

Konami Kodo, a skilled assassin hailing from the legendary House of Shadows, an organization known for breeding the strongest assassins in the world, decides to go rogue. His thirst for adventure and power leads him to steal the greatest treasure of the House - the Eyes of the Void King, a powerful relic used by the founder of the house a century ago. But Konami's thirst for adventure doesn't stop there. He sets his sights on the Akashic Records, a mythical library said to contain records of every single event since the beginning of time itself. In order to gain access to the Akashic Records, Konami must partake in the Akashic Trials, a series of dangerous trials that have never been completed for centuries. To aid him in his quest, Konami forms the Night Shade Guild, a ragtag group of outcasts and misfits, each with their own unique abilities and relics. Together, they embark on a journey filled with danger and adventure, facing off against powerful enemies and uncovering long-buried secrets. But as they delve deeper into the trials, they begin to realize that the true enemy may be closer than they think, tied to Konami's own past and the shadowy organization he once called home. Will the Night Shade Guild be able to unravel the truth and unlock the power of the Akashic Records, or will they be consumed by the darkness that surrounds them? *Cover art does not belong to me

Arkbrave · 奇幻
8 Chs

The Capital

Konami and Xander walked through the forest of Legard in silence, not saying a word to each other. The tension between them was palpable, but they both knew that they needed each other.

Konami needed Xander to take him to the Eastern Library and Xander needed Konami to not behead him or allow the territorial warewolves to eat him.

As they walked, Xander broke the silence. "Are you sure we don't need to hire some mercenaries? This forest is known to be full of Akashic spawns."

Konami reassured him, "I am an assassin, I have killed Akashic Spawns before. As a child, my grandfather would leave me in the middle of a forest like this with nothing but a knife for weeks, I hunted the beast type Akashic spawns and ate their meat."

Xander gulped. The more he spent time with the assassin, the more unease he became. 'I can't wait to get away from this demon spawn.'

Konami almost knowing what Xander was thinking said, "Don't worry, I won't kill you, I never intended to, just keep your end of the bargain and I won't have to decapacitate you. I have taken an oath to never kill an innocent again. Don't get me wrong, it's not a way of repentance, as I am already consumed by the darkness. Now, all I want is to travel the globe as an adventurer."

Xander nodded, understanding. "I grew up an orphan, this hat belonged to my father before he died, I can channel my anima through it to create a powerful flash and that's all."

He took a deep breath; he didn't know why he was opening up to the man that threatened to behead him moments ago.

"My father also taught me how to fence and steal, he was a master at both. As for me, I could barely pull off a heist without Ara and Kai. They were also orphans."

Xander unsheathed his fencing sword, "This sword was the only thing my father left me before he died. He got wasted by a mafia boss." Xander scoffs. "Do you know what people said? They said he got what he deserved. I'm not saying stealing is the right thing, but when the world turns its back against you, you're left with no choice. Of course, I won't expect you to understand."

Konami examined the sword and nodded in approval. "I don't care about your profession or your past. I'm the last person to judge you.

The first thing I was taught as an assassin was to survive. And in order to survive you have to be willing to take things by force, be it lives or coins."

The two of them continued walking, and they shared more stories about their pasts. "You and I possess some of the rarest anima attributes out there. The ability to control light and shadow is not something that many people have."

Just as he finished speaking, Konami paused in his tracks. "We're not alone," he said, looking around warily.

And sure enough, dozens of Akashic spawns appeared, surrounding them. They were a mix of werewolves, orcs and goblins, and they looked ready for battle.

Xander didn't hesitate. "Close your eyes," he shouted, "Flash!" and with a powerful flash, he blinded the beasts.

Konami used the opportunity to make quick work of the Akashic spawns, his shadow daggers slicing through them with ease.

When the last of the creatures had been defeated, Konami turned to Xander and said, "We make a pretty good team, not that I'm fond of working with others."

Xander smiled and replied, "I imagined you to be a demon spawn, but you're actually a pretty resourceful guy, considering you threatened my life a while ag-." He paused, as he sees Konami standing in front the pile of corpses.

The assassin stretched his arm and releases his shadow anima as it engulfs the warewolves sucking them into his shadow.

"What was that?" Xander just witnessed the tall pile of Akashic spawns get devoured by the shadows.

"Kikiki," Konami laughs sheepishly. "I can absorb Akashic Beasts into my shadow and summon them for combat, I can summon and control the corpse like a necromancer."

"Scratch what I said earlier, you are a demon spawn."

The two of them continued their journey through the forest, repeating the same tactics to make quick work of the Akashic spawns.

They were able to make their way through the forest with ease, thanks to Konami's training and Xander's light anima.

As they saw the exit, Xander turns to Konami and asks, "So, what's your end goal, demon spawn? I know you want to get to the great library but I'm sure that's not all. You seem like a man with purpose seeing as you dragged me through this hellhole."

Konami smiles and replies, "Were you not listening? All I want is to have an adventure, to enjoy my life to the fullest, and to find the Akashic Records."

Xander scoffs and says, "The Akashic Records is but a myth, mate. You're wasting your time chasing after something that doesn't exist."

