
Chapter 2

"Hu? "

When I regained consciousness and opened my eyes, it was all dark, I got up slowly because my head throbbed and I was dizzy, I felt as if I had gone to a party and had drunk too much. I looked around looking for anything that would give me an idea of ​​where I was, but everything was dark as far as I could see, there was no sun, no moon, sky, even there was no ground, the only word to describe the place where I was serious V ació, the absence of everything, when my mind cleared I remembered that I passed; My body was made shit ... Or it should be made shit.

''What the hell''

I could not avoid exclaiming when I checked my body, it was in perfect condition; no broken bones or dust, organs in place and functioning, no marks on my arms, chest or legs, full teeth and obviously my eyes were fine as I could see. I stretched to test my body and it felt great, it was like when you were killing yourself exercising and your muscles were hurting and after a while they relaxed, but still I had several doubts in my mind.

"How does it cure me? Where I am? When have I been unconscious? "

The last thing I remembered was that they stuck something in both arms and moved them all over my body, it seemed they wanted to separate the flesh from my muscles and then the muscles of my bones. I shuddered at just remembering that I did not want to go through that torture again or anything like that, just at that moment I realized something and an intense hatred filled me.

''I swear that if I find the one who did that to me, I will make him suffer a thousand times worse. ''

I clenched my fists and swear coldly, although I was full of hatred towards that "person" I do not cloud my ability to think, I knew that although found to that "person" was likely to be no match for him or her also would first have to find out where it was before you can start looking for someone else, then take several deep breaths to calm myself and when I get repress my hatred I started walking in this V ació looking for something or someone to tell me where I was.

-Some time later-

"How long have I been walking? ... At least I moved? "

A man was lying in the void while muttering to himself , of course that man was Christopher who had been walking without stopping for a long time but as there was no sense of direction, no distance in this place he felt he had not advanced or a single step and if he felt that he was moving forward he seemed to be spinning and returning to the same place, in the end he had surrendered in his search and had thrown himself on the "floor", the strange thing was that no matter how much he walked he did not feel a bit of fatigue , neither thirst nor hunger ( All this contributed to the idea that he was not moving ) , it was as if he had never needed any of those things.

"What the fuck, I hate this place, I want to go"

While Christopher was complaining suddenly I hear a sound that seemed to be the voice of a young man, although I could not understand what he was saying, Chris (I will change the way I put the no- man because it seems too long) got very excited, the first voice he heard in this place that was not his, then how could he not be excited? , he got up so fast that he got dizzy, but I ignore him and immediately started screaming for help.

"HEY !!!!! HELP! HELP!!!! "

But no matter how much the young man shouted, he did not seem to hear it, after a while he got tired of screaming and simply threw himself on the floor again and began to listen attentively to the young man to see if he understood anything of what he was saying, but I can not understand anything. After a while another voice was heard , this time it was the voice of a man who He began to talk with the young man , unfortunately Chris did not understand what he was saying either .

After a while the emotion of listening to another person faded and Chris was beginning to get bored listening to a conversation he did not understand anything about, until in a moment the young man shouted something that Chris could understand , but that left him completely confused.

"Goblins !!!!"

"Goblins? Impossible those things only exist in the fantasy, I will have misunderstood ... No? "

While I had my doubts about whether I had heard wrong, I felt like there was a blow to something near me , then a strong tremor and finally as if it were floating (you have fallen off the bed? That feeling) a second later crashed into the The strange thing did not hurt me but I did not have time to think about it and suddenly I felt as if an invisible force surrounded me and pressed me and for some reason a window opened in front of me and I could see what my eyes looked like. around the first thing I noticed was a sword, it was a very simple sword without ornaments or inscription of some kind, then a wagon turned and a lot of swords scattered on the ground, followed by horses running scared and also a group of about 8 people forming a circle and that's when I saw them ... Goblins, they were like most of the novels and games described them:

Green skin, pointed ears, sharp teeth, thin and long limbs, wearing only a simple loincloth, could not measure them, but it did not seem to exceed the meter. My whole body tensed when I saw them not because of how ugly they were, but because of what they implied.

"If there are goblins that means that you reincarnate in a fantasy world !!"

When I realized what was happening, I noticed a small, thin green hand on the hilt of the sword and then I saw the reflection of a goblin in the sword's hilt .

"I'm a goblin?"

That was the first thing that came to my mind, but I discarded it quickly.

"If I'm a goblin then why can not I manage my body? I can still see my body and it 's human"

While thinking deeply, the goblin continued testing the sword and in a moment it fell . Immediately the window disappeared and when the spar touched the ground I could feel it and everything made sense.

"I can see what the goblin sees , when he holds the sword and I can feel what the sword feels ... Do you expect that does not mean that I am the sword? No , that is impossible ... Do not? It would be understandable if it were a baby or an animal, that's how it was in the novels that I read : ¿P ero una espada! ?? That does not have any fucking sense (well he does not have to reincarnate either, but that's the way things are)

My mind was in chaos that I did not even notice when the goblin had grabbed me again and when I realized I started struggling and screaming.

"Let go of me fucking fucking monster"

For a few minutes I did everything possible to free myself , but it was the same as with the young man , he did not hear me and it seemed that my "body" did not move, it was then that I gave up and started thinking about some important questions I had about my future.

" Will I have to live like a sword forever? What will the goblins do with me? ... Will I have a harem someday? "

The more he thought, the more I realized that I could do almost nothing like a sword and NFE urecía be reincarnated in one, and it seemed that the goblin had been influenced by my anger and began to scream and agitate at random and ran towards the group of people

"No , no , stay away from the damned foolish people ... Well, since you do not hear me anyway "

And so began my first fight in my new world.


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