
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · 科幻
912 Chs

Chapter 12

David ask what that is rynx looks at him like he just ask a dumbass question he says since they mess with the higher class human's and not only destroyed there home plus done a good amount to there people they will be taking a huge risk by calling on the a.i slayer neo who's we'll known all around the world as a powerful hunter who hunts his prey no matter what don't matter to him who it is or how strong they are since he's a android he has no emotions to cloud his judgements while on the job he gets it done david says he can't wait to fight him in a one v one rynx drop his head onto his shoulders letting go of all his worries telling david that if he dies today or later by the a.i warrior before he gets to die peacefully and old in his death bed he will hunt him down to make him pay for dying to early as they keep on flying for couple of minutes he begins to hear a voice in his comms he pick up answering who it is his daughter is on the other side saying finally he picks up they been looking for him these past couple of day's david says he was busy trying to figure out where he was and find a place to rest and lay low so he won't get spotted by the enemies outside his cabin.

Neveah sends him her location so he can find it while they figure out a plan to defeat neo and his hurting of the people's as they land down he is greeted by his squad member's plus his daughter and some new and old faces around him that he doesn't know he raises his hand at them asking who they might be two of the females come closer to him each taking a hand shaking it slowly both saying that they are his wife's and it's nice to meet him when he was younger grabbing there hands david says it's also nice to meet them he point to the brown hair woman asking might she be steffy she shakes her head david smiles a bit before turning to the black hair woman who keeps looking at him with little glances david comes a bit closer to her thinking in his head for some reason he feels a bit drawn to her like they have meet each other before bit he can't put his finger on it he ask the woman with black hair what might her name be she stays quiet looking at the door that's wide open david ask her if he not allowed to know her name because it can change the past and future she shakes her head up and down but he realizes something looking in her eye's he could feel her deep sadness from talking with him.

David gets a bit sad for some reason when he looks at her like he's trying to reach out to her but he can't remember why all he knows he that he has to hug her atleast once to get this feeling out the way he walks closer and closer to her opening his arm's wide hugging her first getting a good grip on her on one another david eye's get watery from just hugging her before anything can be said he breaks down falling on his knees crying in front of her grabbing her tighly saying he misses her so much telling future steffy that he remembers who she is and how much she means to him even after they force to separated from one another when they we're barely in fourth grade future steffy drops down to her knee hugging david back with all her might saying to him that she's never stop thinking about him even after they we're separated she still wanted to find a way to bring him back to life because her father made a lie about him being dead as they both are crying in each other shoulders everyone stares at them feeling happy and a bit awkward from watching them david looks up at her grabbing her face bringing it closer to him kissing her on the forehead future steffy stands up bringing him up also before hugging him one last time.

David looks so sad at her after the eventful day and finding out that his first love was still alive and became his wife in the future with a kid together as they enter the familiar home bunker walking down the stairs he see future david sitting down on the round table in the mission room saying he has been waiting for them ever sicne be send his daughter to find and bring them to help defeat the menace to their world the a.i killer neo who was once there trusted ally bakc in the old day's but he has changed to the dark order side getting a body that can match his power when he uses atleast fifty percent of his aztlan force power david is surprise on how strong he has gotten over the time skip future david calls on younger self telling him to follow as he does so he turns around throwing a punch at his direction but he manages to block it with ease and deflect him back with his haki future david is impress by his younger self strength asking him who has he train with he just says he join a fight club tournament that only involves rich people or either royals families all across their regions future david says of course he will be training crazy to be the best and to beat everyone who is stronger than him.

Including there father david ask him if he still alive or he died also along with everyone else future david says that he is still alive but he doesn't want nothing with this world or it's people he ask what happen to him that day as the extinction happen every members from the worst prodigy was being hunted down by the president men's and his father's and uncle team joining together to cleanse the the planet from evil they wanted them dead but they both had a second thought saying there just kid's they can be used and also train them to follow his order to the world right but the president was all to familiar with how the aztlanians are and act so he pull out his white blade stabing one his teammate name michael thru the chest hitting his heart as this was happening future david says he saw that happen while his friends we're getting murder and couldn't do nothing to stop it from happening they almost had him captured alive to show the entire world the face of evil but his dad broke his promise stabbing the president in his back letting him go free but not before getting murder by the neo the president personal bodyguard he shot him in the heart before he could say his goodbye to his son.

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