
My Over Powered System

What kind of system do you like? The kind who will give you mission to get stronger? Or let you farm experience from nonstop killing? What if, your system let you increase your strength just by waiting and gave you mission to develop your territory? Eduard was transmigrated on another world where qi and magic exist. When he woke up, he was already in the body of Eduard Chris, the fourth son of the Chris family. At the same time, he was also sent by the clan to manage a territory on the border of human kingdom. Being thrown by his clan on the border, the new Eduard also have a system with him. The system help him to increased his power jus by waiting. [ raising level of host to Tier 2; 2 days] He was shocked to learn that his system increase his strength by just waiting. Moreover, the mission of system can also be done by the help of the people under his command. By getting stronger, he was able to defend and develop his territory. People with an intention to taje his domain never wins. As time goes by, his border territory become a center of trade between the two kingdom. In his his Territory, racial differences was ignored and harmony was developed. He was able to create a City of peace bit with the power that could overthrow the human kingdom. Chris turned into a strong Lord of his territory. People that under him loved him and those who became his enemies was killed without mercy. Follow Chris as he developed his fiefdom to dominate the whole world.

mysterious_ed25 · 奇幻
19 Chs

Chapter 8: Hunting

Eduard was looking at his System panel while walking to the knights barracks.

Host: Eduard

Occupation: Viscount/ Knight

Cultivation: Tier 4 iron knight (-> tier 5; 1 day)


ruler command (system bonus skill), Hand to Hand Combat Skill (expert)


[ Mission : Raise the level of your 10 knights to Silver Level] [ Reward: Magician Occupation]

[ Mission: Hunt a hundred Iron Level Beast 3/100 ] [ Reward: 10x Healing Potion ( Superior Grade)]

[ Mission: Create a water path for irrigating the field ] [reward: High quality corn seed x 1 sack]

The Beast Hunting count had added another two since the knights met another Horned boar in the East forest while doing their patrol. They should have lost from their group and accidentally run into hos territory. Horned Boar are the types of beast that move in group of tens above usally.

They are popular on the hunter because of their meat, but hunting them was difficult because when you tried attack one of them the others will also move out to return the favor. Being ganged by group of this beast will result to being stomped to death, turning to a meat paste.

Eduard cultivation also was nearing to reach Tier 5 near Ernie and Eren level before, but right now their cultivation risen up. After he had distributed the manual, within this three days, every knights raised one tier level up on their cultivation. The very first to improve was Captain Martin reaching Tier 9 of Iron Level, the next day after he received the Qi Cultivation Method h immediately flaunt his improvement.

Everyone of the knights happily performed the daily routine of them. They also raised the difficulty of their exercises hoping that they will obtain another level up after they do it.

Eduard only give the first part of qi cultivation method, it was good enough for them to raise thier Cultivation to Silver Level. For the other part, they have to make contribution for him and his territory, to be able to get a chance to learn it.

He also make them perform a blood oath contract to keep the cultivation method a secret. Releasing the method in public will produce a commotion since this was all rounded cultivation. Any random people can raise their cultivation using this method, as long as they are dedicated.

The Blood oath contract is a sacred method in this world. Betraying this contract will result to punishment from heaven, the punishment will depend on the agreement of the both party.

The mission by the system was also ongoing. The field irrigation was still ongoing and will be done in the span of two days from now.

Currently, he handed the supervision of it to Angie. She and Linda is also started in training the two kids, Leni and Grace. Having the two with them, increased their efficiency of work and lighten up their load. That is why Angie was now given the task to supervise the slave works and Linda will handle the two kids training as a servant, shill also will handle the matters in the mansion.

Right now, he will go with the first batch of knights, who will do the hunting of Beast in the forest. partaking the hunt is his decision to improve his fighting experience and increase the efficiency of the hunting. He was rushing to obtain his Reward for this mission.


In the Cape Town Beside the Territory of Eduard. A woman was entering her courage, this woman has a dark hair and beautiful face that around the age of 16. She is holding a stick on her right hand and bags of goods that she bought from the town on her left hand.

