
Playing PokeMMO In Another World

Imagine a Guy with barebone knowledge of Pokémon, gets transferred to a World where no one knows about Pokémon And the said World somehow gets connected to a World which is similar to Pokémon Games. Well, This Story is all about that Guy. Introducing Dipper, a normal teen who stumbled upon a game called PokeMMO while watching a short video. Dipper who is neither a Pokémon expert nor had he ever played a Pokémon game other than Pokémon Fire Red was intrigued by the game and chose to give it a try. While Dipper was immersed in the game, a powerful bolt of purple lightning struck his house's roof. Dipper didn't had time to react as he watched lightning tore through the roof of his house and struck him. Waking up after the strike, Dipper finds himself in a completely different world – a world almost identical to his original world. Almost, as nothing related to Pokémon exist in this World, be it Pokémon anime, Pokémon games, or even Pokémon cards. Thinking that this was just a normal world, Dipper went outside only to witness the most unimaginable thing in the sky he could have thought of. "Is that a bird...?" "No, it's a plane...?" "It's a giant Professor Oak." ------------------------------------------------------------ Warning - MC is a noob when it comes to Pokémon, So he will make some choices that you'll expect from someone who is new to Pokémon. ------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer - Pokémon and Characters related to Pokémon belongs to there rightful owners. I only own the Characters that I created. ------------------------------------------------------------ I am a new Author, and writing is something new to me. I am writing this fan fiction to gain experience, so please don't expect anything grand from this fan fiction. I am also a student, so updates will not be regular. As I write, I will try to improve the quality of my work. PS - English is not my first language. So please go easy on me. ------------------------------------------------------------ #PokeMMO #PokemonGame #PokemonFanfic #PokeFiction #PokeNovel #PokemonAdventures #PokeStory #PokemonWorlds #PokeJourney #PokemonUniverse #PokeFanFiction #PokemonBlack #PokemonWhite #PokemonPlatinum #PokémonDiamond #PokémonPearl #PokemonSoulSilver #PokemonHeartGold #PokemonEmerald #PokemonRuby #PokemonSapphire #PokemonLeafGreen #PokemonFireRed

DevilHanu · 游戏衍生
64 Chs

Ch. 50 - World Announcement

<Bob's POV>

"Damn it, Why can't I defeat even him?" I said as I was teleported to the Pokemon Center after all my Pokemon fainted.

It was my 4th attempt at trying to win against Engineer Baily, who is the second NPC in the 'Vermilion City' Gym.

I had been grinding inside 'Diglett's Cave' ever since I arrived in 'Vermilion City', which allowed me to quickly level up my Pokemon and defeat the first NPC, Sailor Dwayne.

I tried exploring other areas and Routes, but they were all guarded by NPC Trainers. 'Diglett's Cave' was the only place where I could train without worrying about NPC trainers.

It was difficult at first because all my Pokemon were around level 17, with my starter Pokemon being the highest level at 20.

After grinding nonstop in the 'Diglett's Cave', I was able to quickly level up my Pokemon to 23, and Starter Pokemon to 25. Additionally, I managed to catch a Lv. 23 Diglett.

I have been using Diglett as my main Pokemon during the Gym battles since it has a Type advantage and amazing moves like <Dig >.

"Maybe I should level up my Diglett to Lv. 25, or perhaps I could just catch more Digletts" I said as I collected my Pokemon from Nurse Joy after waiting for the <Wait Time> to hit zero.

After collecting my Pokemon, I exited the Pokemon Center and started making my way to the 'Diglett's Cave' but a loud sound stopped me in my tracks.


[{WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT} Congratulations to Dipper from Kanto Region for becoming the First Player to earn Four Gym Badges.]

Silence. Ever since I have entered the Pokemon World, This was the first time that I could not hear a single sound and that the surroundings were so silent. All the players, usually bustling with noise, fell silent.

It was as if the entire Pokemon World had come to a halt.

"What The Fuck!!!" A nearby player broke the silence.

And I couldn't agree more. What The Actuall Fuck!!!

'Didn't he only have 2 Gym Badges a few days ago, Or did he have 3?'

"Man, Here I only have 1 Gym Badge while Dipper already earned his 4th Gym Badge. Life Is So Unfair..." said some Player standing nearby, but before he could complete what he was saying, another announcement sounded throughout the Pokemon World.

[{WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT} Congratulations to Dipper from Kanto Region for becoming the First Player to unlock Region Traveling, Who can now travel to different regions.]

"Region Traveling..., It must be unlocked after he earned 4 Gym Badges." I said in a low voice.

"If that's all the reward for earning 4 Gym Badges then it's not that great..." I said happily as I came to the conclusion that Dipper might not have gained much from earning 4 Gym Badges after reading the notification. But my delusion was shattered by another announcement.

