Idiot , you do not see that the leader was upset about having to do it was stupid mission and wanted to vent with something"

"A ! Yes , that makes sense"

Briel said nothing as he exhaled deeply, the fight against the goblin had tired him more than he wanted to admit and he just stared at the corpse that was still on his sword, after a few seconds, slightly swinging his sword so that the corpse fall, but it remained in the same place, the balance again and nothing, it seemed that the corpse had been stuck, he sighed heavily and drew his sword to remove it manually, when suddenly the goblin moved and swinging his sword, pinning it on the leader's neck.

" Leader !!!"

"Damn you dare to hurt the leader!"

" Kill him !"

Briel could not hear anything of what her companions were saying , she just opened and closed her mouth, like a fish out of water, she seemed to want to say something , however, only blood came out , the last thing he saw before his vision darkened forever, was the goblin's mad look.


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