
One Piece : Adventure Ares

Ares from birth had suffered from a disease that had never appeared before. This is what makes the doctors ask his parents to let Ares be hospitalized to always get the best treatment and also so that doctors can help create a drug through research through the disease that Ares received. During the treatment, Ares could not get out of his room. Every day Ares is only accompanied by various kinds of works such as novels, light novels, and manga which are often brought under by parents or doctors in order to accompany Ares during his treatment. While reading these various employees, Ares really liked one of the works, One Piece. Ares has always dreamed of being able to go to the world of One Piece and adventure in that world. Until one day suddenly Ares get his wish can be fulfilled. Then, how is the story of Ares' adventures in the world of One Piece? Listen carefully to the story.

Rey_Achiel · 漫画同人
16 Chs


Some time passed.

The battle of Shukaku and Kurama finally ended in a draw. Both of them fell down after using the strongest ability they both had. It can be said that the battle fought by Shukaku and Kurama was a better battle than the battle fought by Ares and Goku because both of them used their elements in the battle. Garp, Bogart, and the other Marines who were watching the battle were excited because it was rare for them to be able to watch such a level of battle at close range and not be afraid of running into any danger.

When the battle between Shukaku and Kurama ended, every beast that was under them both immediately entered the arena to bring them back because at that time Kurama and Shukaku immediately fell unconscious after clashing their best abilities. Garp, Bogart, and the rest of the Marines were also very satisfied watching and with the end of the battle, the audience started to leave the audience stands because it was soon going to be nighttime.

"Hahahahaha…. It was an extraordinary battle. Too bad, this old man can't participate in this kind of battle." Garp sighed in disappointment. Garp himself while watching today's two battles, himself had the will to fight. However, Garp himself also knew that he couldn't do it.

"Hey, Old Man. Are you Garp?" Suddenly Goku landed in front of the audience stands in the Ares area which caused the surrounding area to shake due to the impact of Goku's descent.

"Yes. You, Goku, aren't you? The battle you had with Ares earlier was incredible." Garp nodded while giving praise as he hugged his hands together.

"Ha ha ha ha…. Thank you for the compliment" Goku also smiled happily and then looked at Ares who was still asleep, "You have almost the same strong strength as me. By the way, Old Man Garp. Do you want to try to compete against me?"

"Is that all right?" Garp asked excitedly hearing this.

"No, no problem. Anyone can participate in the battle provided that both people have agreed to do battle. Besides, I've always listened to the achievements you accomplished in the outside world through Ares. Ares says you are strong. Since you have come here, I would like to try to fight against you, Old Man. How? Are you ready?" Goku smirked.

"Of course" Garp said excitedly, "When is the battle?"

"How about one month from now? In this one month time, the arena will always be used. There is still no time to use for combat. Besides, I still need to practice to get even stronger. How about it, Old Man?"

"One month from now? Well. I accept it. I also after this still need to get back to doing some work. I also want to prepare myself." Garp nodded in agreement at the appointed time.

"Okay. Remember, Old Man. You should come one month from now. If you are a man, you must keep your promise. Besides, don't worry, if Ares isn't here to pick you up a month from now, then I'll ask Gyuki to pick you up from outside."

"I see." Garp nodded excitedly. The feeling of battle that had been long lost had finally surfaced within Garp again.

"Okay. Then, Old Man Garp. I go first. Give my regards to Ares after he wakes up"

"Understood." Garp nodded.

Goku immediately turned around and jumped back into his territory. Arriving at the regional stands, Goku and his subordinates immediately returned to their respective territories.

"Is it okay to accept this offer of battle, Garp-san?" Bogart asked cautiously.

"Hahahaha… Don't worry. No problem, I will definitely come." Garp said excitedly and didn't really care about that.

"But do you think the Marshal would agree to it?" Bogart asked again.

