Naruto Uzumaki, a whirlwind of chaotic energy, finds himself thrust into a strange new world. Unfazed by the unfamiliar surroundings, he embraces his natural inclination for mayhem, using it as a springboard to rise to the top. While the Hokage's seat may be beyond his grasp, he's not one to be deterred. Naruto sets his sights on a new ambition, determined to carve his own path to greatness, leaving a trail of laughter and destruction in his wake. ———————————————————— . . . Subscribe to my Patreon for more advanced content... more than 50 chapters in advance , in addition to other stories ,and I publish more than 5 chapters a day .. Link to my profile on Patreon : Or look for me by my name on Patreon "Lara Croft. S". There is also the complete novel and others in PDF files ...
The light from the sun streamed in through the small window covered by a set of blinds that only did a half-assed job of actually keeping said rays of blinding luminescence from getting through. One blond haired, blue eyed young man groaned in discontent as his eyes flickered open very briefly. They closed almost immediately after as they were hit by a beam of light so bright the young man thought he might go blind.
Damn that sun. Couldn't it have picked a better time to rise? Or better yet, not risen at all? One of these days he was going to find some way to turn it off.
Or blow it up.
He would prefer blowing it up.
Grunting slightly, the blond male slowly sat up in bed, stifling a yawn with one hand as he did. Oh how he hated mornings. They always seemed to come at the worst times.
They actually didn't. He just wasn't much of a morning person.
As the blond began to gain more cognitive thoughts, he stretched himself out, turning this way and that as he raised his hands high into the air and listened to his back pop and crack in a way that would make most people cringe. Slowly but surely, Uzumaki Naruto got out of bed and made his way into the bathroom with a stumbling gait.
It was just another day of his new life.
After making his way towards the shower and turning on the water, Naruto ran a hand through his spiky locks of blond hair before turning to look at himself in the mirror.
At 17 years of age, Naruto could say he was honestly pleased with what he saw. Back when he was younger, he had always been very short. Even after coming back from his 3 year training trip, he had only grown tall enough to match the height of a few of his friends. In the past few months he had finally managed to grow to a nice, above average height for someone his age. Sure, he was no Jiraiya, but he was taller than his old man had been. That had to count for something.
Absently, Naruto raised both his hands and pressed them together to make a strange seal with his fingers. It looked like a cross. He focused for a moment, looking both inward and outward, his eyes staring intently at his stomach while his mind, body and soul searched for something he had been dearly hoping to feel again since coming here.
After a second or two, he sighed.
"Still nothing..."
There was not even a hint of what he had been looking for. Man, talk about depressing.
He shook his head and slapped himself on the cheeks to get out of his minor funk. It would be best to not dwell on it. There was always tomorrow, right? Right.
The shower began to steam and Naruto stepped in, groaning as the heat caused his aching muscles in his back and shoulders to loosen. He pressed his palms against the wall of the shower and let the hot liquid run down his frame and mat his hair to his head. It felt so good, especially after a hard night of trying to get his ruined body back into shape. That old saying that you never knew what you had lost until it was gone had never rung more true to him than it did now.
After his shower, the blond was finally awake and capable of getting ready for the day. This consisted of him getting dressed in the uniform of his school; a black blazer over a white, long-sleeved shirt with black highlights and a black ribbon on the collar and matching black pants. The rest of his outfit was actually much different from the standard academy uniform, an orange short sleeve shirt underneath his dress shirt and orange and black sneakers. They were still considered acceptable within the school standards, though the Principle had frowned upon seeing his choice in color.
Not that he cared. If that man didn't understand the greatness of orange, that was his problem.
Once he was dressed and his stomach was full, the blond locked the door to his apartment and was ready to start his day with a grin. Today was going to be a good day. He could feel it.
Today was going to suck. He just knew it.
In his haste to finally begin his new lease on life, he had forgotten about one simple fact that made all his possible enjoyment of the day evaporate like a water jutsu when it was struck by an overpowered fire jutsu.
He had school today. What's worse was this was a normal high school. He hated school on the best of days, but at least back when he was an 8 year old brat they had been teaching him how to be a kick ass ninja. All the crap they were trying to shove down the throats of the young here was just useless.
What good was algebra and science going to do anyone who didn't plan on being a nerdy science geek? What good was history when he didn't give two twats about the past? When would the velocity vector v of an object that has positions x(t) at time t and x at time , can be computed as the derivative of position: ever be useful?
Never. That's when. Naruto wasn't some nerdy science geek or some stupid smart physics professor in the making. He was a ninja, combat was his profession and kicking ass was his calling card. He didn't need to learn math, history and physics. Let the people who were going into professions that needed to use that crap learn it. He was just fine sticking to his fists.
Granted, he didn't know how a ninja would live in this world, but he was sure he could figure something out if given time.
Until that time came, however, he was stuck going to school. Talk about sucking it big time. Oh well, at least it was a decent school.
The school he was going to was called Kuoh Academy. Naruto heard tell that at one point it had been an all-girls school, but had changed to coed sometime before he had arrived.
The academy was actually a very beautiful campus. Naruto could admit that much at least. It was large, as in, really large. Try gigantic. It consisted of several buildings with the main one being a long, rectangular building that was four stories tall with a slanted roof, reddish brown tiles and built like some kind of traditional European Mansion.
At least he thought it was a European Mansion. His knowledge on the history of this world and it's architecture was incredibly sketchy, meaning nearly nonexistent. Still, it was a very nice looking building and he supposed that's what mattered.
All that being said, he still didn't want to be here. Just why he let that strange man talk him into coming here was so far beyond him at the moment it wasn't even worth thinking about.