
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 13

Future david says that he never got to say goodbye to his dumbass dad and tell him he's sorry for not being a good son to be proud of david nods in understanding he never hated his dad it's just he just wanted to be appreciated by his dad when he did a good job that's all but there dad was always a close book whenever they try to spend some time together but now he gets it he was just preparing him for the harsh reality of the world future david says after there dad got murder he tried to help his teammates and his own mother heading to the apartment complex he was about to save her life but before that happens neo grabs him by the neck not letting him go at all tighting up his grip around his neck as he was about to lose councious his two brother's managed to push neo out the way they tell him to take mom and leave while they can as he blast the door away he calls out to his mother telling her if she's home luckily she was in her room praying after hearing her dad die future david grabs her by the wrist telling her that this place is not safe anymore they have to head back to the home bunker to prepare for the worst but she made him loose his grip on her telling him he has to think about himself.

His teammates right now are looking at him for advice during this crisis so he has to worry about them right now or he will loose them forever david stands up from his chair asking his future self did he really leave his mother to die on the apartment he stays quiet after hearing this slamming his hand on the table leaving a dent on it he walks toward his old self grabbing his shirt and picking him up telling him he's not the person that his dad and mom raise he should've keep on fighting or done something to prevent her death he was by her side future david stays quiet looking down at his hand be holding onto a small chain that has his name inside a small heart shaped jewelry that his parent's gave to him when he was little it's the last thing he has to remember them before his mom died in the orbital blast david goes outside telling his teammates and his family that he has to take a breather while they figure out a plan to stop this horrible future from ever happening again to there very own timeline as he head's out future david tell them that will have a talk with him that might help him calm down.

As he head outside he spots david sitting on a log with a small creature on his shoulders talking to one another he calls out to him but his younger self just ignores him focusing on the world itself david ask his future self what does he wants why isn't he inside figuring out a full proof plan that won't fail on them on the first time they try to do it david introduces his buddy on his shoulder to his future self as they greet one another future david where did he find a interesting creature like the one his shoulder david whistle trying to change the subject as this happens future david ask his younger self if he wanna have a sparring with him david looks at him saying that not gonna changed what he did in the past or his opinion on himself he just wanna be alone with his buddy rynx who also looks at him while growling in self defense future david thinks for a moment realizing there's a way to make david fight him as he about to open his mouth david says he will gladly have a sparring battle with him so he can loose some steam future david agrees with this idea david and his future self gain some distance from the bunker location so they can go all out without any worries.

As they fly to an open land area future david ask david if he want to go all out from the start or work there way up david says they work there way up as he power's up his base form all the way he charges forward toward his old self sending a punch toward his face but he blocks it with his palm sending him flying but he picks himself up telling the other david he's hasn't been slacking off this entire time both smiling he fires multiple air blast attacks toward the future david but he just raises his palm again destroying the entire blast attack with ease but david prepared for this too happen teleporting behind him landing a good spin kick attack to the back sending him flying but he land's perfectly cleaning his shoulder like he just took his attack with no damage at all and he just making fun of him david power's up more getting his fighting stance ready preparing for the next couple of attacks future david charges toward him sending many air blast attacks at his directions but david fire of some of his own attacks to counter it but that what future david was waiting for using advanced mastery of his air attribute to summon air cannon beam appear behind david who was caught off guard.

He's overcome by two powerful attacks a punch to the stomach and getting hit by a cannon attack from the back as a huge explosion covers them both david jumps out of the explosion smokescreen getting some distance from his future self as the smoke clears out future david power's up all the way to his aztlan force form telling david to go all out or this battle will end right now david power's up to his aztlan force form charging toward his future self as they both slam there fist against one another causing strong haki energy to shoot around them causing the ground and the sky around them to shatter from the strong impact they are giving off both david's smiles at each other having an amazing fight with one another right now as they try to overcome the other person with there own armament haki future david gets the win to push back his younger self because he is more experience with haki and he been training with a haki master ever since the extinction of his race happens that day david says he's not bad for an old man like himself future david smiles at his corny jokes charging toward him grabbing his neck and slamming him into the ground making a small crater below him.

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