
Naruto- Amaterasu

" Who is that man" A meek voice enquired. " Not much is known about him, they say he is invincible. Nobody knows where he came from, the only information about him are his black flames and his name " "his name ?" " ACE" The logia Fruit Of the Heavenly flames of Amaterasu fell in the Hands of the Young Kuroko. Watch his journey as he reaches the full potential of his Powers in the world of the ninjas and lead it through his ideals and strength alone. discord- https://discord.com/invite/kMcexXTzhE

IMMORT_AL · 漫画同人
30 Chs


< :) >

< Discord- https://discord.com/invite/kMcexXTzhE >

<word count-1089>


"Shizu, Shizu," Kuroko called out the name of his friend multiple times. "Itachi, tell me, is she okay? Check her pulse." He called out to his Uchiha friend. His teacher was still in a battle with the other Jonin, so he had no chance to contact him as of now.

Itachi wasn't faring any better. If the gore he had just witnessed wasn't enough, seeing the blood oozing out of Shizu was enough of a blow to the Uchiha.

"I don't know Kuroko. She is breathing, but her pulse keeps getting low." Desperation clinged to his voice; he couldn't let his friend die, not like this. The cloth he had pressed to her stomach couldn't hold the blood she was losing. 

The dogs weren't doing any better, either dead or unconscious, but they sure weren't moving, and there was no time to check any of that. 

"I have it, the bandaid." Kuroko, who was rummaging through his ninja bag, quickly took out the bandage kit he had brought. 

"Here, put this on the wound." An ointment was put on the still-bleeding wound. The blood wasn't stopping, and to stop infection in case any, they had to do it. 

"I will roll it around her now; keep pressing Itachi," Kuroko quickly instructed Itachi. His hands were shaking; he had never seen a close one die. 

And Shizu wasn't just any close one. 

When he entered this world through a transmigration, she was one of the first friends he had made; she was funny, immature, and definitely not like how a ninja should be. 

In fact, if he had to compare, he would even compare her attitude with Naruto's, albeit more rude. 

When he couldn't fathom making friends, she came, made fun of him, and called him names. 


He didn't like the name at first. It was immature, clearly stupid, and definitely not for a 'genius' Shinobi such as himself. 

But he quite liked the name.

He wanted her to call him Doofus again. 


"I wrapped it. Now you make her swallow this pill." The Hyuga quickly gave the pill to Itachi, again rummaging in the bag for water. 

"Quick, Kuroko, her breath isn't stable yet." Itachi was far too concerned at this moment, his two tomoes already spinning in his eyes. 

"Here, give it to her quick." The bottle was handed to Itachi, who plopped open the cap and made Shizu swallow the pill.

It was a recovery pill; countless such situations had happened many times in the Shinobi world; however, it was Tsunade Senju who came up with a pill to prevent them. 

'If this works, I will really thank Tsunade'. Kuroko was already panting. 

They did everything they could. 

'Shizu, please be alright' Both the boys had the same thought ringing in their heads.

The dogs were alright, just unconscious. They had checked their pulse and state, they were all young after all.

"Kuroko, look over there; the battle is ending, I believe." The uchiha muttered his thoughts to his teammate, his fingers pointing at the battle between the two Jonin.


If Kuroko had any comment on the fight, that would have been it. 

He couldn't see it, just like he couldn't see the fourth Hokage when he teleported. 

' But the fourth hokage had the flying Raijin Jutsu. Neither of the two Jonin can have that; are the Jonin's of the world really this fast' Kuroko mulled over the new information he just received. 

' No wonder it took Kakashi till the age of twelve to become Jonin; the body needs to develop'

'Flashy Jutsu's won't help if you can't even react to the fist of the opponent'

His eyes were directed towards the silver flash, who kept fighting with the white flash, perhaps in a sword battle. 

"Can you see the fight, Itachi?" The hyuga looked towards his teammate, who already had his Kunai on him. 

"I can" Seeing the raised eye of Kuroko, he added, "Little, some movements are still quite fast, and even if I can see, reacting to them is another story.".

"So it's a battle we can't participate in." The black-haired Hyuga had already stashed his kunai in his ninja bag. 

'In a battle like this, only using amaterasu can give me a way to fight back.'

He thought over the comparison he made between himself and Kakashi at the entrance of the village. 

' I was foolish; I am not his opponent. Sure, if he were careless and attacked me, I would go full amaterasu, but I doubt an elite Jonin such as him would ever go careless like that'. His hands were resting against his face. 

' I am weak, huh. If my state is this in front of Kakashi, in front of Minato, I might be a child's play after all'.

He needed to grow stronger.

His eyes gazed towards Shizu. She was sleeping on the green grass, her breath stable.

' I can't ever think of losing my family, never'

"Don't overthink, alright?" Itachi said, looking towards his teammate. "I am with you. You are not in this alone. Shizu will be fine."

His onyx eyes had warmth in them. "Don't worry, okay?"

He raised his fist toward Kuroko.

"I won't"

Smirk on Hyuga's face as both fistbumped.

Both smiled and turned their attention towards the fight; after all, they weren't alone. 


'I need to retreat

That was the thought that Kept was ringing in Mangetsu's head. Yes, he was praised for his skill in kenjutsu and water release, but the man in front of him was a beast like none other. 

With the shraringan and the kenjutsu skills passed down by the white fang of the leaf, his kenjutsu was slowly countered over time. 

He was already in the passive. 

' Those eyes, thats why he can be this good' Mangetsu looked towards the Sharingan with envy and thought, 'If I had those eyes, I would have already killed you'.

Another sword clashed as both the shinobi distanced. 

"Don't even think of running away; I will kill you right here, right now." Kakashi's face was impassive, but if one looked beneath the surface, he would see the boiling rage. 

Right now, Kakashi hated Kirigakure. 

"I don't think you will, Kakashi Hatake of the Leaf." A space fluctuation occurred near the Shinobi's, and a man teleported right in front of them. 

"Instead, you will be the one to die." 

In the single eye hole of the mask the man was wearing, there was a mangekyou sharingan rotating. 


A battle of anger between the two friends was overdue. 

Lets see whose rage was greater.


<Thanks for reading the chapter>

< Since Minato isn't dead, Kakashi isn't going through a mental breakdown like in the original, instead he is Rage full towards Kirigakure>