

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

PettiaMius_6689 · 漫画同人
76 Chs

Potential Power Beyond Imagination... And Visitor

~ Daiko's Pov, A week later... ~





[Congratulations, Spirit Control has reached the maximum level possible... For mastering your ki-control, you have received the title "Spirit Master"]




Oh... Neat, a new title of what, ten?

"Still that took a bit longer than expected..."

Thankfully, I had finally mastered spirit control. And I can already feel the massive difference in my control of ki, without even mentioning its new potency...

I quickly hopped off of the stalagmite pillar I was meditating on top of.

It felt unbelievably more powerful than before, even though I handy technically grown in raw ki... Now, I had a modifier next to it, saying (* 7.50).

And trust me, I felt like I could do anything.

Since my control has been enhanced by over 7 and a half times over...

'That should be possible now...' I thought to myself. My excitement grew tremendously!

I then quickly made my way out of the cave. However, I could sense Pybara coming towards me...

"Hello there young Daiko... I see you have completed your training... I'm glad-"

"No time for talk master, I need to test something quickly!" I said, bolting past him.




'Ahhh. Youngsters, the energy they exude...' Pybara thought smiling...




As I made my way out of the cave. I quickly flew up toward the closest moon the planet had...

After making my way past the planet's orbit I quickly landed on its moon, but I couldn't stay long.




'I just hope this works...' I thought. powering up slowly.

The atmosphere shifted to a familiar green hue... Lightning bursting forth from my body...

I charged up even more, transforming into my super saiyan form...




"Haha... Hahaha hahaha!!" I laughed.

It worked! The lingering anger couldn't be felt anymore. Know I feel as normal as I do in my base form, just stronger!

I was correct.

Spirit control seems to have alleviated the 'chaotic' affinity my ki had to a significant degree.

But... What if I took this a step further?...

I quickly calmed myself, inhaling and then, exhaling...






~ Unknown Pov... ~




I'm tired of doing nothing here... Ever since that spike of energy a few years ago. I haven't felt anything. It's too bad, if my lord was awake, he would have found that opponent a little worthy...

But it's no use sulking about it now.

If I had the chance to feel it once more, I wouldn't let it escape from me like last time...



The entire planet is shaking, no. It's shaking the entire macrocosm... And that energy... it's the same one as all those years before...

"Don't tell me it's causing all this... And not only that... it's rising exponentially..."





~ Daiko's Pov... ~




"HAAAAAAAA!!!!!" I shouted.

My power reaching its maximum.

I then activated, Ikari...

My power skyrocketed. I could feel the entirety of the moon trembling beneath my feet...

Maybe I shook more, but the power I felt now made me not care what I was doing.

But, the most important of all. I wasn't going berserk, in fact. I felt only overwhelming energy.


[Full power/Ikari, super saiyan has been unlocked...]




Hearing the system announce what I had, actually disappointed me...

'My theory was wrong. Combining both does indeed not unlock Lssj... This could only mean that Lssj was a separate form in and of itself... Great. More forms to unlock...'

I then stopped powering up, observing my new transformation that was now complete...

My body was far bulkier than before. I was around 7 and a half feet tall and riddled with a pillar of bulging muscles. My emerald green ki now has a golden hue mixed into it, with both golden and dark green electricity emanating from my very being...

I quickly took out a mirror from my inventory to observe if there were any other changes. And there was, which were my eyes, they were now completely amber in color. Which made sense...

"I wonder what's the multiplier like?" I asked myself, checking...

[Ikari-Super Saiyan: A combination of both the ssj and Ikari forms. Creating a new evolution of power entirely, this form has a multiplier of 26000-fold your base...]




My eyes widened.

'I-It's 100 times stronger than my regular form... How is this even possible?' I thought.

Trying to reason out how Ikari and ssj could give me such an increase...

In no way shape or form should the multiplier be this large.

'... Could it be like ssj-4? Theoretically, ssj-4 has a multiplier much greater than it should be.'

But this much was disastrous... Maybe this was the real reason why the forms had such a massive requirement.

Combining them with Ikari is ridiculously powerful...

With this level of power, I could very well be on par with resurrection F Goku in blue, but that might be a reach...

Goku had absorbed god into his base and could stack it again, on top of his new base form.

So I'm technically, way stronger than Bog Goku, but almost infinitely or thousands of times weaker than Resurrection F Goku in blue though...

'I just need some of that god training Goku did...' I complained mentally.


I turned around feeling a shift in the atmosphere behind me.

But when I turned around...

'Holy fuck... WHIS!!?'





~ Whis' Pov, seconds prior... ~




I found the source of all that energy... And It was a saiyan too. I knew they were growing quickly, but this might as well be a whole new evolution of what they were capable of since I last saw them...

"A curious case indeed... A case that has too much potential that might go to waste..."

'I think I should pay him a visit.' I then tapped my staff on the pavement to teleport me to his energy signature...