"You don't think about it. I will solve this myself. If Sengoku doesn't allow it, I will take all the Sanbei stored in his office. Hahahahaha…. Nothing can stop this old man from fighting here next month." Garp laughed loudly at his happiness.

Bogart who incidentally was his aide could only sigh. Because even if he insists it definitely won't be able to be done. As long as Garp made up his mind let alone promised, Garp would definitely do it even if Sengoku didn't allow it. Actually Bogart is also excited to know that Garp accepted the battle, so Bogart will return to this island to watch another high level battle. Not only Bogart himself, but the rest of the Marines were also very excited to hear this. In fact they have also started planning to bring various things that can be used to improve the quality of watching the battle at that time.

"...By the way, Garp-san. Do we need to wake up, Ares-kun, now?" Bogart suddenly recalled the message from Ares earlier.

"Ah? Yes Hurry up and wake up Ares now. We have to come back soon. This old man is very hungry now."

"Um…" Bogart nodded and headed straight for Ares who was sleeping comfortably. His body was currently covered in various kinds of medicinal cotton to cover the wounds suffered from the previous battle.

"Ares-kun, Ares-kun, wake up. the battle is over" Bogart gently woke Ares up. Usually Bogart wouldn't do something like this. However, the person he was going to wake up to were Ares. Ares' power was terrifying. Bogart was worried that if he woke Ares up like he would wake a normal Soldier, Bogart was afraid that Ares would hit him.

"Agh~" A soft moan sounded from Ares' mouth. Ares's eyes slowly opened as he yawned.

"Haaaaa~ Hmmmm…. Bogart-san?...Is the battle over?"

"Um… the battle is over, Ares-kun"

"So. Then who won the battle?" Ares asked while yawning and relaxing his body.

"The battle ends in a draw"

"Series? Well, as usual." Ares nodded and immediately stood up while stretching his body and looking at Garp who was smiling confidently, "You seem to have a happy feeling, Garp-san. Did something happen while I was asleep?"

"Hahahahaha….. Son, Goku just came here and challenged this Old Man to a battle next month" Garp immediately said excitedly.

"Ah? Garp-san going to battle with Goku? Well, this will be very interesting. Then, how? Did Garp-san accept it?"

"Of course! The blood of this Old Man's battle was already heating up while watching the battle you guys had earlier. There's no way this Old Man would refuse." Garp said confidently.

"So. Then good luck, Garp-san. Anyway, let's go back. It's getting late at night and I'm also very hungry now."

"This old man is already very hungry"

Ares immediately activated his ability and began to cover the entire Marines using his ability and slowly flew towards the coast.

"Ares, how about you come to dinner with us?" Garp suddenly offered a dinner invitation.

"Is it okay for me to dine with you?" Ares asked while raising his brow.

"No problem, no problem. It would even be better for you to come with us to eat together." Garp said excitedly.

"Right, right, Ares-kun. Come with us to eat together"

"Yes, Ares-kun. We have a lot of food on board."

The other Marines also immediately issued their invitations for Ares to come with them for dinner tonight.

"Since this is an invitation, I will accept it" Ares smiled then followed by cheers of happiness because Ares accepted the invitation. Since it was soon going to be night, Ares started to increase the flight speed. It only took a few minutes for them to arrive at the shore and then slowly they immediately descended on the Navy Ship.

"Then, Koki. Go prepare a lot of food. Today we are going to have a party!" Garp immediately shouted excitedly.

"We understand, Vice Admiral Garp." The Chefs nodded enthusiastically. Usually when on duty, the Navy is prohibited from partying because the existing food rations have been calculated. However, in some cases this can be done as is the case now. Cases where the calculated task must be completed for a month but is only completed in one day. This allowed the Navy to party.

"Hurray! Party!" The other Soldiers immediately cheered with enthusiasm. They did not expect today to be the happiest day of their lives.

"Don't just scream. Go prepare the dining room for use!" Garp shouted angrily.

