
Pub owned by the sin of sloth

The sin of sloth has a pub that connects all realities etc.

septimus_son · 漫画同人
50 Chs


Acedia and the crowd were taken to a big hall. Taking his seat next to a random person, he stared forward.

There was a guy, who was quite famous for being a hero. Someone whose ability is about voice. He was known as Voice Hero: Present Mic.

Neito was staring in Acedia's direction, with a kind of glare that made Acedia question if he should teleport him to some horror world or into the dc universe in Joker's lair. His glare was suspicious….

Making eye contact with him, Acedia furrowed my eyebrows, until he turned his head.

Acedia: [Geez, that was creepy.]

Very soon, the Present Mic below started to talk to the group of kids.

Talking with a mixed Japanese- English, he was using his ability to make it sound like you are attending a football match with a commentary around.

He welcomed them and made some introductions to a speech. And anyone could feel the nervousness and the excitement radiating from the people in that hall. No one was calm, except maybe two or three people.

Then, there was a written test.

Acedia: [Fuck I forgot that I don't know jackshit of this world...well I remember Bakugo was pretty good...if I remember correctly...well fuck it I will pull an EA #copypaste]

Picking up the pencil, Acedia started. He activated his Space powers and read all the papers, seriously at this point his space powers can basically be used as Observation Haki.

"Okayu~! Take your pencils up!"

After taking the exam papers, some examiners placed other papers in front of the kids + Acedia Present Mic gestured with his hand as he pointed to the given papers.

Looking at the papers, there was some pixel representation of robots. Present Mike explained how each one of them is different and has a different value of the score, from one to three.

The students with weaker quirks would, of course, aim at the weaker robots, as they are easier to fight. The ones with more confidence would pick up on the stronger ones.

"The last one…" Mike pointed to the last robot type.

No one/besides Acedia knew the size, strength, or real shape, except the outline, since no one saw anything else than the outline.

"Gives 0 points."

All call it Zero Pointer.

There were some upset roars.

Acedia: [with me here there won't be a 0 pointer]

"Okay!" Mike was the only excited one, "Ready…Go!"

All of us then got the number of the group we would participate in. All of these crowds should be divided, I guess.

The crowd was taken to a big open space.

The test ground wasn't something they expected to look like this; as it was expected to be some big white hall with robots appearing.

But here, it was just a big false city, with streets and buildings all over.

At the closed gates, all of the teenagers were standing in lines, like they were about to participate in a marathon or a sprint.

There were many cities like this, near each other. Each one has a crowd waiting for the gates to open the moment Mic tell them to go.

Neito Momoma glared in Acedia's direction.

What a stroke of luck, he and that person were in the same group.

Very soon, Mic yelled for everyone to start. The gates got opened in each test location.

The teenagers started to run all over the test field.


The moment the gates were opened, and Acedia saw the empty city in front of him, he noticed that the others started to run forward like they were in a marathon.

Acedia: "Welp can't let y'all run around"

Acedia then snapped with his fingers and everyone stopped moving. They looked like they were frozen in time, hell some even were suspended in the air. Nobody could move their body, only their eyes moved around in pure shock, still trying to register what just happened.

Acedia: "Well let's get this party started you little dipshits!"

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