
One Piece : Adventure Ares

Ares from birth had suffered from a disease that had never appeared before. This is what makes the doctors ask his parents to let Ares be hospitalized to always get the best treatment and also so that doctors can help create a drug through research through the disease that Ares received. During the treatment, Ares could not get out of his room. Every day Ares is only accompanied by various kinds of works such as novels, light novels, and manga which are often brought under by parents or doctors in order to accompany Ares during his treatment. While reading these various employees, Ares really liked one of the works, One Piece. Ares has always dreamed of being able to go to the world of One Piece and adventure in that world. Until one day suddenly Ares get his wish can be fulfilled. Then, how is the story of Ares' adventures in the world of One Piece? Listen carefully to the story.

Rey_Achiel · 漫画同人
16 Chs

Next Fanfiction Prototype

Hello fellow readers. I have an idea for the next One Piece novel fanfiction prototype entitled One Piece: Adventure Dungeon Merchant System.

This story tells of Ares who was suddenly transported in the world of One Piece. Ares will wake up on Sabondy Island Archepelago. When Ares wakes up, Ares suddenly finds himself getting a system that allows him to open an adventure shop. In the adventure shop opened by Ares there is a very large Dungeon facility with various kinds of monsters that have the lowest strength, namely the Captain of the Marine Headquarters. In addition, every monster has mastery of Haki abilities (In order to adapt to the world of One Piece)

Everyone who wants to adventure in the Dungeon must register with Ares with a registration fee of 1,000,000 bailey. In the Dungeon, adventurers will fight against monsters and every time they defeat the monster, they will get crystals which can be exchanged back to Ares.

What do you think about this story? For the setting of the story, I have set it below. Please you read. You can give advice. If the suggestions are good, I'll try to consider them.

Thank you

By the way, I wrote this story if I had run out of ideas to write the Ares Adventure story.

Types of Monsters Each Floor in the Dungeon

Floor 1: Goblins (Forest)

Floor 2: Warewolf (Forest)

Floor 3: Minotaur (Labyrinth)

Floor 4: Manticord (Valley or Mountains)

5th Floor : Bear (Forest)

Floor 6: Great Ape Titan (Forest)

Floor 7 : Emerald Demon Bird (Mountains)

Floor 8 : Ice Scorpion (Ice Land)

Floor 9 : Lich (Land of Death)

Floor 10 : Underwater Monsters (Urban)

Floor 11 : Ocean Monster Species (sea)

Floor 12 : Hydra (Valley)

Floor 13 : Titan (Ice Land)

Floor 14 : Devil (Demon Kingdom)

15th Floor : Ex-Machina (Land of Expanse)

Floor 16 : Hollow (Urban)

17th Floor : Monarch (Urban)

Floor 18 : Flugel (Mountains

Floor 19: Dragon (mountains)

Floor 20 : Tournament Special Battle Arena

Strength Levels of Each Floor

Floor 1: Captain of the Naval Headquarters

2nd Floor : Rear Admiral of the Naval Headquarters

3rd Floor : Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters

4th Floor : Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters (Elite)

5th Floor : Admiral of Marine Headquarters

6th Floor : Admiral of Naval Headquarters (Elite)

7th Floor : Admiral of Marine Headquarters (Elite)

Floor 8 : Admiral of Marine Headquarters (Elite)

9th Floor : Admiral of Marine Headquarters (Elite)

Floor 10 : Sea Emperor

Floor 11 : Sea Emperor (Elite)

Floor 12 : Sea Emperor (Elite)

Floor 13 : Sea Emperor (Elite)

14th Floor : Sir

15th Floor : Sir

Floor 16 : Master (Elite)

17th Floor : Master (Elite)

Floor 18 : Master (Elite)

Floor 19 : Master (Elite)


Small Crystal : Floor 1 - 7

Medium Crystal : Floor 8 - 14

Large Crystal : Floor 15 - 19

Exchange scale

1000 Small Crystals = 1 Medium Crystal

1000 Medium Crystals = 1 Large Crystal.

Crystal Exchange Results


Healing Elixir.

- Elixir low price 10 small crystals (30%)

- Medium Elixir price 500 small crystals (50%)

- High Elixir price 10 medium crystal (75%)

- Elixir elite price 500 medium crystals (100%)

Stamina Restore Elixir.

- Elixir low price 10 small crystal

- Medium Elixir 500 small crystal price

- High elicir price 10 medium crystal

- Elixir elite price 500 crystals

Poison Neutralizing Elixir.