"Okay, Vice Admiral Garp." The soldiers immediately saluted Garp and ran towards the dining room to prepare for the feast. Meanwhile the rest of the Soldiers also went out to do other things and in the antechamber only Garp, Bogart and Ares remained.

Garp's gaze suddenly turned to Ares, "Ares, this Old Man wants to ask you for help"

"Help? Please. If it's within the scope of my ability. I'll be happy to help." Ares didn't refuse Garp's request for help either. After all, if Garp owed him, it would make it easier for Ares to go to hard-to-reach places like Marineford in Garp's presence.

"Th-this… Ares, this Old Man would like to ask you to help train this Old Grandson" Garp said shyly while scratching his head.

"Training your grandson? Is that Luffy?" Ares asked while raising his brow.

"Um…. Yes, that's Luffy. However, this old man had two grandchildren. The other one is named Ace."

"If I may know, what is the reason? Why doesn't Garp-san train them directly?"

Garp sighed, "Huuuu…. This old man can't train them because of the task the old man has. Old Man cannot always be by their side"

"Why? Why didn't Garp-san take them together to Marineford? Can't Garp-san take them there to be professionally trained by the instructors there?" Ares asked again. Ares himself knew the answer, but it was better to ask someone to talk to.

"There are several reasons why this Old Man doesn't want to take the two of them there. To be honest, this Old Man wants them to be able to become a Marine just like me or not they can live as ordinary people with a peaceful and safe life. However, they both don't want to do it and want to become a Pirate to achieve their dreams. This Old Man himself could not forbid the two of them, because it was their dream. However, this Old Man was worried about the strength that the two of them had. At the current level of strength the two of them had, Old Man was extremely worried about the choice they had. They would always be in great danger with the level of power the two of them possessed. Therefore, this Old Man begs you, Ares. Please help this Old Man to train the two of them. I beg you." Garp immediately lowered his head like an old man.

Bogart himself was not surprised by Garp's behavior. With Garp's personality, this was common. Bogart himself knew that Garp loved his grandsons very much and had a desire to make them into the Marines. However, Bogart also knows some reasons why Garp didn't take Ace and Luffy to Marineford. This is because of the identity they have. If the world government or Marineford finds out the identities of Ace and Luffy's parents, it will be very dangerous for both of them to be in Marineford.

At this time both of them are safe because Garp is still there. However, what if Garp had died? Surely the World Government will immediately target the two of them regardless of the rank and position they have in the Navy. Bogart is very aware of this, especially since Bogart himself has been with Garp for a very long time. However, Bogart never told this to anyone. This is because Bogart really respects Garp.

Ares sighed, "Garp-san, you don't have to look down like that. About requests, Garp-san. All right, I'll help him. After all, it wouldn't be a bad thing to get some students and friends to accompany me on this island."

"Really?!" Garp said excitedly while raising his head.

"Um…" Ares nodded and asked back, "Then Garp-san will pick them up here?"

"Tomorrow. I'll bring them here tomorrow" Garp said confidently.

"Tomorrow? Okay. By the way, Garp-san. Does your hometown have a city or a kingdom?"

"City or kingdom? Yes There is a city called Goa Kingdom near my hometown. Is there something?" Garp asked curiously while sticking his pinky to his nose.

"Exist? Then, can I come with you, tomorrow? Incidentally I also wanted to go out to buy a camera for me to use during my trip later. At the same time, I want to capture my moment on this island with my other friends."

"Hahahaha….. It doesn't matter. You can come with me tomorrow. That's also a good thing, that way, I can introduce you to them right away." Garp seemed very excited to hear Ares wanted to come along.

"Um…. By the way, Garp-san. How did you tell me about them? I want to know how they behave so that it will be easier for me to teach them in the future."