[{WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT} Congratulations to Dipper from Kanto Region for becoming the First Player to unlock World Portal, Who can now bring Items and/or Pokemon to his World.]

My mind went blank after the new announcement.

Unlike what happened when the first announcement was made, this time instead of silence, Chaos broke out and every Player went into a state of Hyperactivity.

I quickly moved away from the crowd and only stopped after finding a quiet place.

Finally finding some peace, I couldn't control my emotions.

"Damn it!!! How is he able to earn Four Badges so quickly when I couldn't even defeat the NPCs in the 'Vermilion City' Gym?" I fumed in anger.

"Earing 4 Gym Badges must have unlocked 'Region Traveling' and 'World Portal'. Now he has a massive lead over every player."

"He can essentially monopolize every Pokemon and Pokemon World Items in the Real World."

"Damn it, Damn it, DAMN ITTTTTT"

"It should have been me." I said as I dropped to my knees.

<Jessie's POV>

James and I were currently trying to cross 'Route 6' and get to what lay at the other end of it.

The reason as to why we are trying to cross 'Route 6' and not trying to defeat the Gym Leader of 'Vermilion City' is because of two reasons.

The first is that the last time Dipper was seen was when he disappeared on 'Route 6', so if we cross 'Route 6' then we will be a step closer to him.

Another reason is that we think 'Vermilion City' is not the next city in our journey. Because of Dipper, we were able to get access to 'Vermilion City' without actually reaching it through the right way or the right sequence.

Why we think that 'Vermilion City' is not the next city because of the high level of Pokemon as well as the lack of 'Mt. Moon'.

'Mt. Moon'? That's right, we tried looking around 'Vermilion City' and nearby Routes but we could not find any trace of 'Mt. Moon'.

But why were we finding 'Mt. Moon'?

The answer is that Dipper crossed 'Mt. Moon' successfully and reached somewhere which should be the correct next city and after that city, Dipper probably came to 'Vermilion City'.

We concluded this after not finding any traces of the exit of 'Mt. Moon'.

"*Phew* This one was easy." I said as I succeeded in defeating one of the NPC on 'Route 6'.

"Good Work" said James.

"These NPC's Pokemon's levels are lower than the one in the Gym. That just proves that 'Vermilion City' is not the 4th City but it could be the 5th city." I said.

"Yes, it certainly seems that way," agreed James.

"Now, It's my turn" said James as he moved forward to battle the same NPC.

But before he could reach the NPC, a loud sound resonated throughout 'Route 6'.


[{WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT} Congratulations to Dipper from Kanto Region for becoming the First Player to earn Four Gym Badges.]

An announcement was made in celebration of Dipper earning Four Gym Badges.

James and I stood still for a moment as we didn't know how to react to this announcement properly.

"He did it." I said.

"Yes, He did. We knew he would be the first to do it" said James.

Even though we knew that Dipper would be the first Player to achieve something like this, but witnessing it firsthand was still incredible.

After the announcement, we went back to what we were doing but suddenly another announcement was made.

[{WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT} Congratulations to Dipper from Kanto Region for becoming the First Player to unlock Region Traveling, Who can now travel to different regions.]

"Now it will be even more difficult to find him, Who knows which Region he might be in." said James.

"But that would stop us, will it?"

"Of course not."

[{WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT} Congratulations to Dipper from Kanto Region for becoming the First Player to unlock World Portal, Who can now bring Items and/or Pokemon to his World.]


"James, we'll need to get stronger, or we won't be worthy of calling HIM our Idol." I said after the last announcement.


James didn't reply but instead moved forward towards the NPC trainer.

<Joe's POV>

"Why am I so Unlucky?" I muttered as I found myself teleported to the Pokemon Center in 'Pewter City'.

Just like other players, I have been trying to cross 'Diglett's Cave' but unlike other players who by some stroke of good luck manage to cross 'Diglett's Cave' without encountering a single Diglett while every time I try to cross 'Diglett's Cave', I would encounter a Diglett.

After battling Digletts multiple times, I grew accustomed to their moves. Recently I even managed to defeat one. But even after defeating one, it doesn't change much as another one would pop up on the next step.

Today was no different, as I defeated three Digletts before all my Pokemon fainted.

After my Pokemon were taken away for healing, I went to a quiet corner and sat down while waiting for the <Wait Time> to run out.

I took out my PokeDEX to check how much more time I had left in the Pokemon World.

While I was checking my PokeDEX, a loud sound came vibrating the whole Pokemon Center.


[{WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT} Congratulations to Dipper from Kanto Region for becoming the First Player to earn Four Gym Badges.]

