
Chapter : 31

"Then why do you keep making fun of me for being perverted?"

"Because it's fun!"

Issei's eye twitched violently.

Rias covered her hand to hide her giggling. At the same time, Akeno coughed into hers. Not just to stifle her own giggles, but to get Rias' attention.

"Ara, ara, now that we've all had our fun at Issei's expense." Said boy looked like someone had just struck him with lightning, which was very apt, considering who was talking about him. "I have an order of suppression from the Arch-Duke."

Naruto watched as Rias' expression morphed from its amused expression to a much more serious one. He raised an eyebrow, tempted to ask about what an 'order of suppression' was, but decided not to, figuring he would get an answer soon enough.

He had no idea how right he was.

Naruto found himself standing alongside Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, Issei and Rias later that night. The full moon was out, its moonbeams shining down upon them and casting an eery glow on the abandoned mansion they stood in front of. It was here that Rias had led them to after receiving the 'order of suppression' from that Arch-Duke guy.

Said mansion looked like it had once been a grand home filled with ostentatious decorations that would be par for the course of most homes where rich, snobbish people lived. Now it was rundown and abandoned. A derelict building that looked like it had been the victim of several decades worth of neglect. The walls were cracked and stained. Moss and vines had overgrown much of the structure. The windows were broken yet the inside was too dark for even Naruto's vision to pick anything out. The place was truly in great disrepair.

"Listen up you two," Rias attracted Naruto's and Issei's attention. "This will be important for you two to remember, as it's something that we will likely be called on to do again in the future."

Naruto instantly perked up as he focused his attention on Rias. At that moment, she sounded very much like a Jounin about to instruct her genin. It was actually kind of nostalgic.

"Rogue Devils are underling Devils much like yourself, except they ended up betraying their masters and went rogue. Most of them that strike out on their own act like nothing more than rabid dogs. And much like rabid dogs, they need to be put down. One of the laws of our kind is that if a Rogue Devil is found, they are to be destroyed with extreme prejudice."

Naruto found himself nodding his head as he stored the information way. It was actually very familiar to him, as it reminded him of how shinobi villages dealt with their missing ninja.

Missing ninja were not only security risks due to the simple fact that they had gone rogue, but also contained a lot of secrets within their bodies that could be used to by other villages if they fell into the wrong hands. That was why they needed to not only be killed, but their bodies destroyed entirely.

That made him wonder, when Rogue Devils were killed, did they need to take the head back as proof of the kill? And could people earn bounties by killing them?

For a second, Naruto pondered the idea of hunting Rogue Devils for cash. It might be a good idea to earn money.

He quickly discarded the idea, however. He understood the necessity of eliminating people when they became dangerous to the safety of innocents, but he had never enjoyed killing.

"I take it that's why we're here?" asked Naruto, gesturing towards the empty house. "There's a Rogue Devil in there and we've been ordered to destroy it?"

Rias flashed him a pleased smile. "Yes, that is it exactly. We've recently received reports that humans have gone missing around here. Normally, we wouldn't bother with rumors, since there are a number of humans that go missing all the time, but these reports claimed that the missing were all seen entering this house and never came out. That's normally a sign that a Rogue Devil has taken up residency and is luring humans in to eat them." She paused, then added, "It helps that the Arch Duke informed us that there was a Rogue Devil in our territory."

"Sounds like a nasty business," Naruto muttered while Issei paled at the knowledge that there were Devils who ate humans.

"It is," Rias admitted solemnly.

The group soon made their way into the house. The stench of blood clung heavily to the air. Naruto, with his enhanced senses, nearly gagged on the scent. It was only because he had grown so used to the smell of blood during the Fourth Great Ninja War that he was able to keep the bile wanting to rise in his throat down.

Issei was not nearly as lucky. The boy's face was green and he looked like he might vomit at any moment.

Naruto felt some sympathy for the kid. He had been just a regular person before he got caught up in all this due to that Sacred Gear in his arm. It really wasn't fair to him that he had to deal with this new lifestyle that he was in no way prepared for.

Among those who seemed to have trouble dealing with the scent was Koneko, whose nose was crinkled in disgust and her face took on a shade of green similar to Issei's. She probably had enhanced senses like Naruto did, being what she was.

Naruto closed distance with her and absently handed her a cloth soaked in perfume.

Don't ask where he got the perfume or the cloth. Just go with it.

Koneko smiled in thanks as she gratefully took the cloth and used it to cover her nose.

"Issei, Naruto," Rias said as they fully entered the mansion. The sound of their footsteps echoed loudly in the empty hallway. "This will be a good chance for you to see how we Devils battle." She paused for a second, then added, "I should also probably take the time to explain how the servant system works and what traits you gain as one."

Issei scratched the back of his head in obvious confusion. "What do you mean by traits?"

That question was all Rias needed to begin her lesson. "I've already explained the relationships between the Devil, Angel and Fallen Angel factions. The three-way war between those three factions left all sides exhausted in both moral and strength. A large number of pure blood Devils lost their lives, and there simply weren't enough of us to make up for the losses we suffered. Because of this, we needed to find a way to build our forces back. This was how the Evil Piece system was put into place."

Issei gave Rias a look that said he had no clue what she was talking about. Naruto didn't either, but figured she would explain and thus kept himself from reacting too overtly.





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