
Chapter : 28

Koneko. Getting out from underneath Koneko proved to be a bit of a struggle. It seemed the white-haired first year just did not want to get off Naruto. The girl's grip on him tightened and her face seemed to bury itself deeper into his pectoral muscles. She made the cutest mewing noises that nearly had Naruto caving in right then and there, and when she looked up at him with those eyes, those large, teary, amber orbs, the blond just about died of moe.

For the first time since watching Koneko get pampered by Naruto, Rias found something amusing in the whole situation.

Eventually, after many promises of more head petting and pampering, Koneko allowed the blond to leave his spot on the couch, albeit, she had the cutest pout on her face. Even Rias was tempted to tell Naruto he could sit back down when she saw that expression that seemed to be the epitome of adorableness.

Not that she would give in to temptation. Naruto was her servant, not Koneko's, and that was that.

On a side note, Issei ended up passing out from a nosebleed when he saw Koneko's pout.

Standing next to Rias, Naruto held out his hand, watching as the red-haired beauty took it in her own and turned his palm towards the ceiling. Taking her pointer finger, the devil who gave him a second chance at life began drawing a circle similar, albeit much less complicated, to the one that Akeno had made.

"This tool will allow you to utilize the magical diagram to teleport to your summoner," Rias explained as Naruto examined the circle. After a few moments consideration, he determined that it would be easy enough to replicate this circle on his own from now on. Though he had no clue what he would use it for. "Akeno, are you ready?"

"It's ready, Buchou," Akeno nodded, "You can start any time."

"Okay, Naruto, stand in the middle of the magical diagram."

Doing as told, Naruto stepped into the circle. Almost immediately he felt the power being emitted by the glowing circle. It was similar to, but not quite the same as chakra. The best way he could describe it was that it felt more pure, or maybe more dense. It almost reminded him of Kurama's awesome chakra, just not as powerful.

"This magic circle is what you will be using to teleport to various jobs," Rias continued explaining. "The summoner will have a similar magic circle from those fliers you passed out yesterday." The light from the circle began to glow more brightly and Naruto's hair began wavering as if caught in a breeze. "Do you remember what to do once you get there?"

"Make a contract with the summoner in exchange for granting their wish," Naruto recited. "I got it. You don't need to worry about me, Rias!" The blond grinned as he gave the girl a thumbs up. "I've got this in the bag!"

Rias could not help but be taken with his enthusiasm. She smiled, and said, "Very well then. Have a safe trip, Naruto."

Light soon engulfed his vision. The blond had to actually close his eyes it was so bright. When the back of his eyelids darkened, telling him it was finally safe for him to open them, he did so...

… and promptly frowned. He was definitely no longer in the clubroom, that much was for sure. But the room he had entered wasn't exactly what he had been expecting from someone summoning a devil.

What had he been expecting? Basically, he had been expecting some kind of satanic looking room with a dark atmosphere and maybe an alter or two for sacrifices or something. That's the kind of thing satanic cultists had decorating their house's, right?

What he got instead was a bright, cheery room with white walls, a cream colored floor and pink, flowing curtains. It was a very girly room. The kind he would have expected from, well, a really cute girl.


Turning around, Naruto found himself being met by said really cute girl, thereby confirming his suspicions about the person who such decore belonged to. The girl in question had long black hair in princess curls, electric blue eyes and pale skin. She was very cute, which Naruto would freely attest to.

She also didn't look much older than 11 or 12.

"Um..." This couldn't have been the person who summoned him, could she? "Excuse me, but I was wondering if you could ―"

"Mou~!" The girl interrupted him by crossing her arms over her chest and adopting an adorable pout. If Naruto had motherly instincts, they would have kicked in just now. "I was hoping to get Kiba-kun when I summoned a Devil."

Naruto's right eye twitched. So this girl really did summon him then...

Dear God, they were getting younger, weren't they?

"Still," the girl walked over to the blond, examining him from head to toe.

"O-Oi, what are doing?" asked Naruto as the girl moved behind him and pinched his butt. He squeaked and held both hands against his offended rear end. "What was that for?"

The girl completed her circuit and took a position, standing in front of him. There was a large smile on her face and her cheeks were stained red.

"You're kinda cute too," she admitted at last. Naruto felt like he had passed some kind of test or something. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

"That's... good to know... I think..." He was actually kind of disturbed by this girl. What sort of 11 year old pinches people on the ass?

Well, whatever. Time to get down to business, he supposed. This girl had summoned him after all.

"So, do you have a wish you would like me to grant...?" he trailed off, inviting her to tell him what she wanted.

"I want you to take my virginity!"

"Eh?" Naruto stared at the girl blankly for several seconds. He then reached out with his hand and dug his pinky into his ear. When he was satisfied that all of the ear wax was gone, he looked back at the girl. "I'm... sorry, could you repeat that? I don't think I heard you properly the first time."





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