Konami's smile widens as he replies, "That's the point of the adventure. There is no joy in chasing after something easy. I want a challenge, and what better one than finding a mythical library?"

Xander can't help but admire Konami's determination and spirit. He realizes that he may have underestimated the man, and he couldn't help but become curious as to what is in stored for Konami.

And with that, the two of them stepped out of the forest, and over the horizon was the exit of the forest.

"Huff, We made it."

"Hell yeah!" The two of them hi-fived before dashing towards the exit.

Konami can't help but stare in awe at the beautiful scenery that surrounds him.

The city is bustling with activity, with people of all walks of life going about their business. The buildings are tall and grand, and the streets are lined with vendors selling everything from food to weapons.

"Wow," Konami says, "This place is nothing like the where I came from."

Xander nods in agreement. "Legard is a beautiful country, but it's not without its problems. You see that tower over there?" he points to a bolstering tower in the middle of the city. "That's the Eastern Library, and your destination. But you can't just walk in there. Only a select few important individuals are allowed insi-"

"So, we kidnap a nobleman and force him to lead us inside." Konami suggested with a sinister grin.

"What? No! Seriously is your answer to everything violence? You really are the spawn of a demon."

"What did you expect, I was thought to kill at the age of 5." Konami shrugged.

Xander ignored the assassin and continued his explanation. "Guilds are allowed access to the libraries."

"Like the House of shadows?"

"Yes and no, from what you told me, the house of shadows is an assassin guild, they are not registered with any guild hall and thus are considered hostile. People call those types of guilds Dark guilds. The type of guild you would need to join or make is an adventure guild. Possibly with people who have similar goals as you."

"Similar goals eh?" Konami smiled over the idea of traveling the world with companions.

"See that building over there?" Xander points to a large building across the street. "That's a guild hall. There, you can form your own guild. Then you will have access to all the great libraries as well."

Konami's eyes light up at the thought of traveling the world and having the freedom to explore. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" he exclaims, unable to hide his excitement.

Xander led Konami to the General Guild Hall, where different types of guilds were registered.

The place was filled with different types of people, some dressed in magician's robes, some carrying bows, and several other types of weapons.

They headed to the counter, only to be greeted by a woman.

"Hello there, can I help you two gentlemen with anything?"

Xander started flirting with the woman, but her eyes were glued on Konami and his features, much to Xander's dismay.

"I would like to form a guild," Konami told the woman.

"I'm sorry, but you need at least three people to form a guild," the woman explained, apologetically.

"I see," Konami said, nodding his head in understanding. "Well, I suppose that's just the way it is. I'll have to find two more people to form the guild with."

"Well then," Xander gets up. "Goodluck with everything from here, I will be taking my leave, I have to return to Ara and Kai before they set their selves on fire or something."

Konami chuckles. "Yeah, thanks for the help even though I forced you. In the end I got what I wanted."

"No need to thank me and hey, I am responsible for that, I hate to admit it, but I messed with the wrong person. I overestimated my own strengths. Meeting you has shown me that there are monsters in the world, and If I want to protect the things, I hold dear, I will have to get stronger." Xander finished with a newfound determination.

"I guess that makes us even then."

Xander grinned, "More or less, Demon spawn. And I have to admit, I'm a little bit jealous of your journey. I still think its farfetched but, it sounds like it's going to be quite the adventure."

Konami smiled, "It is. And I'm looking forward to it. But before I go, I have one more thing to say to you."

Xander raised an eyebrow, "What's that?"

Konami stretched out his hand, "You're the first person I'm glad I didn't kill. Thank you for everything, Xander."

Xander grinned and took Konami's hand in a firm handshake, "I had fun killing those Akashic spawns with you."

As soon as Xander turned to leave, they heard loud screams of agony coming from right outside the guild hall.

Without hesitation, Konami and Xander, along with everyone else that was in the building, rushed out to see what was happening.

As they stepped outside, they were met with a gruesome sight. Several bodies were lying on the ground, all with large slash wounds on their bodies. But the most striking thing was the tall, muscular man standing over them, his red great sword stained with blood.

The people gathered around began to mutter among themselves. One man said, "That's Vladimir Vex, The Red Slayer. One of the most feared mercenaries in the land."

"And those men he fought are on the wanted posters." Another man added.

"They are from the Bandits guild. They have been causing trouble all over Legard, it's good to see someone put them in their place." The people cheered for the man who stood victorious.

"He wiped them out singlehandedly?" Xander exclaimed in shock. The man's sword was a relic, and it was clear that he was incredibly strong.

Vladimir laughed triumphantly. "To think I was expecting a challenge when I came back, the people here have gone soft. Maybe I should just challenge that annoying woman again."

Xander was ready to turn and leave, but he was surprised to see Konami walking up to the towering man. "You, fight me," Konami said, his voice filled with determination.

Xander plopped to the ground comically. "I can't say I didn't expect that," he muttered to himself.

The two men locked eyes, Vladimir with a smirk and Konami with a grin, both ready for battle. "I am Konami Kodo," he said. "And if I win, you will join my guild."