
New Start: Pokémon World

A recently deceased Soul, protected by the harsh environment of the void, comes across a powerful entity who in exchange for his abundant amount of positive karmic energy proposes a deal for a new start in a world of his dreams. Presented with such a choice the lost soul decides to travel into a world resembling his most favorite childhood media franchise, a dream he never thought possible. ______________________________ Note: I do not own the rights to pokemon or various other parts of this story. Also, story wise, I might make use of various pokemon fan games in the future. I don't own the Cover.

Sero4K · 游戏衍生
44 Chs

Honey City


Species: Riolu 

Gender: Male 

Age: 2+ 

Type: Fighting 

Rank: Bronze(low) 

Abilities: Inner Focus, Iron Fist 

Traits: Pure Blood(fighting), Budding Aura, Full Buff(all stats +40%) 

Affinities: Fighting, Aura(weak), Steel(new) 

Bond: Lukas Emerald(weak) 


Stats: (Bronze) 

Vitality: Low 

Strength: Low 

Constitution: Low 

Agility: Low 

E.Strength: Low 

E.Constitution: Low 




Bullet Punch* 


Fire Punch 


Aura Sphere*, Ice Punch*, Sword Dance, Thunder Punch, Protect 


Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Bite, Screech* 


Brick Break, Agility 


Rank-up req.: ??? 

Evolution req.: Bond(Strong), Intermediate Fight-Type move, (high)Bronze-Rank 


It seems like his theory was correct after all. 

Riolu received three new additions to his summary, the ability Iron Fist, the trait Full Buff, and a new Steel affinity. 

His new Steel affinity was probably a result of the item he held while advancing, Iron Fist is new and is the result of Riolus "perfect breakthrough". 

Lastly the trait Full Buff come as a slight surprise to Lukas, according to his calculations the bonus to all stats should only be +30%, yet it seems getting the highest level buff increases the percentage a bit. 

Besides his stats that are all (low)Bronze like they normally should be, Riolu also had some changes in his move set. 

Lukas already knew that Aura Sphere must've increased to Novice mastery seeing how effortless Riolu performed the move. Yet aside from Ice Punch and Screech that naturally rose up over the last week he also caught a trace of the move Bullet Punch, whether that is a coincidence or also because of the spike he used up, Lukas doesn't know. 


3 weeks later, 

Lukas and his Pokemon slowly made their way to Honey City, about 280 km away, while continuously training and battling the occasional wild Pokemon. 

After three weeks and with the help of the training potion Lukas made for him, Charmander increased all his stats to high. 

Now he got ready to use the special training exercises Lukas taught him that are necessary to seamlessly start the limit training. 

Although a Pokemon can eventually raise its stats to peak even without them, it is completely up to chance how long it will take to do so. 

Abra on the other hand prioritized expanding her move set, increasing the mastery for the three damaging moves she already had a slight understanding of. 

Next, using Riolus Thunder Punch as a reference and after fighting against a mischief of Pikachu, she also learned some Electric type moves. 

"How about it, are you excited about the Honey City Fight Club?" 


Continuing on their way, the group eventually manage to see the walls of Honey City. 

Unlike the towering and pristine walls of Viridian City, these walls look much more rundown, with multiple marks showing the hard fought battles of the past. 

Honey City got its name from being the number 1 Honey producer of the entire northern continent. 

Since Viridian Forest is a prime honey producing spot, the founders of the city imported thousands of Combee when the City got established. 

Of course the large local colonies of Beedrill, native to Viridian Forest, also heavily attribute to the honey industry. 

As long as the honey farmers don't provoke the wild Beedrill or take too much of their honey, nothing bad will usually happen, in fact thanks to the colonies close to the city there is almost no danger of Pokemon hordes forming. 

There is one exception however, every 15–20 years a Queen Beedrill will be born. 

How exactly that happens is not known, the only thing that the Poke Rangers could find out was that somewhere in the center of the Forest an ancient Bee like Pokemon lives that may or may not be the cause of it. 

Anyway, once the aforementioned Queen Beedrill gets born it will quickly unite many of the nearby colonies and attack everything around them, whether that's a human settlement or wild Pokemon territory. 

