
please reset the booktitle RyanFic 20231218092329 42

Some dude transmigrates to a... A what??? Here's what you can expect: No boot-licking. Kingdom-building. Smart MC. Double Identity. Romance? YES. Late romance though. All of the good shit. I promise. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= No harem. But MC will have his fun for pleasure before settling for that 'one.' However! I will NOT be writing any sexually explicit scenes. Even if there come legitimate plot reasons to include steamy sex scenes, I see no point in writing them. In my opinion, it's perfectly reasonable to make it clear that my characters had sex, without describing the sex itself. I hope my readers understand. :) =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= I'll try my best to average 1000 words per chapter, four chapters per week. English is not my first language. However, I will put my best to make this enjoyable. Please forgive me for the many, many grammar mistakes and other cringe you may come across. Very Important! Please read the Auxiliary Chapter before starting the novel. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= Disclaimer: One Piece, or any Anime, all of their characters belong to their respective owners, and not to me. Marvel / MCU and all their characters belong to Marvel, which belongs to Disney, again, it is not me. Please support their official release. I own nothing.

RyanFic · 漫画同人
53 Chs

Chapter 52 - The Boogeyman, Part 4

"Mr Butcher... Do you want to know why, his acquaintances don't think of him as the Boogeyman?" In a condescending tone, Victor asked the question while twirling the wooden spoon in front of Butcher's eyes only one centimeter away.

Butcher was unable to respond since he had lost his ability to speak. He appeared terrified beyond belief.

"For them..." Victor began, "he was a man of devotion, focus, and sheer fucking will. The man had it all... You see, for them... He was NOT... The Baba Yaga, or! The Boogeyman."


"He was the man who was sent to KILL the fucking Boogeyman!"


Victor let go of the Butcher, who at this point had a wooden spoon drilled deep into his eyes, and evidently... Dead.

A moment later, the faces of everyone looking all turned horrified after coming to a realization of what had just happened. Because the person that had just been butchered in front of them like a piece of meat, was no ordinary pirate like the lot of them.

Heck, that wasn't even a real fight. It was a brutal, one-sided thrashing, that led to the inevitable death. A public humiliation.

Even if Butcher was from the first part of the Grand Line, he was a person who had a Bounty of 80 million, and hence he cannot be regarded to be an average pirate.


Victor's abrupt exhalation appeared to have jolted everyone out of their stupor, and they all geared up for battle right away.

Krats and his deputy, the one with the cross scar on his chin, also took a defensive attitude.

Victor, on the other hand, ignored all of these reactions and maintained his disinterested demeanor. He turned and took two steps toward his table.

He took the handkerchief and began wiping the palms of its nonexistent blood, thanks to the special characteristics of the nano suit. However, he did so since the performance had to be rated at least five stars.

A second sigh escaped from his lips as he placed the piece of cloth back on the table then picked up another, this time, a wooden fork.

As a result, everyone sprang up subconsciously and pulled their weapons, some swords and others firearms like pistols and rifles.

Krats too seemed to be in a state of utter vigilance. He even went through a bizarre transformation, which made a part of his body now seemed metal and formed a razor-like edge on his fingers, limbs, and some other parts of his body.

For Krats, this could be counted as one of the most humiliating days of his life. He, the dignified 7th fleet commander of the Flying Pirates, in the face of this enemy he had never heard of, was forced to watch, while the subordinate he had recruited just hours ago got killed humiliatingly in front of him.

"Ah... I haven't finished my story yet, gentleman."

"Shut the fuck up you frea-" One of the goons yelled.



Victor let loose his energy to spread outward, effectively shutting the guy up. Simultaneously, this energy spread farther causing a more dreadful and a heavy sensation. It even effected matter, vibrating the tables and the chairs until they eventually started forming cracks under this pressure.

And the thugs instantly collapsed to the ground, breathing deeply as if they each had a boulder resting on their shoulders.

