
Chapter 4

Just as adventurers were distracted by the death of their leader, a little further away from where they were a bush shook himself and came a goblin, however, unlike their peers who only wore simple loincloths and rusty swords, this goblin bore a tunic apparently made with the skin of an animal , a necklace with small animal skulls and a dark wooden staff in his right hand, one of the adventurers saw it and immediately paled and shouted at his companions.

" WITCH !!"

His companions reacted to his words and quickly went back to put in circular formation , although awkwardly, his steps were a bit erratic and his hands trembled slightly, you could tell they were nervous, not because the goblin witch was very dangerous, but because if there was one , they would arrive more and they were difficult to deal with in groups, in addition they had just lost their leader and that had collapsed all their morale . When the adventurers were completed to accommodate another bush shook himself and came another goblin warlock, adventurers got even plus nervous, but one of them shouted.


The one who shouted was the second in command of the group, his name was Cristian about 1.65 m , he had black hair and a scar on his left cheek, although he did not have a big body and wore a light leather armor, he was the strategist of the team , also It was the second strongest group only slightly below the late leader, Cristian continued shouting to try to calm his teammates.


The adventurers began to reassure, since Cristian was right, they had already killed about 20 goblins and probably these were the last ones left, besides most of the witch goblins were not very strong and they did not have much mana either , the only thing that they had to worry about them were their spells that could be earth or fire and covered a large area of impact, plus they all had at least one spell that allowed to cure nearby goblins. While they were thinking about it, the surrounding bushes were shaken again and more goblins came out of them , everyone got scared when they saw about 50 goblins coming out , but they quickly noticed that they were not anymore witches , but only more normal and relaxed a little, however , Cristian noticed that hidden among the normal there were some who carried a bow that looked like it was made with a branch of a tree and some kind of thread , In addition to a quiver of animal skin and several simple arrows, he frowned and then told his companions.

"Hey, there are several goblins with hidden arcs among the normals, do not relax and be attentive, they will probably try to shoot us while we fight against the normals"

His companions nodded seriously and prepared to fight again, a second s after all goblins appeared a or goblin s sorcerer s cried acute heaven and about 15 arrows and two balls was go were fired at the adventurers , Cristian was surprised by the strong initial attack but reacted immediately and ran towards the fireballs activating his ability [Double Cut] that split the two fireballs in half , scattering them , however , since he was using a skill, not managed to move quickly and several arrow s were successful, fortunately the leather armor managed to block them . M eanwhile, the other adventurers tried to cover him with their shields to avoid the arrows, but still gave several them. The goblin warlock, apparently annoyed lue go to see that none of the adventurers had fallen, he screamed again and normal goblins attacked.

"OOOOO !!"

"OOO !!"

"OOOO !!"

Cristian and the others shouted as they rushed towards the goblins, the first ones that tried to attack were the archers since the magicians were far away from them, but they moved a lot or the normal goblins would not let them reach them , so They had to crack the way they were killing.

The battle had been almost an hour and although the adventurers had the advantage , they were all wounded and very tired, Cristian was the best among all but still had several deep wounds , as he had to face several goblins simultaneously and some they managed to hurt in a moment of carelessness, he looked at the remaining goblins, which were about 15 , not counting the two witches , nor the archers, since they had managed to kill them with a lot of effort, they were just normal , in addition they were all wounded, he smiled to himself seeing that the victory was within his reach, until he saw one of the magicians raise his cane and it began to shine with a white light, before he could react , the light expanded covering to all the goblins, the light did not last for 5 seconds before disappearing and when it did all the goblins that were wounded , they were totally healed, Cristian was very alarmed when he saw this, not by the goblins that had just recovered, if not on the other hand , he turned and looked at where his deceased leader lay, of course he was not looking at the corpse of his leader , but the goblin that was in front of him , he looked for a few seconds and when he saw no signs He breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly the goblin's arm moved and Cristian could not stand it and shouted .