Honey City, being the closest human settlement around, is always the first to face the brunt of the attack. 

Considering this, it should come as no surprise that the Junior-Gym of Honey City is Flying-Type. 

Of course there are also 3 Dojos in the City of the Fire, Rock and Bug type. 

One may question, if this city is in so much danger, why is there only a Junior-Gym? 

Well, the only Elite-Gyms are all in one of the 8 major Cities all around the region with all 16 normal Cities having a Junior-Gym, you can find the same distribution in all human regions. 

Also, while the gym here is labeled Junior-Gym, that does not have anything to do with the trainer acting as Gym-leader. 

William Wright is the current Gym-leader and different to most Gym-leaders, his main Pokemon are well known since he always acts as the first line of defense. 

He is a top Elite-Rank trainer, and his ACE Pokemon is a Diamond-Rank Pidgeot capable of Mega-transforming.(yes there is a difference between Mega-transforming and Mega-evolution) 

While various information about the city and its history swirl around in Lukas head, he eventually arrived there, and after a quick search made his way straight to the nearest Poke center next to the local branch of the Pokemon Fight Club. 

4 hours later, Lukas is in his booked room holding his trainer ID. It looks just like when he first received it, except that his rank was raised from Rookie to Junior. 

Pocketing his ID again, Lukas thinks about his plans for the next few day/weeks. 

'To have a chance at the Gym-challange I need all three of my Pokemon to reach the (mid)Bronze rank.' 

Junior Gym challenges are divided into two difficulties, easy and hard. For the easy challenge, the Gym-leader will only use Pokemon of the Bronze-rank, and Silver-rank Pokemon for the hard challenge. 

No matter which challenge you pick, you will always receive a badge, the biggest difference between both is the amount of prize money/rewards you get. 

While Lukas would love to complete the hard challenge since he is strapped for cash, he will have to do with the easy challenge for now. 

'Charmanders remaining training potion should be enough for him to reach Bronze. Meaning I still have to make one for Abra.' 

'In order to make the improved version for Riolu, I would need some Silver-rank items...' thinking about the costs of Silver-rank items... 

'Forget it' 

He could think of two ways to make money in his situation. 

First, go back into the Forest but deeper this time and search for valuable items, whether they be natural treasures or Pokemon parts... 

Second, just go straight to the Fight Club and make do with the prize money they're handing out. 

'Well, seems like an easy decision.' 

Since his main objective was making his Pokemon stronger, the fight club that'll allow them to go wild is the obviously better choice. 

Earning money while doing so could be considered an added bonus. 

Having made his choice, Lukas made his way out of the Poke center in the direction of the Fight Club. 

Of course, while the name may sound sketchy at first, it is in fact a fully Alliance owned and backed organization spanning over the entire human domain. 

Its main popularity among trainers comes from the relatively easy and most importantly safe money one can earn there. 

Money is earned trough two ways, first, the prize for winning a match that consists of a flat amount dependent on your FC(Fight Club) Rank added together with a percentage of the earnings the FC made through bettings on your match. 

Second, should you opt to allow them to record/broadcast your fights you will also receive ad revenue, the general rule for that is 1000 views= 1PD on a recorded match and 5 PD/match for every thousand live viewers. 

Upon entering the FC branch, Lukas is greeted with a lively lobby full of trainers, all seemingly waiting for their next match. 

Not letting his gaze wander too long, he makes his way to one of the unoccupied reception desks. 

"Good day sir, how can I help you?" 

"Ah yes, I would like to register for the FC." 

"No problem sir, could you please give me your trainer ID card?" 

"No problem" 

Handing the lady behind the desk his ID, Lukas watches as she does his registration. 

"Alright, just a few more questions." 

"Go ahead." 

"Do you permit the FC to record/broadcast your matches?" 


"Are you aware of the FC-ranks and how to scale them?" 


"Lastly...", breathing a little quicker, she asks, "are you, by any chance, related to/know Catrina Emerald?" 

When Lukas heard her question, his mind went blank.