Synopsis: In a world where the boundaries of wealth and adventure know no bounds, enter the charismatic billionaire, Toni Nostra, known worldwide for his lavish lifestyle and philanthropic endeavors. Toni's insatiable thirst for adventure leads him to the final frontier—outer space. With his boundless resources, he funds the creation of an advanced spaceship, the "Sterling Vanguard," aiming to explore the mysteries of the cosmos. However, Toni's journey to the stars takes a harrowing turn when a catastrophic malfunction occurs onboard the Sterling Vanguard. Stranded in the depths of space, Toni's life is extinguished in a tragic accident, leaving the world mourning the loss of the playboy philanthropist. But fate has a different plan for Toni Nostra. Inexplicably, he awakens in a world far removed from his own—a world of pirates, marines, and the legendary treasure known as the "One Piece." Reincarnated into the body of a young, aspiring man, Toni must navigate this treacherous new world, now known as "Ray Penber". Author's Note: I'm just making this novel on a whim, so maybe don't expect too much.