

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

PettiaMius_6689 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

A Litte Surprise And A Small Offer...

~ Omni Pov ~




'Holy FUCK!... It's Whis! The actual Whis... And damn he's tall... But he's extremely well built, a physique fit for an ultra instinct user...' Daiko was analyzing the figure before him.

However before Daiko could think of anything more, a white dome of energy went around them both...

'What is he doing?' Daiko thought suspiciously. He didn't say anything though...

In an instant, Daiko's instinct jumped to insane heights.

'SHIT!!!' He thought.

He followed it and quickly dodged to the right, instantly dodging the angel's staff...

Whis on the other hand, looked visibly surprised.

'That movement...' Whis thought, smiling and then quickly making his introduction...

"Excuse me for the sudden intrusion!" Whis said quickly. A tone without a hint of threat.

Daiko on the other hand thought otherwise...

'... I need to be careful... Whis is not to be messed with, he attacked my blindspot effortlessly. My body keeps telling me that this he is extremely dangerous...' Daiko thought. His guard up.

However, this didn't go unnoticed by whis.

'He upped his guard? Curious indeed... Can he sense how powerful I am? No, that shouldn't be possible, he isn't on my lord's level to even begin to do so...' Whis thought but kept his normal expression.

"As I was saying... Oh! Let me introduce myself, I am Whis an angel." Whis said, however, his eyes told a different story.

'This mortal... He doesn't possess an ounce of god ki, yet his energy has gotten this powerful... Truly fascinating' Whis thought...

"Hello Whis, nice of you to attack me... You said you are an angel... What is that?" Daiko asked ignoring what the angel did earlier and acting as if he didn't know a thing.

Whis simply smiled in response.

"That isn't important for the time being... What is important, was the power you emanated earlier." Whis said smiling.

'I should have thought things over... I wasn't ready to tackle the gods, but my excitement clouded my judgment *sighs*' Daiko thought tiredly.


"What of it?" Daiko asked. "I haven't destroyed anything to my knowledge" Daiko responded truthfully...

"Isn't that fascinating? Well my little saiyan friend, although you didn't destroy anything (technically). Your power shook the entire universe, which is extremely impressive, your power is the strongest I've seen other than my lord's, you should be proud!" Whis said smiling.

Daiko's eyebrows raised.

'Damn... I'm powerful as fuck! Hahaha! I am the legendary saiyan after all!' Daiko thought smugly.

"That's... Interesting... I guess I'm fairly powerful" Daiko said, somewhat humbly.

"Yes, you are, very strong indeed. And... What's even better, is that you don't possess any god ki at all." Whis said.

'I'll need to pretend again...' Daiko thought.

"What is this 'god ki'?" Daiko asked.

"A far more superior form of ki, both in potency and quantity..."Whis answered quickly.

Daiko raised his eyebrows at that.

"How much more powerful are we talking?" Daiko asked, curious.

Whis put his hands on his chin, rubbing it, clearly thinking about his answer...

"If ki is a 1 god ki would be 5000 or 10000, give or take." Whis finished.

'It's THAT strong?' Daiko thought unbelievable.

"Still, what does this have to do with me, mister Whis?" Daiko asked, knowing what the angel would probably ask next.

"It's because I want to te-"


"Of course, you access- Wait!? What!? Why did you refuse so quickly?" Whis said in a dejected tone.

"I don't need that so-called 'god ki', thanks for the offer though!" Daiko said without a hint of regret.

Whis looked on confused.

"Can you at least think about it?" Whis asked, genuinely puzzled. No one he knows has ever refused the offer...

"I'm powerful enough by myself, heck, do you think I trained hard to attain the level I have now? I could be much no more powerful than I am now if I trained to be so. So I don't need it..." Daiko said truthfully.

'Well I would love his training, but whis seems like a person who would rather build up the foundations of the body, which meant he was more of a physical type of fighter that focused on the physical aspect ONLY. It's why he wanted Goku and Vegeta to build up their base power instead of mastering transformations or relying on them... Plus, even if he is an angel, that doesn't mean he has any better techniques than the Yardrats, other than his matter and time manipulation to a minor degree...' Daiko quickly thought.

Whis looked thoughtful for a moment...

'Hmm... I could just take him with me whether he likes it or not... But that is untactful, and I don't like that method either, but leaving one with such potential is utterly foolish, and even my father would have to go back on some of his rules with a person like this... His potential is oozing off him...' Whis thought to himself.

Daiko on the other hand decided to speak again.

"Since I don't have much credibility for your words other than that small display you showed earlier, there's no reason for me to believe you either, but let's say you are correct. If you were to teach me anything, I would want you to train me physically, with no ki-related techniques around it. How does that sound?" Daiko asked, smiling internally. He had a hunch it would work, since whis seemed desperate so far, he knows he can use that to his advantage.

Whis thought for a moment.

'Unfortunately, he's right. I don't have anything but my words to signify that I'm right...' Whis thought.

"... Alright, it sounds like a deal..." He said sighing.

'*Sighs* I wish I had one of the talion's dishes to eat right now.' Whis thought tiredly.

'Good! He agreed, now I can train with him later!' Daiko thought happily.

"Great! Though, we'll have to start in the next 2 and a half years from now, I am training on that planet you see behind me" Daiko added.

It's clear whis wasn't happy about that, but he nodded begrudgingly, of course.

"Alright," Whis said, quickly creating a button from thin air. "Press this button when your training duration is over..." He finished, throwing the button toward Daiko.

Daiko caught it.

He then de-transformed to his base. Shrinking to his height of 5,9 inches tall, surprising the attendant greatly...

'So this is the transformation of the saiyans, truly interesting indeed...' Whis noted sharply.

"Well, I'll be off. I'll see you in 2 years." Daiko said, flying off back to Yardrat. leaving the attendant to think...









Yeah, Daiko won't be getting 'god ki' I kinda want him to do his own thing. Hope you liked the chapter though.

PettiaMius_6689creators' thoughts