
Phantom of Ancients

'"What you know is a drop, and What you don't know is an ocean." He himself doesn't know everything about himself. He who always feels disgusted with this world and consistently harbors disdain towards others, whether they are weak or strong. Delve into the journey of a boy whose only ambition is to understand himself, even if it requires conquering everything in his path. NOTE: It's just a first chapter to check the response, further chapters will be released after some time. Thank you!

kirmadaa · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Null Heart Resonance

"Patriarch, the young heir has shown miraculous progress. His body is now tempered to the limits of what a mortal can attain. In fact, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Soren's body can now punch a low tier 1 ox to death. I've tired checking his physique many times in the past 9 years, but no matter how many times I check, the result is always the same: young master Soren has no special physique. Yet, he still can absorb those herbs with high yang, and that too without performing any body tempering exercises," exclaimed the 5th elder, seeing the wonderful progress of Soren.

"Hm, 5th elder from my calculations it must take only 1 year from now on" nodded Alex maintained the same cold nature that he was used to showing. He didn't need to say anything about his physique because he himself felt that either Soren's physique was average, or it was a physique which had appeared for the first time in the Sundered world.

After discussing some other important matters, they both left Soren's room. All this time, Soren was unaware of them or their conversation. Even if he knew about the discussion, he would not have taken any special interest in it. He himself knew his body better than anybody, and from his calculations, he could now eat that heavenly soul grass anytime. So, he decided to wait for the correct opportunity and eat it in secrecy without alerting anyone.

After 3 months.

Soren's POV

Finally, it's time to take my first step. I'm now nine and a half years old. It's been three and a half years since I started increasing the quantity of herbs secretly. This red box has some exquisite design, but in my guess, it must be made of some high-quality material which can allow it to contain such a herb for the soul without degrading its quality. Not only that, I think in the last three and a half years, the quality of this heavenly soul grass has increased, though it's a very minute increase. Through my soul, I can sense its upgraded quality, and it must also be because of the red box.

I have checked the doors and windows; they are tightly closed so no one can enter my room. But the thing which I'm not certain about is whether my father or any of his guards are keeping their eyes on me through their soul sense. If that is the case, then I can resign to their decision. I will act dumb to not reveal any of my secrets.

Should I directly eat it or swallow it? I think I will swallow it.


Third person POV

"Patriarch" exclaimed all the elders present in the hall.

"I can also feel it, world consciousness is rejecting something very powerful" muttered Alex very slowly but enough to be heard by all the elders present.

There were solemn expressions on everyone's faces present there. It was the first time in history that the world consciousness had awakened and was fighting someone. All the tremors, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions followed by all the unnatural occurrences were the result of this conflict.

Aurelia continent,

In a golden hall, a man was sitting on the throne.

"This" muttered the man with solemn voice.


Dark woods Continent,

A man stood near the shore of the ocean; his eyes closed tightly. If someone were present there, they could have heard the loud thudding of his heartbeats. Those heartbeats were proof of how terrified he was.

Similarly, the Ember continent echoed with the same sense of fear.

But there were some things hidden from normal eyes, visible only to those who were connected with them. Many believed that the world consciousness would prevail in this conflict because to them, it was omnipotent. But was that still the case?


On the rooftop of Sage Tower,

"That unknown power is strong, stronger than Sundered world will. Change is around the corner but will it be a good change or bad change only time will tell"

Unaware of the consequences his actions had caused, Soren now found himself standing on a road in a bustling city. The buildings around him exuded an ancient vibe, quite different from what he was accustomed to. Sylv often used to take him to the city near outside their realm, and the architecture and atmosphere of those buildings were completely different from these, as if he was in some other world.


"Sorry, brother, I was in a hurry and didn't see you while running," a boy of age 5-6 years wearing shabby clothes muttered very meekly, bowing his head.

Soren then saw the boy with white silvery hair, green eyes, and a frail build. Seeing him, anyone could tell that he was malnourished, but there was purity in his eyes, and Soren was mesmerized by that innocence.

"No problem, boy," Soren smiled and patted the boy's head. "But can you please tell me where this place is?" he asked, shaking his head in confusion.

"Oh, big brother, don't you know this is &*&#@**#%," the boy replied with confidence after confirming that this big brother in front of him was new here.

Soren tried recalling the name of this place after hearing it, but there was a sudden headache in his mind. He started scratching his head due to pain and spat a mouthful of blood into his hands.

"Big brother, are you okay? Come with me, you don't look okay to me," the little boy asked with concern in his voice.

"I'm okay, just some old disease suddenly got flared up. I have medicine for it. Don't worry," Soren replied with assurance.

"Okay, big brother. I like your personality, big brother. I have this book I got from a swindler, but since I can't read, you take it. And don't say no to this as it's useless to me. I can only hope it will be a good read for you. Okay, bye," the boy hurriedly took out an old book from his side bag and gave it to Soren, then ran through the streets.

 "Null Heart Resonance Scripture"

But suddenly the scene changed and now Soren was floating in a soul form.

"I'll be back," spoke the man sitting on the throne with an imposing voice, as if it were heard by every living being present in the universe. He then started moving towards the exit, but before disappearing from view, he took a glance towards Soren, who was floating above the hall. Unaware that he had been exposed to this man, Soren remained oblivious to the scrutiny.

"Sigh," the bald man kneeling in front of the throne stood up and disappeared from the scene. Soren couldn't see any of their appearances, but the one thing he noticed was that there were some type of rings shining around the neck of the bald man kneeling.

"Golden rings around the neck and wrists," guessed Soren, and the next moment, the dream was broken, and he found himself sitting in his room. After some time, he finally opened his eyes. There was more shine in them now, but the major change was that he had gotten taller, and his soul was finally at equilibrium with his body.

Somewhere in the universe, a man sitting in an unknown space opened his eyes and then closed them after a second. The moment he reopened his eyes, the dark and silent space shined in golden color for a second.

"Hehe he"