- Elixir low price 15 small crystals (30%)

- Medium Elixir price 750 small crystals (50%)

- High Elixir price 15 medium crystal (75%)

- Elixir elite price 750 crystal medium (100%)

Strength-Enhancing Elixir (30 minutes)

- Elixir 10% price 30 small crystals

- Elixir 30% price 900 small crystals

- Elixir 50% price 30 medium crystal

- Elixir 100% price 900 medium crystal

Luck Enhancing Elixir (30 minutes)

- Elixir low price 1 medium crystal (30%)

- Medium Elixir 500 medium crystal price (50%)

- Elixir high price 10 large crystals (75%)

- Elixir elite price 300 large crystals (100%)

Appearance Enhancement Elixir (1 Use)

- Low price Elixir 10 medium crystal

- Medium Elixir 500 Crystal Medium Price

- High Elixir price 10 big crystal

- Elite Elixir for 500 large crystals


Strength-boosting Pill.

- Low price pills 500 small crystals (30%)

- Medium price pills 100 medium crystals (50%)

- High price pill 500 medium crystal (75%)

- Elite pills price 100 large crystals (100%)

Speed Enhancing Pill.

- Low price pills 500 small crystals (30%)

- Medium price pills 100 medium crystals (50%)

- High price pill 500 medium crystal (75%)

- Elite pills price 100 large crystals (100%)

Talent Enhancing Pill (1 time use)

- Low price pill 500 crystal medium

- Medium pill price 50 big crystal

- High price pills 500 big crystal

- Elite pill 5000 big crystal price

Whole Attribute Enhancement Pill

- Low price pills 900 small crystals (30%)

- Medium price 200 crystal medium pill (50%)

- High price pills 900 medium crystals (75%)

- Elite pills price 200 large crystals (100%)

Body care pills (only for appearance) (1 bottle of 10 pills)

- A low price pill of 50 small crystals.

- Medium price 100 small crystal pills

- High price pill 500 small crystal

- Elite pill for 1 medium crystal



- 5 medium crystal low price sword (Ryu Wazamono)

- Medium price 500 crystal medium sword (O Wazamono)

- High-priced sword of 5 large crystals (Saijo O Wazamono)

- An elite sword priced at 500 large crystals (Zanpakuto, Phantasm)


- Low price spear of 10 medium crystals (Ryu Wazamono)

- Medium spear price 1 large crystal (O Wazamono)

- High-priced spear of 10 large crystals (Saijo O Wazamono)

- An elite spear priced at 1000 large crystals (Zanpakuto, Phantasm)


- Danger low price 5 medium crystals (Ryu Wazamono)

- Medium price 500 crystal medium danger (O Wazamono)

- Danger high price 5 big crystals (Saijo O Wazamono)

- Danger elite price 500 large crystals (Zanpakuto, Phatasm)


- Low price arrow 5 medium crystal (Ryu Wazamono)

- Medium arrow price 500 medium crystal (O wazamono)

- High price arrow 5 big crystal (Saijo O Wazamono)

- Elite arrows priced at 500 large crystals (Zanpakuto, Phantasm)


- Low price arrow 1 medium crystal (100)

- Medium darts price 10 medium crystals (100)

- High arrows price 100 medium crystals (100)

- Elite hot boy price 1 big crystal (100)


- Low price chain 20 medium crystals (Ryu Wazamono)

- Medium chain price 2 large crystals (O Wazamono)

- High-priced chain of 200 large crystals (Saijo O Wazamono)

- Elite chain priced 2000 large crystals (Zanpakuto, Phatasm)


- Low price ax 10 medium crystal (Ryu Wazamono)

- Medium ax price 1 large crystal (O Wazamono)

- Ax high price 100 large crystal (Saijo O Wazamono)

- Elite ax for 1000 large crystals (Zanpakuto, Phantasm)


- Low hammer price 10 medium crystals (Ryu Wazamono)

- Medium hammer price 1 large crystal (O Wazamono)

- High hammer price 100 large crystal (Saijo O Wazamono)

- Elite hammer priced at 1000 large crystals (Zanpakuto, Phantasm)

Weapon Repair Price

- Low price weapon 2 medium crystal

- Medium price 200 crystal medium weapon

- High weapon price 20 big crystal

- Elite weapon priced at 200 large crystals

Food and Drink


- Low price food 5 small crystals

- Medium food price 10 small crystal

- Food high price 50 small crystal

- Elite food for 100 small crystals


- Low price drink 10 small crystal

- Medium drink price 50 small crystal

- High drink price 100 small crystal

- Elite drink priced at 500 small crystals

Adventure Supplies (1 person only) low level

- One week special food and drink for 300 small crystals

- Two-week special food and drink for 600 small crystals

- Three-week special eat and drink price 900 small crystals

- Food and Drink special four weeks price 1.2 crystal medium

Adventure Supplies (1 person only) intermediate level

- One week special food and drink price 1.2 crystals

- Food and Drink special for two weeks price 2.4 medium crystal

- Three-week special meal and drink price 3.6 crystal medium

- Food and Drink special four weeks price 4.8 medium crystal

Adventure Supplies (1 person only) high level

- One week special food and drink price 3.1 crystals

- Food and Drink special for two weeks price 6.2 medium crystal

- Eat and Drink special three weeks price 9.3 crystal medium

- Food and Drink special four weeks price 12.4 medium crystal

Adventure Supplies (1 person only) elite level

- One week special food and drink price 12.6 crystals

- Food and Drink special for two weeks price 25.2 medium crystal

- Eat and Drink special three weeks price 37.8 medium crystal

- Food and Drink special four weeks price 50.4 crystal medium

Side item

Item storage items.

