
Page ౨ ) Death and Reincarnation

"You didn't tell her everything, did you?" the man asked.

"No, if I did, she would have insisted on staying here and letting me go instead."

"Wait,what? Didn't tell me everything? Uncle, what are you both talking about? Why aren't you going to your escape pods?!"

"Ah... Alya...how do I say this..." the man started.

"Alya, remember the space junk that hit our shuttle?" Toni continued.


"Yes, that hit not only our oxygen structures, but also damaged thrusters-such that we no longer are able to control the direction of the shuttle."

"So escape out of the shuttle then! Why are you staying in the ship?! Get into your pods!"

"...We can't Alya... The other pods were damaged..." Toni replied, sighing sadly.

"So you're telling me that my pod was the last working one?! No, let me come back! How do I come back? Tell me!"

"You cannot come back Alya... The pod is already preset to return to Earth."

"No, no...NO! This cannot be!... Wait, maybe they can send a rescue mission!-" she said, looking out the small window of the pod.

" They cannot Alya... there's not enough time... listen to me very carefully Alya-"

"NO! No, I don't want to listen to you! Come back to me Uncle, PLEASE! Please, I'll listen to whatever you say, I won't take any pocket money, just... just please... don't die... come back Uncle..." she continued, crying.

"...Listen to your parents, all of my assets will be yours once you become 18, remember to be cautious of unknown people... haha you are a very naive girl, so be careful, but believe in your family, believe in your closest friends... and above all... believe in yourself, Alya."

"No! I can't do anything properly...I always get in trouble, and-"

"It's alright to make mistakes little one, that's part of life... hell, even I made many mistakes throughout my life, but you gotta push through, you got that?"


"I once promised to you that I would be there for your wedding, however, it seems that I will be unable to keep my word... I'm sorry Alya...Goodbye..." he said, then shutting off the comms.

"Uncle? Uncle! No, respond! Uncle!" Alya cried, slamming the window, as the pod re-entered the atmosphere.

"Hah... so now that you have achieved your goal, what now?" Toni asked the other man.

"Oh? You found out? How? I thought my acting was flawless."

"It's not that hard to figure out... while making the shuttle, we made sure to reinforce all the important components... NO space junk should have been able to penetrate it."

" Ah, yes... our spies installed mini acid bombs into it which destroyed the protections. You should have never provoked them, then you wouldn't have died like thus, if only you had joined hands... you would have ruled the world!" the man said, with a fanatical look in his eyes.

"Ah, well you see, its just not my style to team up, and be under another person's thumb." Toni replied,smirking.

"Haha, its the famous Toni attitude... well, no matter, you're gonna die anyway. My job here is finished." As he said that, he took out a gun, put it in his mouth, and fired, killing himself and splattering blood everywhere.

"Hah.... now what... well, I guess I either shoot myself or wait until the oxygen runs out... let's do that... atleast I get to enjoy the view, and as a plus, I wouldn't feel any pain when die... it'd be peaceful... just going to sleep...hah... damn it, I don't want to die... not like this... not in space, but when I became old, surrounded by family and dear friends... there was so much ahead of me" mused Toni before, his calm facade finally collapsing, bursting into tears as he waited for his impending death.

After weeping for a time, he wiped his eyes as he stood up- floated up? And floated to the control panel, and turning on the comms and connecting to base.

"Base, do you copy? Over."

"I hear you loud and clear, please report current status."

"Alya has escaped and is currently enroute back to Earth, and the other one has killed himself, oxygen will last for about an hour more... no change on the condition of thrusters." Toni responded.

"Killed himself?"

"He was an Assassin sent by my enemies. After taking out the thrusters and escape pods, he put a bullet in his head."

"... I see... The screening shouldn't have missed something like that... there must be spies among the personnel."

"Yes, and thus, I want you to broadcast this communication throughout the base, my people will follow my orders and cleanse the Familia."

"But 'God Father', I'm not going to do that?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"It seems by your unfortunate luck, you had to try to talk to the people here during my shift at the radio." the radio operator smirked.

"So you too are an undercover spy..."

"At last you connect the dots. Many important parts of the entire operation within the family was slowly taken over by them, therefore, the moment you boarded that shuttle, your fate was death."


"Enjoy your last hour experiencing the beauty of space, it is the mercy of the boss, his way of showing respect to those who were capable of opposing him... this conversation will be wiped off the records, so don't even hope that anyone would find about this... Goodbye Toni Nostra." Saying so, he shut off the comms and wiped the system's memory of the conversation."

"Damn it!" Toni slammed the control panel when he heard the radio static after the comms line was shut.

"Well... it looks like there's nothing left to do... I was completely outsmarted by him... let's just relax and enjoy the scenery then. No point worrying over things now."

Toni floated over to the side, near the windows as he took in the magnificent sight of space.

"Haha...It is very mesmerizing, just as Alya said" he chuckled, remembering her excited face, one that he would never be able to see again.

He slid down onto the floor as the oxygen in the air kept depleting and his vision slowly started to turn dark.

"The time has come... do not go gentle into that good night huh?... forgive me Cooper, I seem to be unable to follow your wise words", he chuckled, remembering the famous quote from interstellar.

"Goodbye my dear Alya, my precious treasure, I hope you grow up to be a fine lady and live a fulfilling life..." he murmured as his eyes closed, a sole tear running down his cheek.

"Congratulations my Lady! It's a healthy boy!"


Gib powerstones and also add the story to your collections. Let's get this story into the rankings next week!! Iguzooooo

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