

Konami Kodo, a skilled assassin hailing from the legendary House of Shadows, an organization known for breeding the strongest assassins in the world, decides to go rogue. His thirst for adventure and power leads him to steal the greatest treasure of the House - the Eyes of the Void King, a powerful relic used by the founder of the house a century ago. But Konami's thirst for adventure doesn't stop there. He sets his sights on the Akashic Records, a mythical library said to contain records of every single event since the beginning of time itself. In order to gain access to the Akashic Records, Konami must partake in the Akashic Trials, a series of dangerous trials that have never been completed for centuries. To aid him in his quest, Konami forms the Night Shade Guild, a ragtag group of outcasts and misfits, each with their own unique abilities and relics. Together, they embark on a journey filled with danger and adventure, facing off against powerful enemies and uncovering long-buried secrets. But as they delve deeper into the trials, they begin to realize that the true enemy may be closer than they think, tied to Konami's own past and the shadowy organization he once called home. Will the Night Shade Guild be able to unravel the truth and unlock the power of the Akashic Records, or will they be consumed by the darkness that surrounds them? *Cover art does not belong to me

Arkbrave · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Konami steps off the boat and onto the docks of Eren, the harbor town of Legard.

He takes a deep breath of the sea air and looks around at the bustling port.

He can see merchants hawking their wares, sailors unloading cargo, and travelers like himself making their way through the crowds. He can't help but feel a sense of excitement and freedom wash over him.

"I am free," he says to himself with a smile.

But that smile quickly turns to a frown as he is approached by three men.

"Good day mate, the name's Xander." The tall, sleek man wearing a black blazer tipped his hat. "These are Ara and Kai." He gestures to other men who weren't dressed as classy as he is.

" I can't help but notice that you are not from around here, we are tour guides and gracefully at your service."

" I'm in need of directions." Konami replied.

"And where would you like to visit mate?"

"The Eastern Library."

The Eastern Library is one of the 4 great libraries in the world. Each one is a blistering tower with hundreds of books containing information and stories about the old world.

Xander rubs his chin. "The Eastern library eh?"

"That's located in the capital city of Legard boss." Said Ara. Kai moved closer to whisper to Xander.

"But to go all the way there we have to cross Legard forest we also need to higher mercenaries to fend off the Akashic Spawns."

Xander facepalmed as he whispered back. "I know that you oaf, are you forgetting why we are here?"

Konami tilted his head as he watches the two muttering silently amongst themselves.

"We are here to con this sucker." Xander turns to Konami wearing a wide grin. "We will gladly take you there my good sir for a measly 50 gold pieces."

Without hesitation, Konami hands over the money, eager to progress in his journey.

As they make their way through the crowded streets, Konami can't help but feel like something is off.

The three men seem too smooth, too practiced in their sales pitch. But he brushes off his doubts and focuses on the task at hand.

But his suspicions are proven right when Xander, the leader of the group, suddenly removes his top hat and releases a powerful flash that momentarily blinds Konami.

The three men take off running, leaving Konami standing there, dazed and robbed of his gold. Konami curses himself for falling for such an obvious trick, but then bursts into laughter.

He realizes that this is the first thrilling encounter he's had since leaving the House of Shadows.

He wears a sadistic smile on his face and says, "The thrill of a hunt. I will find those thieves and make them pay tenfold for crossing Konami Kodo."

He starts to make his way through the streets, determined to track down the con men. He asks locals for directions and information, but they all seem too afraid to speak.

Konami starts to feel like he's getting nowhere until he meets a street vendor who offers to help him for a small fee.

"I know those blokes you're lookin' for," the vendor says with an Australian accent. "They're a slippery bunch, but I know where they like to hang out. For a few gold pieces, I can lead you right to 'em."

Konami was reluctant to trust the man at first till he reveals that he was also conned by Xander and his lackeys. He agrees and gives the man his remaining gold, and the vendor leads him through the winding streets of Eren until they reach a seedy tavern on the outskirts of town.