Even Krats wasn't spared. He too had leaned forward, however, instead of collapsing to the ground like the rest, he gradually kneeled down on one knee. He did not fall to the ground.

"Damn it!! Color of the Supreme... Why am I... getting..."

Krats, who was under an incredible amount of pressure, had unknowingly mistaken Victors momentum for the Haoshoku Haki.

Regardless, the end consequence of his energy momentum remained the same; according to Victor's assumption, the only thing that would changed about it would be the mental aspects of it.

In any case, he'll get the chance to test it out, after all, the Conqueror's Spirit hasn't yet had a chance to exert its dominance over him. After that, he might be able to access the ability with Jaya's help. If not, he can always counter fit some bullshit into the situation.



"Not too shabby, considering your power level is 53,000." Victor commented while pacing forward, and each step he took added more pressure to Krats, who had an expression of defiance etched all over his face.



"Who... exactly... are you?" Krats said through clenched teeth. His face was completely soaked in sweat as he resisted the strain of a mountain bearing down on him.

He was still having trouble believing this, reasoning that only the Haoshoku from his captain, or the very, very few like his captain, would have the power to render him immobile to this extent. However, that's exactly what appeared to be happening right in front of him at the moment.

Victor was oblivious of Krat's disbelief about the current situation, and even if he had known, he would not give a hoot.

Under the mask, he grinned menacingly, and the suit's exterior perfectly captured the gesture.

And anyone who even caught a glimpse of this maniac smile saw only one thing: a monstrous predator.

After pausing his forward progress, Victor started pacing in a circle inside the group of terrified men who surrounded him. For them, his attire resembled the skin of a black demon, and his cape appeared like its wings.

Ironically, while it appeared that he was the one who was included in the circle, the others perceived it in a complete 180.

"A more well-known story about him, the Boogeyman," Victor began his narrative once more again in front of the horrified eyes that encircle him, "They says he once massacred a bunch. A group of goons who were, like you lot, drinking inside a bar..."

All of Krats' subordinates' eyes widened at this point. Before, they were frightened, but now they are truly terrified. That this devil in front of them was ready to tell them how they were going to be murdered was on everyone's minds.

"Now, for you lot from New-World, killing a bunch of people inside a pub wouldn't be anything new right?" He spoke, slowing his feet once again. Though just for a second before continuing, but not before cracking another of his trademark grins.

"Well as you can guess..." He held up the wooden fork in front of his chest with one hand for everybody to see, then tapped the palm of the other hand with it. "He slaughtered them all..."



"Every last one. With a fork..."

The first to fall dead was a burly man to Victor's right. He had a hole between his eyebrows before thudding to the ground.



None of them were able to track Victor's movements despite their best efforts.

Even Krats, whose power level Jaya measured at 53,000, was insignificant in comparison to Victor's 120,000.

And while Victor took the lives of these criminals as though he was picking apples from a tree, his remarks continued to follow each corpse.

"A Fucking..."






The echoes of *BOOM* and *PUCHI* reverberated at a high frequency, evoking an AK-47 Machine Gun Burst, until finally it stopped after a good six seconds.

Now just three individuals remain. It was Victor, who was clutching a bloody fork, Captain Krats, and the bartender, whose mouth was so wide open that it reached the floor, who, apparently had observed the entire incident.



Sorry for the delay.

This week is Eid vacations, so I've been busy.

Enjoy four chapters in a row. And please, please comment your thoughts down below.

I know. Jhon fucking Wick. The scene you were picturing... That one, yes... Some of the dialogue may seem familiar. Nope, scratch that... I plagiarized the living shit out of it.

Please leave a review if you haven't already. It would be much appreciated. Any constructive critique is appreciated.

Aside from that, the auxiliary chapter has been updated. I can only hope that things have become clearer. Fingers crossed 😅✌

Any way,

This is my PatrêOn.

https: // www.patrê0n.com / RyanFic

There will be no new chapters there because I'm uploading everything here, but if you do decide to support me, please know that I am extremely grateful.

Thank you for your support.