The coachman of the carriage was also a woman in her twenties on the same age of Linda. She has a black hair and a mature body figure. The girl inside the carriage suddenly talked to her

" Amella, do you think this souvenir for my brother will be enough for him". she asked. This girl was Estrella, the Elder sister of Eduard.

"Yes young miss, young master Eduard will definitely like your gifts for him " she replied with a tone of flattery.

Estrella didn't smile by the flattery of her maid. Due to her rushing to her brother location. She had forgotten to bring gifts for him.

She was used to bringing gifts for Eduard every time she meet him. Yesterday she passed on the city, but didn't linger on that place to stay. She wanted to reach Cape Town before night. Then, this morning when she wake up on the hotel, she remember it, she crammed in her room and rush to shop outside, even forgetting to eat her breakfast.

" Alright, immediately move the carriage, I want to reach the Mansion of my brother after lunch".


Inside Eduard's mansion, Linda had just done cleaning the whole house and was helping her new servant apprentice to prepare ingredients for the slaves lunch.

She was now thinking of the changes of Eduard since the day they reach this place.

The Eduard that she know before was not capable as he is now. At first day, he gave a speech in front of everyone which is the opposite of shy nature.

Secondly is his ability to cooked, even though she hadn't seen him cooked before. His cooking is also good, much better than her and Angie's cooking. Moreover, the improvements of his cultivation.

According to Angie, Eduard cultivation was about the level of tier 3 iron level. His movements is also skilled and can match up to a tier 5 iron level knights.

Lastly, his ruling capability. His method was soft and encouraging, especially that, he let his people to have beast meat on their meals during lunch. His action contains a ruler charms, but his command has something that one cannot disobey his order like an absolute order.

She smiled, " If the Chris family learn the changes of young master, I wonder what sort of expression they will have. One day, they will learn that they throw a Lion instead of an astray dogs. I can't wait to see their regretful face, hehe". She continued what she is doing and keep her thought.


On the east forest,

Eduard was now walking with vigilance since he enter the perimeter of forest. He has calm expression on his face, but his eyes and ears was busy on observing the surrounding. He sheath his sword to be prepared on any attack.

The three knights was also looking in their surrounding, they are in triangle position to protect Eduard, while he is on the middle.

Suddenly, Eduard heard a sound of moving on the right. He signalled one of his knight to look at their back while the two will check the direction of the sound.

When he remove the bushes in front, he saw a bull that scratching its foot on the ground preparing to charge at their direction.

"Shit, run to the side" he push the two knights on his side which make them make a few step at the side. He rolled at the ground to avoid its charge. Luckily, the knight on the back notice his action and move from the side.

"Lord this one is called as a Bloody Bull, this one is a dangerous because of their powerful charge. Even a silver tier was afraid to be hit by its charge" the knights on his side explained.

Eduard didn't idle and observe the bull weakness. This bull was a high tier one, raging in 7th tier of Iron Level. It was matching the level of his lead knight in the group. But beast and humans are different, it does not meant that they are equal in cultivation level is also equal in power.

The beast are much stronger than human at same level. Thus, they also have also many weaknesses which is also their down point, as long as you hit it, then you can kill it even if you are weaker than it.

The bull face Eduard, as it feels that he is the weakest on the group. the knights on the side saw it and thrust their sword on the Bull side. Due to the speed of the bull charge, their pierce was countered by the force of its running force resulting to scratching the skin only by alittle. Eduard on the other hand was able to dodge the charge in a hair breath.

Passing through him, he follow the back of the bull and thrust the sword in its anus. The bull wailed in pain and slam it bleeding back on the land.

Seeing the reaction of the bull, Eduard follow his attack by another sword attack, slicing its neck.

The bull lay lifeless on the ground. A notification from the system appeared in front of him.

[ Mission: Hunt a hundred Iron Level Beast 4/100 ]