Konami Kodo, a skilled assassin hailing from the legendary House of Shadows, an organization known for breeding the strongest assassins in the world, decides to go rogue. His thirst for adventure and power leads him to steal the greatest treasure of the House - the Eyes of the Void King, a powerful relic used by the founder of the house a century ago. But Konami's thirst for adventure doesn't stop there. He sets his sights on the Akashic Records, a mythical library said to contain records of every single event since the beginning of time itself. In order to gain access to the Akashic Records, Konami must partake in the Akashic Trials, a series of dangerous trials that have never been completed for centuries. To aid him in his quest, Konami forms the Night Shade Guild, a ragtag group of outcasts and misfits, each with their own unique abilities and relics. Together, they embark on a journey filled with danger and adventure, facing off against powerful enemies and uncovering long-buried secrets. But as they delve deeper into the trials, they begin to realize that the true enemy may be closer than they think, tied to Konami's own past and the shadowy organization he once called home. Will the Night Shade Guild be able to unravel the truth and unlock the power of the Akashic Records, or will they be consumed by the darkness that surrounds them? *Cover art does not belong to me