- Size 5 square meters price 50 medium crystal

- Size 10 square meters price 5 medium crystal

- Size 100 square meters price 50 large crystal

- Size 1000 square meters price 500 large crystal

Individual Ship

- Individual ship low price 150 crystal medium

- Medium individual ship the price of 5 large crystals

- Individual ship high price 150 large crystal

- Elite individual ship 1500 large crystal price

Individual Vessel Energy Crystals (Purple Colored Shape)

- Low Energy Crystals price 10 medium crystals (1000 kilometers journey)

- Medium Energy Crystals price 100 medium crystals (2500 kilometers journey)

- High Energy Crystals price 1 large crystal (5000 kilometers journey)

- Elite Energy Crystals price 10 large crystals (10000 kilometers journey)


- Warship low price 1 big crystal

- Medium Warship 100 large crystal price

- Warship high price 1000 large crystal (Artificial intelligence)

- Elite Warships priced at 10,000 large crystals (Transformers)

Battleship Energy Crystal (Shape is Blue)

- Low Energy Crystals 100 medium crystals (1000 kilometers journey)

- Medium Energy Crystal 1 large crystal (2500 kilometers journey)

- High Energy Crystals 100 large crystals (5000 kilometers journey)

- Elite Energy Crystals 1000 large crystals (10000 kilometers journey)

Cruise ship

- Cruise ship low price 10 big crystal

- Medium cruise ship price 1000 large crystal

- High-priced cruise ship 10,000 large crystal

- Elite yacht priced 100,000 large crystals

Cruise Ship Energy Crystal (Red Shape)

- Energy Crystals low price 1 large crystal (1000 kilometers journey)

- Medium Energy Crystals price 10 large crystals (2500 kilometers journey)

- High Energy Crystals price 1000 large crystals (5000 kilometers journey)

- Elite Energy Crystals priced at 10,000 (10000 kilometers Travel)

Land Vehicles.

- Motorcycle price 1 - 10 medium crystal (according to model)

- Car price 10 - 100 medium crystal (according to model)

- Sports car 100 - 1000 medium crystal (According to model)

Land Vehicle Energy Crystal (Its shape is Orange)

- Low Energy Crystals price 100 small crystals (100 kilometers)

- Medium Energy Crystal 1 medium crystal price (250 kilometers)

- High Energy Crystals price 10 medium crystals (500 kilometers)

- Elite Energy Crystals price 100 medium crystals (1000 kilometers)

Capsule House

- Capsule House low price 1 large crystal (Two bedroom type)

- Capsule House medium price 10 large crystals (Three bedroom type)

- Capsule House high price 100 large crystal (Four bedroom type)

- Elite Capsule House price 1000 large crystal (Five bedroom type)

Capsule House Energy Crystal (Green Shape)

- Low Energy Crystals 10 medium crystals (1 full month)

- Medium Energy Crystals 100 medium crystals (3 full months)

- High Energy Crystal 1 large crystal (6 full moons)

- Elite Energy Crystals 10 large crystals (1 full year)

Teleport Crystal (1 time use)

- Low price Teleport Crystal 1 medium crystal (1st - 5th floor)

- Intermediate Teleportation Crystals price 10 medium crystals (6th floor - 10th floor)

- High Teleport Crystals price 100 medium crystals (11th - 15th floor)

- Elite Teleport Crystals price 1 large crystal (16th floor - 19th floor)


Dragon Ball (1 Ball) Price 100,000 large crystal

Cloth Time price 1000 big crystal/1 year

Big crystal 100,000 Resurrection Coin

Gravity Space 100,000 large crystals/4 years of use.

1 Kilogram of Gold is worth 90 small crystals.


10,000 Bailey can be exchanged for 1 small Crystal.

1 small crystal can be exchanged for 1,000 baileys.

1,000,000 beiley adventure account registration.

The price of each time entering the Dungeon is 10,000 Bailey.

There are no Crystal sales transactions for each adventurer.

Adventurer Identity Card:

Name :


Total Earnings:.... Large Crystals..... Medium Crystals..... Small Crystals.

Adventurer's photo.

The adventurer ID card background is the Dengeon Page.

Dungeon Merchant System.

MC Name : Ares

17 years old

Income: Every customer who purchases goods will get 10% of the total spending. Bailey Exchange Into Small Crystals with a scale of 1000 bailey is worth 1 small crystal.

Advantages: Have absolute laws on the island where to build a business.

The size of each floor of the Dungeon is 1000 kilometers.