
Phantom of Ancients

'"What you know is a drop, and What you don't know is an ocean." He himself doesn't know everything about himself. He who always feels disgusted with this world and consistently harbors disdain towards others, whether they are weak or strong. Delve into the journey of a boy whose only ambition is to understand himself, even if it requires conquering everything in his path. NOTE: It's just a first chapter to check the response, further chapters will be released after some time. Thank you!

kirmadaa · 奇幻
7 Chs

Dumb Heir

"Good morning, Martha"

"Morning Sam"

"Good morning, Martha"

"Very good morning, all," Martha exclaimed, her voice echoing through the spacious hall as she greeted everyone present with a genuine smile.

Her journey from the slums to this opulent setting had transformed her life into a veritable paradise. Just eight years prior, Martha's existence had been a struggle for survival, where even a single meal was a rare blessing. But fate intervened one fateful day when, while fleeing after stealing a bun from a shop, she collided with the head maid of Celestia's household. Whether it was Martha's innocence shining through her eyes or simply an act of pity, the head maid took her under her wing, embracing her as her own daughter. And from that moment, Martha's life had been irrevocably changed for the better.

From that day forward, the head maid dedicated a year to imprinting the intricate rules and expectations of the Celestia household upon Martha's impressionable mind. She methodically instilled within the innocent girl the belief that the dignity of the Celestia name was sacrosanct, a legacy bestowed upon her by the Ninth Elder, Martha Celestia. Under the tutelage of the head maid, Martha learned that the honor and reputation of the Celestia family were paramount, and she was admonished never to bring shame upon their esteemed name. Despite the rigorous teachings, Martha's innate innocence remained intact, though now tempered by a newfound awareness of when and where to display it.

She understood that while the world may perceive her as a product of her upbringing, her heart remained pure, harboring the same innocence that had captivated the head maid's compassion all those years ago. And so, Martha embarked on her journey as Martha Celestia, armed not only with the teachings of the household but also with the unwavering determination to honor the name bestowed upon her by the Ninth Elder.


"Very Good morning, young master" Martha opened the door and bowed to the handsome boy sitting near the window gazing outside.

Despite Martha's cheerful greetings, a heavy silence hung in the air, met with no response from the others present. However, Martha was accustomed to this silence, having endured it for five years. With a knowing chuckle, she began to peel fruits for Soren, her mind occasionally drifting to steal glances at Soren. As Martha peeled the fruits, her gaze would often linger on Soren, marveling at his deep blue eyes, silver hair, and handsome features. Even she found herself stunned by his beauty at times. Beyond Martha and those present in the room on the day of Soren's birth, only a select few close individuals and elders were aware of the matriarch giving birth to the heir. It was strictly forbidden to spread this news, and those who knew were bound by solemn oaths to keep it secret. The secrecy surrounding the pregnancy had been meticulously maintained, with even the incident on the day of Soren's birth—where assassins were dispatched by Xeon—remaining concealed.

However, a breach in security occurred when information about the matriarch's pregnancy was leaked to a low-ranking guard of the family. During his travels outside the estate, he divulged the secret to someone he trusted. Though seemingly insignificant, the family swiftly moved to tighten the loose ends, ensuring that the confidentiality surrounding Soren's birth remained intact.

As Martha sat beside Soren, she embarked on her daily routine of tending to his needs, which included narrating stories to him. It was a task she performed faithfully, even though she couldn't shake the feeling that her words fell on deaf ears. There was a pang of sorrow in her heart each time she looked at the handsome boy, knowing that he couldn't respond to her stories or engage in conversation like other children his age.

Despite her efforts, Martha couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for Soren. Being born without the ability to speak was undoubtedly a difficult burden for both him and his parents to bear. For five years, Martha had cared for Soren diligently, pouring her love and attention into his upbringing, all the while unaware of the true nature of his condition.

Even the head maid, who had taken Martha under her wing like a mother, had kept the truth about Soren's condition hidden from her. Martha assumed that Soren was simply born dumb, and she resolved to provide him with even more care and attention in light of his condition.

Little did Martha know, however, that Soren's silence was only temporary, likely to last for another four or five years. It was a secret known only to a select few, a truth that Martha had yet to discover. Until then, she would continue to devote herself to Soren's care, hoping that one day he would find his voice and speak the words she longed to hear.

Soren was constantly provided with soul nourishment herbs and body tempering herbs though given only in small quantity with his food and juices. But with its help Soren body despite being only 6 years old is sturdy than most of the children of his age and his soul has been 50% stabilized. According to 5th elder who is famous throughout the world for the miracles he has performed in the field of medicine often known as, The Divine Hands, Soren will most likely awaken in 5-6 years max.

Soren's POV

I still can't speak; it feels like something inside of me or most likely my soul is stopping me from speaking. It's been 6 years since I have been here, but damn it! This instability within my soul has burdened me greatly. In my previous life, I was the heir to a wealthy conglomerate. It took me 30 years to elevate my company to the status of the world's richest after assuming the CEO seat. But I can't shake off that memory, that day when someone shot me down in my own cabin. Who was that bastard? He appeared suddenly, and no one even noticed him. Even the guards failed to raise an emergency notification.

Setting aside those memories, according to the old man with the long white beard, whom my father calls the 5th elder, it will take me another 5-6 years to return to normalcy. I can't even venture outside because my birth has been kept a secret. But why? I know nothing about this world, my family, or the secrets surrounding my birth. Martha, that child, always brings novels. For heaven's sake, can't she bring a book about the geography and systems of this world?

When she first started taking care of me, I used to listen to her attentively, though I never showed any emotion on my face, pretending to be dumb. I've been a company CEO for a straight 30 years, and before that, until I turned 30, I deployed every possible scheme and trap for all potential heirs. If, even after 60 years, I can't hide my emotions and thoughts from someone as mediocre as her, how can I excel in this world?

From all the eavesdropping, I can certainly say that this is the world where I will let my intrusive thoughts flow. For me, I'm neither a hero nor a villain. Just wait another 5-6 years; I'll show this world what I'm capable of.

I feel like it shouldn't take me 5-6 years to awaken as the 5th elder said. I've always sensed that my body isn't strong enough to contain my soul. Martha only gives me 1 or 2 petals from both the body tempering and soul nourishing herbs, but I believe that if my body were stronger, I could directly consume that ethereal green herb, Heavenly Soul Grass, which my father calls it. I should secretly increase the quantity of body tempering herbs, and within the next 3-4 years, my body will be sturdy enough to contain my soul. This intuition is coming from deep within my soul, and I'd be truly foolish to ignore it now.


Boom! another chapter. Please leave reviews. I have been constantly trying to imrpove my english and have been using AI to point out my grammtical mistakes.

Thank you!

kirmadaacreators' thoughts