The vendor points to the tavern and says, "That's the place. Good luck, mate."

Konami thanks the vendor and approaches the tavern. As he enters, he can hear the sound of laughter and conversation coming from inside. He makes his way through the crowded tavern, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of the con men.

As he reaches the bar, he sees them sitting at a table in the corner, laughing and counting their stolen gold. Konami approaches them with a cold and menacing look on his face.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't our mark," Xander says with a smirk, "We were wondering when you'd show up."

"You have something that belongs to me," Konami says through gritted teeth.

"And what's that?" Xander asks, feigning innocence.

"My gold," Konami says, his hand instinctively going to the daggers he manifested.

"Oh, that," Xander says with a shrug, "Consider it a lesson learned. Never trust a stranger, especially in a place like this."

"You're right," Konami says, his voice calm but dangerous, "I should have known better. But now you're going to cough off everything you owe me." He smirks

The con men broke into laughter much to Konami's annoyance as he clenches his shadow daggers. "You have no idea who you're messing with."

"Neither do you mate, I am Xander Cage, the star of Eren!" Xander proclaims confidently.

"Yeah!" Ara cheers.

"You tell him, boss!" Kai adds.

"Our boss is a master fencer and together we will wreck you if you don't split."

Xander robs his nose, his ego getting to him.

"You think you're so tough, coming here with your fancy daggers and your fancy words. But we're not afraid of you."

Konami's smirk widens. "Is that so? Well, I suppose we'll just have to see about that."

With that, he lunges forward, his daggers a blur as he engages in battle with the con men. The fight was anything but a fight.

The people gathered as they watched Konami ruthlessly beat the con men, some of them even cheered. They knew about Xander and his mischievous Job of scamming people, they were just not strong enough to oppose someone who possesses the light anima.

Anima is a power present in every living being. Although, only a handful of people, mostly warriors and martial artists, are able to harness this power. And a fewer number are able to attain an attribute.

Xander has one of the rarest Anima attributes out there. Even Konami was impressed.

The fight ended with his opponents kneeling on the ground, bruised and bloodied.

"I expected much from someone who could use light anima. I guess that flash show was nothing but a hat trick."

"Who are you? I have never seen moves like that, even at the arena."

"You see?" he says, his voice cold and calculating.

"I told you that you had no idea who you were dealing with." He turns to Xander, who is still sneering up at him. "And now, I believe we had a deal. You're going to take me to one of the four great libraries, and you're going to do it now."

Xander scoffs. He had just been bested by a stranger he met, but his attitude showed no sign of change. "Or what? You'll kill me? Go ahead and try. There are people here."

Konami darts him a killer look that sent chills running down his spine.

"I don't care. And do you possibly think the people here would give a flying fuck as to what happens to their resident con men? If anything, they will thank me." Konami finished with a devious smile.

Xander gulps, showing signs of fear for the first time.

Konami's smile turns into a dangerous grin. He had finally broken his prey's spirit.

And with that, he presses the tip of his dagger against Xander's throat, letting the con man know that he's not to be trifled with.

Xander's bravado falters, and he nods quickly. "Alright, alright. I'll take you to the library. Just, let these guys go. They were only following orders."

"Boss…" The lackeys started tearing up.

"Good," Konami says, making his daggers vanish and turning to leave. "Let's go, and you already know this, but cross me again, and I will come back for these shitheads after I dissect your body."

Moments passed and Konami and Xander were ready to depart. They were stated at the northern exit of the town where the forest is visible.

"Boss, please be safe." Ara and Kai hugged Xander, much to his shock, he smiled and patted their heads

"Have you forgotten who you're speaking with? I am the invincible Xander Cage, don't do anything that I wouldn't do while I'm gone also, don't do anything that I would do."

And with that, Konami and Xander walked off to the forest infested with Akashic Spawns.