"Hmm, It's that Dipper again." I said

"I'll have to assign a few agents to find out this Dipper."

I went back to my PokeDEX but I could look much as another announcement was made.

[{WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT} Congratulations to Dipper from Kanto Region for becoming the First Player to unlock Region Traveling, Who can now travel to different regions.]

"Good for him, but why are they wasting other players' time" I said annoyed by the announcement.

I was annoyed because these announcements were like salt on the ego which was shattered from all the defeats.

But my anger didn't last long as it soon turned into panic after another announcement which was made shortly after the last one.

[{WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT} Congratulations to Dipper from Kanto Region for becoming the First Player to unlock World Portal, Who can now bring Items and/or Pokemon to his World.]

"FUCK!!! I need to get back" I said as I immediately exited the Pokemon World.

Back in the Real World, I exited the room that I used for entering the Pokemon World.

I was now in a hallway, which had many doors leading to similar rooms to the one I was in.

Just as I exited, many others also exited from their rooms.

Looking at me, all of them came towards me and surrounded me.

"Director, did you hear the announcement?" one of the men asked me.

"Yes" I replied.

"Call for an emergency meeting." I said.

Following my directive, they dispersed to their respective tasks.

I, too, headed to the meeting room, Arriving there, the meeting room had a large table in the middle and many chairs around it.

I sat down on the chair that was at the front of the room and waited for others to arrive.

I didn't have to wait long as soon many others entered the room and sat down on the chairs.

After every chair was occupied, I stood up.

"You must all be aware of the reason for this meeting."

"But for those who aren't, let me tell you."

"A player from 'Kanto Region' has successfully earned Four Gym Badges, which has unlocked a function called 'World Portal' that allows the player to bring items and/or Pokemon to our World."

"The name of the player is Dipper." I finished and sat down.

"Director, what is your plan?" asked one of the men.

"Do you guys realize that he has complete monopoly over Pokemon and Items of Pokemon World?"

"Yes Director we know."

"And you realize that we don't know who Dipper is."

"Yes Director."

"Do you guys realize what that means?"

"Um, ..."

"Let me tell you, It means that Dipper can do whatever he wants with his Pokemon without any consequences. He could even sell them to terrorists or use them for evil himself."


"But this is not the real issue, The real issue is that we can't control him, which makes him an unpredictable variable."



After listening to me, all of them quickly ran off to work.

"*Sign* Things are about to get interesting."

<Lily's POV>

"I am so angry" I said as I slammed the door of my room.

I just came back from college, where I met with my friends and we talked about the bet, after listening to Dipper, I lied to them and admitted my defeat.

All of my friends made fun of me but I held back for the sake of Dipper.

But they didn't stop there and then they started making fun of Dipper who they thought was impersonating real Dipper to gain attention, and that much more.

Listening to their remarks about Dipper made me feel strange and I couldn't control myself and lashed out at my friends.

After a long heated argument, I broke my friendship with them and left college in anger.

"I hate this" I said as I lay face first on the bed.

As I was lying on the bed thinking about today's event, my phone rang with a notification.

I picked up my phone thinking that maybe one of my friends was messaging me but turns out the notification was from the Pokemon Forums.

The notification was for the new articles that were published on the forums.

Since I didn't have much to do, I opened the Pokemon Forums to check out what was going on in the Pokemon World.

As soon as I opened the Pokemon Forums, many headlines appeared in front of me.

Almost all of the headlines were the same, So I filtered the headlines based on time and views, and the top three headlines were.

[EXCLUSIVE : Dipper Did It]

[EXCLUSIVE : Pokemon In Real World]

[HOT : Region Traveling]

"Dipper? Did he do something amazing again?" I said as I looked at the name of Dipper on the headline.

Curious about the news of Dipper that I failed to notice the second headline.

I clicked on the first headline and read through the whole article which talks about the 'World Announcement' and how Dipper has earned 4 Gym Badges.

Along with that it also mentions 'Region Traveling' and 'World Portal'.

After reading the whole article, I hurriedly checked other articles and most of them were the same and focused on Dipper and his achievement.

After reading through many articles and confirming that all of this was true, I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Oh, Dipper, You really did it."

"Who are you talking to?" a voice came from outside of the room.

"No one, Gramps" said Lily while hugging her pillow.

"I wonder what Pokemon he'll get for me. I hope he doesn't think of me as some Golddigger who only takes things."

I opened a secret folder on my phone which contained photographs of Dipper, I clicked on one of them and kept looking at it.

<Vivian's POV>

"Ummmm!!!" I couldn't help but moan as one of my hands went between my legs while I used my other hand to hold the phone on which the news of Dipper's achievement was opened.

"Oh, Dipper, You are doing amazing."

"Mommy is so proud."