
One Piece: Duke’s Odyssey

So like usual dude died then got reincarnated into one piece with 3 wishes WOW so original. Wish fulfilment don’t like them don’t read this. This will be very slow. Not sure I’ll even do romance cause I’ve never been in a relationship and I don’t think one piece is the best place for romance sure it has hot girls but it’s more about the adventure. I’m writing from the top of my mind and don’t know where to go with this so there won’t be any frequent updates. I have shit grammar so yeah enjoy Found the artwork on Pinterest https://www.pinterest.it/pin/619385754994533387/?nic_v2=1b5dQx2g3

Pimple_Face_13 · 漫画同人
18 Chs

New member 2

I covered my mouth as I yawned as I watched the rising sun.

"Oh you're awake?" I saw Maddy with a distant gaze looking out at the dark sea, she seemed to be in a daze as she only responded until I called out her name.

"Hm? Oh you're up." It was comfortable silence.

"...I'll go wake up Eli." She nodded in response.

I woke up Eli and began the day. For breakfast we ate sandwiches while I went through our plan again.

"So we'll go to Bamran island and get a ship there since we can't keep using this ting boat, then get supplies. Got it,"

"Aye sir." Maddy being as non talkative as she always is simple nodded.

- - - -

"Sheesh that took forever." We finally arrived after what seemed to be days under the blistering sun.

"Hey Duke where'd Maddy go?" Eli asked

"Oh her she went in the other direction."

"She did? I didn't even notice she's like an assassin." An assassin? Let's see quiet, check, dull emotions, check, sneaky, check... Things just keep getting more interesting.

"Oh yeah she never did say how you met her, did she really throw a cabbage at your head."

"Ehh! She told you about that!?"

"Don't worry I'll forever remember this and bring it up at random occasions." He glared at me I just ignored that and continued asking him.

"So what'd you do after that?"

"I obviously chased her." He has an irritated look on his face. "She kept dodging all my attacks, it didn't even look like she was trying!"

"And how'd you find she's a navigator?"

"Well after I she kept dodging my hits I stop seeing as how it looked like she wanted to speak, she said that she could help us since she's a navigator. I gotta say Maddy's a suspicious person."

"Yeah I know we've got barely any information on her, she's got amazing skill being able to dodge your hit though you were holding back right?"

"Umm, she didn't get hurt at least."

"haa anyways it also seems like she has information on us which makes thing even weirder considering we've only left Dusk island 3 days ago."

"What should we do about her then?"

"Just wait and get ready cause it seems like something fun will happen." We both grinned.

- - - -

*3rd POV*

"Maddy, you're back." A tall man with blonde hair in a pony tail said. "Who did you bring this time?"

"Two teens, one with a pink jacket and the other with a blue scarf." She replied emotionless.

"Good they should do." The man was content with her effectiveness.

After a moment of thinking he asked. "Give me more detail."

And so she did from the moment she met them to when they arrived but she left out the part where she fought Eli.

"To accept a random person as their navigator how moronic." He sneered. "We will capture them tonight." Gearing that Maddy went off to get ready.

- - - -

"Hey Eli we've got a problem." Oh man.

"What is it."

"We don't have enough belly." I might have miscalculated the amount of belly we needed.

"How are we gonna buy the boat than?" Eli said in thinking pose.

"Let's go look for Maddy first. Maybe she could help?" Seems like we'll have to put hold buying the boat for now at least.

- - - -

*3rd POV*

"The sun is already setting, where she possibly be?!" Eli was starting to frustrated and so was Duke.

They already searched everywhere, well except the forest cause why would their navigator go there? Plus the forest is far too big and dense for just the two of them to look.

Duke faced Eli, Eli had a look of unwillingness rapidly shaking his head.

"Come on it's not that bad."

"But there's spiders in there! And other creepy stuff!" Duke just deadpanned at his fear for bugs, insects and other small creepy things that scuttle or crawl. The reason? He ran into a spider web made from a spider the size of a fist and said spider crawled all over his face.

"We will be in and out." Duke proceeded to drag Eli with him.


- - - -

'What heck was that? Sounds awfully familiar.' Maddy thought while wearing her combat uniform. It was all black with light metal guard on her arms and legs allowing for good mobility with decent armor.

There were others around her with similar clothing obviously of the same group.

"It seems they came to us." One of them grinned maliciously.

"Get in position." The ponytail man said.

They vanished from their positions disappearing into the dense forest.

- - - -

"Come on you big baby." Duke sighed from Eli's

They paused as if they noticed someone or someones but then continued with their bickering as if nothing happened.

The assassins hidden in the surrounding shadows aimed their blow-darts covered in a ominous purple liquid.


The dart shot out straight towards Eli and as if by some divine intervention it missed! The assassins were dumbfounded cause at the moment the dart was about to hit Duke tugged at Eli's shirt pulling him away from his position albeit only by a couple of centimeters.

"What was that for!?" He screamed at Duke.

"I'm gonna use force now." Duke calmly stated not at all perturbed by his outburst.

"Weren't you already doing that?" Dark lines appeared on Eli's face.

"And?" Duke has a mildly annoyed expression. "Come on we can go after we find her."

"Do that yourself!!" Eli screamed.

"Sheesh, calm down you big baby."

The assassins simply reloaded as they watched this amusing display of friendship. They took aim waiting for the right moment not wanting to 'miss' again, but that opportunity never came. The two friends were slapping each other rolling around on the ground it seemed to be a brawl? What made things weirder was that they weren't punching each other no they were slapping.

The assassins were dumbfounded again never have seen two teenagers rolling around slapping each other while they masterfully dodged every tree.

They simply couldn't get the right opportunity to shoot they just kept moving. Then they stopped, this made the assassins alert at their sudden pause.

"I need to pee." They both stated at the same exact time. All the assassins mentally facepalmed.

'Now!' The duo seemed to have some kind of telepathic link as they pushed away at each other heading towards the closest assassins.

"Omae wa mou shinderu." Poor dude didn't even have the time to say Nani as he was bonked on the head with a metal nunchuck. "I told you it would be assassins."

"Yeah, yeah just focus on the ninjas." Eli seemed unimpressed.

They quickly dispatched the cannon fodder knocking them all out leaving only two.

- - - -

*1st POV*

"Mind introducing yourselves." I stated rather than asked.

The girl spoke first, "Madeline." Introducing herself simply.

"Jareth, leader of the Creed, you will regret ever leaving your hometown."

*mumble*it just had to be the typical villain, "I'll stick with Maddy and I'm guessing you guys are apart of the underworld." I wouldn't be surprising if they are even working for one of the five families.

Jareth was surprised unsurprisingly. "How do you know?!"

Eli just kick him in the face sending him flying into a nearby tree. "Annoying."

"You should have let me done that." A dull voice called out.

Wrote the word assassins so much I'm sick of it now

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