"No problem" Garp seemed more excited after hearing this request from Ares and then Garp looked at Bogart, "Bogart, you go get me a lounge chair and Ares use"

"I see, sir." Bogart quickly went to get two lounge chairs and handed them to Garp and Ares. The two of them sat there with Bogart standing behind them because Bogart himself also wanted to hear the story about Vice Admiral Garp's two grandsons who became rebellious.

To be honest Bogart himself is quite amazed by Ace and Luffy. The admiration that Bogart has for both of them is their bravery especially Luffy. A Grandpa is a Marine Hero as well as a Marine Vice Admiral, many people fear and respect Garp. The people who are afraid are those who become Pirates or who want to become Pirates. While those who respect are ordinary people. However, Luffy as a would-be Pirate often screams to become a Pirate in front of Garp and even shouts as the Pirate King without any fear. That's what makes Bogart amazed at the two children.


The next day.

At this time it seems the Marines are busy preparing for today's departure to go to the Kingdom of Goa according to Garp's instructions. All Soldiers today are excited because today Ares will be joining them. Bogart who was leading the preparations for departure walked towards Garp who was sitting at the bow of the ship while casually eating Sanbei.

"Sir, the ship is ready to depart"

"Yes. We await arrival, Ares. After that, we will leave immediately."

"I understand, sir." Bogart nodded and informed the other Soldiers before returning to Garp's side.

Suddenly Garp and Bogart sensed Ares coming towards them using their Observation Haki. It didn't take long for a silhouette from above the sky to fly towards them with a quite different appearance compared to before. Ares currently looks more presentable by wearing a dark blue sweater, black trousers, and a shoe. Ares almost looked not like a child anymore but an adult.

"Ha ha ha ha…. Finally you came too, son"

"Ahaha… I'm sorry. I still need to prepare a few things before coming here."

"No problem, no problem" Garp smiled and immediately patted Ares on the back excitedly then looked at Bogart, "Bogart, set sail"

"I understand, sir"

Bogart immediately turned back and looked at the Soldiers, "Vice Admiral Garp's orders, immediately sail to Vice Admiral Garp's hometown, Foosha Village"

"We got it!" The Marines immediately operated the ship and immediately sailed towards Foosha Village via the route they had previously used to come here.

"Wow, you look quite different now, kid," Garp praised Ares.

"Thanks for the compliment, Garp-san. Well, since it's vacation time for me, I want to use it to relax." Ares smiled and then continued, "Garp-san, when are you coming back to Marineford? What after taking Ace and Luffy to this island? Or do you still want to relax for a while?"

"I'll be leaving as soon as I get Ace and Luffy here. I want to report this task immediately to Sengoku and then prepare for the battle that will take place next month" Garp said seriously in the last sentence.

"Hmm… Do you really have to submit the report directly?" Ares asked in confusion.

"What do you mean, son?" Garp asked in confusion.

"Why don't you just use Den-Den Mushi to report to Sengoku? You can use our travel time to Foosha Village to send the report to Sengoku. That way, you can use your time here longer. You can also train on this island to prepare yourself. Also, weren't you given one month by Sengoku to do this task? There should still be plenty of time left. Even if Sengoku pulls you back, you just use the assignment excuse for a whole month. Instead of you having to go back, it will take about two weeks of possible time for you to go back and forth from here to Marineford and from Marineford to come here again"

Garp's eyes immediately lit up with excitement, "Hahahaha…. Good idea, kid." Garp immediately got excited and looked at Bogart, "Bogart, quickly prepare a Den-Den Mushi for me to contact Sengoku."

"I understand, sir." Bogart was excited in his heart. With Garp here, wouldn't he be able to watch the super exciting battles take place every week? Therefore, Bogart immediately went to prepare everything, even himself also prepared various reasons so that he could help Garp find a good reason to stay here.

Not only Bogart, the Marines who heard this were also very excited. If Garp got some regular time here, wouldn't that mean they'd get quite a long vacation? The Marines had already started fantasizing about their vacation. Because they believed, even if Sengoku didn't allow Garp, Garp would still do it.